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Approved Tech FAE/S-13 Unified Engagement Network

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-13 Unified Engagement Network
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • May be installed in any armor, vehicle, starship, station, or emplacement.
      • Scales based on host platform size and class
    • Capable of linking with host platform’s sensor suite(s) and system(s)
      • Capacitor draws power from host platform
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
    • Compatible with power management systems
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Internal Circuitry and Electronics
  • Oversight and Administration
  • Various “Loyalty Assurance Protocols” and “Agonizer Circuits”
  • Various Safeties and Overrides
  • Computer Security
  • Information Storage and Processing
  • Primary Systems and Features
    • Battlespace Awareness - The network gives units a full view of the battlespace, identifying enemies, friendlies, and yet more via network-linked sensors. Thus, it significantly enhances awareness and effectively eliminates sensor dead spots.
    • Sensor and Target Data Sharing - All of the units within a given network share sensor and targeting data with each other via data link, effectively increasing the range and awareness of all sensors within the network. Units can use said sensor data to acquire firing solutions without needing to have their own sensors or scanners active. In effect, if one unit sees something, that sensor data is fed back into the system, allowing all allied units within the network to see it as well.
    • Unification Link - The unification link software allows the FAE/S-13 to connect with other allied battle nets and units that lack battle net software of their own.
    • Target Analysis - Using the host’s sensors, the system can analyze targets, assessing their armaments, defenses, tactics, and posture.
    • Drone Command - The network facilitates the control of drones and other autonomous units.
    • Seamless FAE/C-02 Tractor Guidance Network Integration
    • Dedicated FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix - Data Linking and Communications
  • You See, We See - A unit connected to the network may not need to turn on their own sensors if linked to the sensors of another unit. This results in a significantly reduced electromagnetic signature, lowering the chance that a craft may be detected by its sensor emissions.
  • Friendly Focus - The network assists greatly with coordination and significantly decreases the risk of friendly fire, as the locations of all units in the network are tracked.
  • Operational Security - The network transponder has its own communication system, which functions independently of other comms on the host, thus enhancing overall comms security.
  • Weak Link - The data link features of the FAE/S-13 work best with the FAE/S-11 Universal Communication Matrix due to the unit’s unit’s extensive comms security. Units that are unified into the network which are not using the FAE/S-11 (or lack a similarly secure comms suite) may represent weak points for slicing and other forms of electronic attack.
  • Compromised - The network carries a great deal of information. While its anti-slicing defenses are formidable, any slicer that manages to break into the network will likely have a bevy of information at their disposal.
  • Surged - If left unprotected, the FAE/S-13 will likely suffer in conditions of heavy electromagnetic interference.
  • Sensor Link - The quality of the data feedback given by the target analysis system may in turn depend on the quality of the sensors of the units in the network. The system generally works best with First United Astral Engineering-designed sensor systems, but it can also interface with other sensor systems, able to give good feedback so long as these sensors are not of a low-grade.
Representing First United Astral Engineering’s first true foray into an independently-developed battle net system, the FAE/S-13 Unified Engagement Network is a battle net designed to facilitate cooperative engagement capability on a universal scale. Following the principles of network-centric warfare, the FAE/S-13 is designed to give its users an advantage in information by offering them a full sensor picture of the battlespace. At the same time, it allows units to utilize friendly sensor data to achieve targeting solutions without needing to turn on their own sensors.

In terms of utility, the FAE/S-13 features unification software, allowing the system to connect with units that lack their own battle nets or have different battle net systems. Communications is handled by a dedicated FAE/S-11 Communications Matrix which is separate from the primary one in the host. Finally, the network also has target analysis capabilities.

All in all, the FAE/S-13 Unified Engagement Network functions as a fairly basic, yet ultra-secure, battle net system which is hoped to serve as a platform for future advancements in network-centric warfare.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a fairly basic First United Astral Engineering-designed battle net.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-13 Unified Engagement Network
Modular: Yes
Material: Internal Circuitry and Electronics
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