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Approved Starship FAE/SF-01 "Sestina" Starfighter v1.0.1

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Length: Average
Width: Very High
Height: Small
Size: Average
  • Firepower - The Sestina has a very high armament, making it a potential threat against virtually any target, ranging the gamut from infantry all the way up to capital ships.
  • Amphibian - The life support systems, electromotive field motors, and hydrostatic fields allow the Sestina to traverse underwater and remain submerged for an indefinite period of time. In a pinch, this function could be used to hide from pursuing enemy forces or even to initiate a surprise attack!
  • Electromagnetic Control - An ECM array allows the Sestina to exert a level of influence over the electromagnetic environment in a given battlespace, giving the craft a range of capabilities that add additional utility.
  • Zoom Climb - The Sestina is very fast, enabling it to engage targets via hit-and-fade tactics. Pilots flying the Sestina will generally swoop in on a target and unload their weapons, before accelerating away at full throttle in order to evade retaliatory fire.
  • Winged Ballerina - The Sestina is surprisingly balletic and maneuverable in flight, demonstrating dazzling agility that allows a skilled pilot to evade incoming fire and missiles with deft ease.
  • Low Profile - The Sestina has coatings on its hull which effectively lower the craft’s sensor profile and render it more difficult to distinguish against the backdrop, thereby making it harder to register and lock onto at range. However, this does not approach true stealth capability, since it does not grant true sensor or sensory invisibility.
  • Sensitive Passive Sensors - The passive sensor array on the hull of the Sestina is an extreme boon to the pilot’s battlespace awareness, especially in conditions where the use of active sensors may reveal the craft’s location. However, they are also very vulnerable, as even glancing blows can destroy or disable the sensors on or around the affected areas. In essence, as the hull takes more hits, the Spyglass’ passive reception array will become increasingly ineffective.
  • Straight and Narrow - The SLAM Mk. II provides a significant boost to speed and acceleration, but it compromises maneuverability while active. In addition, any weapons installed in the internal gun hardpoints will be disabled as well.
  • Small Squadron - The Sestina's wide wingspan means that less of them can fit into a typical hangar. Thus, these craft have a low squadron count and might often be outnumbered.
  • Automation - The Sestina is supported by a suite of automated processes which govern its targeting systems, power systems, flight control systems, and yet more. In the event that these systems are somehow disabled, whether via EMP/Ion discharge, concentrated slicing, or in rare cases, jamming, the operating efficiency of the craft will be negatively affected.
  • Pterosaur - With a wingspan rivaling the the length of the ancient B/SF-17 heavy bomber (a craft infamous for its ungainly design), the Sestina is an extremely large small craft for its starfighter classification. While the Sestina is far from ungainly (and is in fact very lightweight for its size), any enemy that fires at the craft from its ventral or dorsal sides enjoys the benefit of an easier target due to the huge wingspan. In addition, the Sestina’s massive wingspan can make maneuvering in particularly dense areas a challenge.
Representing the newest small craft chassis in the Empire of the Lost, FAE/SF-01 “Sestina” Starfighter was developed to fulfill the need for a more advanced starfighter option in the Imperial Navy. Departing from the ancient design motif of the traditional Imperial TIE, the Sestina takes the form of a flying wing. It is flown by a single pilot, with assistance from an AI.

In terms of armament, the Sestina has 6 cannon hardpoints, each of which can mount a single autocannon, a beam cannon, a scattercannon, or a disruptor. These hardpoints are located just behind the leading edges of the foremost wing roots, placing them to either side of the canopy. In turn, the Sestina has 6 external ordnance hardpoints, each of which can mount a single missile or bomb. These are placed under the wings.

For its defenses and countermeasures, the Sestina has a double phase polarized energy shield, a carboplas hull with thermal gel filling, and a full suite of countermeasures to provide defense against targeting systems and incoming warheads.

Finally, the Sestina has the full suite of utility and sensor systems that can be expected out of First United Astral Engineering-designed small craft. These include a full sensor suite, a targeting system, offensive support systems, a SLAM drive, automatic pattern harmonization / gun alignment, and yet more.

All in all, while the Sestina is an advanced design, it is also a semi-experimental one. Flying wings have rarely, if ever characterized Imperial small craft designs. However, in spite of its notable shortcomings, the Sestina is hoped to break new ground in that regard.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Use cool art to make a cool fighter. Update the Sestina.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost
Model: FAE/SF-01 “Sestina” Starfighter
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Ceraglass - Canopy, Carboplas - Hull Plating, Corellian Epoxy - Bonding, Thermal Gel - Filling, Condensed Matter Composite - Frame and Skeleton, Neuranium Liner, BACS-X89i | Breytast Adaptive Camouflage System - Outer Coating, Skuggalegt I-pattern Polymer - Inner Coating, Reinforced Duraplast Electronic Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Starfighter Components and Systems
Armaments: See Body
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Very High
Maneuverability Rating:: Very High
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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