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Approved Tech FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Can be scaled for installation in any vehicle, personal armor, starship, turret, emplacement, or other host platform
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
      • Universal HUD Integration
      • Configurable UI
      • Etc.
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Capable of linking with the host platform’s system(s)
      • Draws power from host platform
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Conversationalist - The oversight droid brain enables smart communication. It automatically translates messages, converts data files to compatible formats, optimizes connections, and performs yet more invaluable functions.
  • Register - The FAE/S-11 has the ability to detect comms activity. It is also capable of intercepting and decrypting them, depending on the level of encryption and security used in the transmitting comms network.
  • Strong Privacy Laws - A very exhaustive comms security suite minimizes the chances of interception, jamming, signature tracking, and slicing. In this regard, the FAE/S-11 provides what is anticipated to be unparalleled security in communication.
  • Same-day Delivery - Through telepathic networks, the FAE/S-11 allows instantaneous communication across effectively infinite ranges, with no signal attenuation or degradation. The non-telepathic based universal transponder has a very long range as well.
  • Scream and Shout - All of the communications equipment in the FAE/S-11 can double as jammers.
  • Energy Vampire - The FAE/S-11 is reliant on the power supply of its host.
  • Weak Link - The exhaustive security of the FAE/S-11 can be compromised by the security of the comms unit at the other end. For instance, if the comms unit at the other end lacks decryption capabilities, an encrypted message can not be sent.
  • Excess Magnetism - EMP and Ion-based assaults can disrupt the functioning of FAE/S-11 by overloading its systems via ionization energy.
  • Misfortune - Both the seoularian and nihil smokestones represent points of failure. If either of the crystals are disabled or damaged beyond function, the system will no longer be able to utilize telepathic networks for communication.
Designed by First United Astral Engineering, the FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix is a universal communications platform designed to facilitate secure communications across subspace, hyperwave, S-thread, telepathic, laser, and other comms networks. It fulfills a longtime gap in First United Astral Engineering’s catalog for a universal, dedicated comms unit with an unquestionably robust security suite. However, the FAE/S-11’s strong security capabilities is not its only notable asset.

One of the FAE/S-11’s most significant features is its telepathic transponder. Using synthetic nihil smokestone energized by seoularian crystals, the system can open and utilize telepathic networks for communication across nigh-infinite distances, much like Vong Villips.

The FAE/S-11 also includes a veritable host of utility systems which serve to enhance the efficiency and ease of communications. These range from translators to voice synthesizers, emoji suites, target designation, and loudhailers.

All in all, the FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix is a powerful, versatile system which is anticipated to become a mainstay in First United Astral Engineering products. As a robust communications platform, it is a staple that was previously unfulfilled and is now hoped to finally fill what had been a noted weak spot in the company’s designs.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To finally create a communications suite for FAE.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix
Modular: Yes
Material: Synthetic Nihil Smokestone, Synthetic Seoularian Crystal, Synthetic Hiridiu Crystal, Internal Circuitry and Electronics
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