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Approved Tech FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite v1.0.1

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Tiny
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Systems may be stripped as needed or desired
    • Various settings and programming alterations
    • Species-specific alterations
    • Can be integrated into helmets, headgear, visors, and personal protective armors/suits
    • Capable of linking with external systems and equipment
      • Draws power from host platform
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    • Internal Circuitry and Electronics
    • Misc. Components and Materials
  • Universal View - The FAE/S-14 provides the user with a composite sensor display which not only displays fused sensor data from the host armor and/or vehicle the user operates, but can also interface with allied battle networks to draw on sensor data from friendly units.
  • Intelligent Awareness - The FAE/S-14 is a dynamic, intelligent system that responds to both conscious and unconscious user inputs via the direct interface system. It can also automatically respond to environmental feedback and other external stimuli, using this to control systems as needed.
  • Tracker Jacker - The FAE/S-14 enhances targeting and tracking capabilities. It has systems that allow the user to track transmissions back to their source, and targeting software that significantly improves accuracy and precision. In addition, a proprietary battle net allows the user to share and receive sensor and targeting data from allied units.
  • Surge - The FAE/S-14’s resiliency against EMP and Ion-based assaults ultimately relies on the quality of the host’s defenses. If incorporated on an armor or suit with relatively weak defenses, EMP and Ion assaults can potentially disable or diminish the suite to varying degrees, depending on the power quotient of the attack, proximity of the initial discharge to the host platform, along with a multitude of other factors.
  • Nexus - The computer brain module is the center of the system. Disabling it may very well compromise the entire functionality of the suite.
  • EWAR - Jamming and some electronic countermeasure systems may impede sensor performance to varying degrees, depending on the sensors linked to the system.
The FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite is an advanced package of systems designed to be incorporated into most models of combat helmets, from flight helmets, battle helmets, and yet more. In this, the suite is designed to be a unifying system, which fuses information from the host vehicle’s sensors, allied battle networks, and yet more into a coherent format that is then presented to the user via a sensor display. Alternatively, more advanced users (Those with a high mental processing capability or the necessary training) may also access the information via direct data stream through the Ghost Link. The computer brain module is the nexus of the system, centralizing its functions and controlling them.

All in all, the FAE/S-14 is hoped to become First United Astral Engineering’s standardized helmet systems platform, which will allow the company to ease production and save costs.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a suite of systems for headgear. Minor update to an older sub.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/S-14 Headgear System Suite
Modular: Yes
Material: Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Misc. Components and Materials
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