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Approved Vehicle FAE/V-08 "Vahana" Interceptor Speeder Bike - Designation: Rose Glint v1.1

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Size: Average
A test variant of the FAE/V-08 “Vahana” Interceptor Speeder Bike with stripped weapon hardpoints.
  • Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
  • Affiliation: SF-3335
  • Market Status: N/A - Closed-Market
  • Model: FAE/V-08 “Vahana” Interceptor Speeder Bike
  • Modularity: Yes
    • Seat height, petal position, and other relevant ergonomic factors automatically adjust via programmable matter to accommodate riders of virtually all sizes, species, and builds.
    • Software compatible with all types of direct interface systems, including neural interfacing, motion interfacing, droid interfacing, secure technopathy, etc.
    • Various Aesthetic Modifications and Permutations.
    • Variable Armament Loadouts
      • Two Primary Weapon Hardpoints
      • Two Chemical Projectile Launchers
      • Removable Hardpoints and Weapons
    • Various Settings and Programming Alterations
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Electronic Warfare - The Rose Glint is equipped with an electronic warfare suite that gives it an extra option against guided ordnance, while also giving the craft sensor jamming capabilities and the ability to exert a degree of influence over the electromagnetic environment in a given battlespace.
  • Here, There, and Gone - With its uprated engine, the Rose Glint is extremely fast and is capable of comfortably cruising at blistering speeds. With the afterburner active, these speeds nearly approach the hypersonic.
  • Stealth and Distortion - The Rose Glint is equipped with a full suite of stealth systems, a vast improvement over the factory variant, allowing it to maintain a virtually invisible sensor profile during most operating conditions, with more limited stealth capabilities during weapon discharges. In addition, the Rose Glint benefits from the addition of a Phase Masque, which works to effectively distort the craft's visual profile. These systems are designed to cover both bike and rider, so SF-3335's lifeform, heat, or any other identifying signatures will not give away the location of the craft.
  • Field Disruption - The Rose Glint possesses a vehicle-grade field disruption system which allows it to traverse through conventional shields.
  • Hyper Dance - The Rose Glint is a very agile speeder bike. Its capabilities in this category are further enhanced by the Pentozali, allowing the craft to execute dazzling maneuvers that test the limits of physics, gravity, and the strength of its rider.
  • Slippery - A gravitic stabilizer system allows the Rose Glint to resist repulsorlift jammers and tractor beams which might function to slow it down, allowing the craft to maintain optimal performance in areas subject to these effects.
  • Fragile - While the Rose Glint has combat-rated shields, it has an ultralight AlloyPlast fairing which may be susceptible to heavy small arms fire, not to mention larger vehicle-grade weapons and emplacements. Thus, should these shields be disabled, the craft will be quite vulnerable.
  • No Cargo - Due to its lack of internal cargo stowage, the Rose Glint is not suitable for long-term operations in areas where resupply is not readily available. However, the craft has magnetic attachment strips which allows the pilot to attach small pieces of personal gear to the fairing, though this is far from ideal.
  • Exposed - The gravitic stabilizer and the field disruption system can not function while the Rose Glint’s combat-rated shields are active.
  • Power Burn - The Rose Glint's afterburners can only be sustained for a limited amount of time due to their intense power demands and potential to overheat the engine. At maximum, the system can only be active for twenty consecutive seconds before it is automatically shut off, at which point the engine must undergo a mandatory heat discharge protocol. In addition, the craft can not use its primary weapons while the afterburners are engaged.
  • Mechanical Mutation - An unspoken weakness of virtually all modern technology, the Rose Glint is vulnerable to the esoteric sorceries of Mechu-deru and other technology-corrupting powers. As such, a skilled practitioner of such arts could feasibly disable the machine.
The Rose Glint is an ultra-fast, extreme performance modification of the FAE/V-08 "Vahana" Interceptor Speeder Bike. Built for the exclusive use of SF-3335, the Rose Glint is designed to follow through on the demanding maneuvers that only she can ask of such a machine. In this, the Rose Glint is even more demanding to pilot than the stock Vahana, to the point that only an augmented rider can truly extract its full performance. Even then, such enhancements alone can not make up the skill and technical precision that SF-3335 possesses in spades.

Among the upgrades included on the bike, a polarized energy shield provides additional protection from incoming fire. Stealth is achieved through a full suite which includes a heat masker, a cloaking device, thermal suppression, sonic dampening, and a distortion matrix.

All in all, the Rose Glint is a signature machine that, fitting to its title, is said to be so fast that it can only truly be perceived as here, there, and gone.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Update SF-3335’s uprated Vahana—the Rose Glint.
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: SF-3335
Model: FAE/V-08 “Vahana” Interceptor Speeder Bike
Modular: Yes
Material: AlloyPlast - Fairing, Reinforced Duraplast Hardening - Ion and EMP Mitigation, Faraday Cage Mesh Construction - Sensitive Components, Dallorian Alloy and Ostrine - Heat Absorption, Condensed Matter Composite - Frame and Skeleton, Nykkalt Anti-Sensor Coating - Overcoat, Taozin - Undercoat, Internal Circuitry and Electronics, Various Speeder Bike Materials and Components
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: See Body
Vehicle Type: Swoop Bike
Vehicle Role: Assault
Defense Rating: Average
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: Extreme
Braking Power Rating: Extreme
Corner Speed Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: Extreme
Acceleration Rating: Extreme
Balance Rating: Extreme
Maneuverability Rating:: Extreme
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: None
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