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Approved Tech FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform v1.0.1

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Manufacturer: First United Astral Engineering
Type: Ordinance
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
A FAE/WH-04-S4 class missile fitted with a plasma warhead.
  • Classification: Scalable Missile Platform - Variable Warhead
  • Size: Average - Scalable
    • FAE/WH-04-S1 - Whistling bird size. 30x5mm (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S2 - Standard wrist rocket size. 100x20mm (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S3 - Light missile size. 400x75mm (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S4 - Standard small craft / vehicle missile size. 1100x120mm (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S5 - Heavy missile size. 8x0.53m (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S6 - Standard assault / capital ship missile size. 23x2m (Length x Diameter)
    • FAE/WH-04-S7 - Super-heavy assault / capital ship missile size. 35.5x3m (Length x Diameter)
  • Weight: Average - Scalable
  • Explosive Type:
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled
  • Effective Range: Scalable
    • FAE/WH-04-S1 - 200 m in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S2 - 6 km in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S3 - 200 km in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S4 - 400 km in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S5 - 10,000 km in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S6 - 20,000 km in Atmosphere
    • FAE/WH-04-S7 - 40,000 km in Atmosphere
  • Storm Surge - Owing to a comprehensive data and information security suite, a semi-sentient droid brain, and the offensive retention system, the missiles are quite resistant to ECM, electromagnetic bursts, slicing attempts, and many forms of electronic warfare which rely on tricking, deceiving, hacking, or even outright deactivating their systems.
  • Expedited Delivery - Much like a proton torpedo, the universal missile is rated for accelerations over 10,000 G. Missiles from size S1 to S4 can make a 90-degree turn within a turning radius of less than a meter. Accordingly, it goes without saying that the universal missile is very fast and agile.
  • Smart Missiles - Equipped with Brilliant tracking protocols, advanced artificial intelligence, and a full suite of sensors, the missiles are capable of tracking targets with such creativity, persistence, and intelligence that they could be considered semi-sentient. They are capable of reaching targets behind cover or obstructions. In addition, they have a limited, conditional ability to evade defensive fire by taking swerving, erratic trajectories towards their target. The missiles are also extremely aggressive and are able to reacquire their marks, even in the event they overshoot their target or otherwise miss their initial pass.
  • Spectrum Lock - The missiles use a multi-spectrum target locking system, meaning that if one sensor or receptor type is blinded or confused by the deployment of countermeasures, the artificial intelligence can instantly switch to another.
  • Reinforced - The missiles project an energy envelope around themselves when in flight which functions as a deflector shield, providing the warheads with good protection against point-defense fire, while also augmenting their aerodynamic performance. A laser-reflective exterior plating provides extra defense, in the event that the shield fails. In addition, organoform circuitry, combat de-ionizers, and spare capacitors provide the missile a measure of redundancy to help it withstand EMP/Ion discharges and electrical/technology-draining effects.
  • Active Homing - The use of active sensor pings means that the missile might trigger electronic warning systems, giving a targeted unit a small window of time to take defensive action.
  • Double Blade - Since it goes without saying that missiles explode, a penetrating shot to the missile magazines of a host unit might very well have catastrophic effects, especially since the energy envelope projectors do not activate until the missiles are launched.
  • Mechu-deru - Left unprotected, the missiles are susceptible to mechu-deru and other technology-twisting powers. A talented practitioner of such esoteric sorceries could induce a premature explosion or some other mechanical failure that might compromise the warhead entirely or demand precious time to reboot, leaving the operator vulnerable.
  • Warhead Types - The explosive/warhead type can easily be switched from one missile to another by trained technicians while the missile is in storage (provided the missiles are the same size class), but this can not be done while the missile is loaded into a magazine. In essence, once the missile is loaded into a launch cell, turret, or other launch platform its explosive type can not be changed unless it is removed.
  • Particle Shields - Unexploded, the missile is unable to penetrate most particle shields, meaning that it will have to rely on the energy output of its detonation to achieve that.
Representing the newest generation of First United Astral Engineering’s missile development program, the FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform is a scalable, universal family of long range missiles designed to be deployed across a wide range of infantry, droid, vehicle, starship, turret, emplacement, and drone host units. Much like the systems that preceded it, the FAE/WH-04 is designed to accommodate modular warheads, allowing a missile’s payload to be swapped depending on mission requirements. However, the FAE/WH-04 incorporates far more options for size, with missiles ranging from small whistling bird-sized projectiles to larger assault-grade missiles designed for use in capital ships and heavy launch silos.

The FAE/WH-04 family of missiles has seven different sizes. FAE/WH-04-S1 missiles are the smallest size available and are designed to fit in most whistling bird launchers. These are designed to engage infantry and are generally effective against man-sized targets. The FAE/WH-04-S2 is the next largest size and is designed to scale with wrist rockets. This class is designed to engage infantry and most light vehicles.

From here, the FAE/WH-04-S3, FAE/WH-04-S4, and FAE/WH-04-S5 are considered to be intermediate classes. The FAE/WH-04-S3 is designated as a light missile. As such, it scales with missiles launched from man-portable shoulder-fired MANPADs or missile launchers. However, this class also sees frequent use on vehicles and fighters as a lighter missile option. Accordingly, these missiles are designed to engage vehicles and starfighters, with some additional utility if deployed against exterior equipment on capital ships. The S3 missile has a damage potential roughly equivalent to a single medium turbolaser blast. Arguably the most conventional (and versatile class), the FAE/WH-04-S4 is the next largest size. This class mirrors the S3’s capabilities, albeit with more firepower and a longer range. The S4 missile has a damage potential that is roughly equivalent to a single heavy turbolaser blast. Finally, the FAE/WH-04-S5 is the largest intermediate class. The S5 class scales with light capital-grade missiles, but can also be carried by large vehicle and small craft platforms. In this regard, the S5 is suitable to engage some smaller capital ships, such as corvettes and frigates.

Finally, the two largest classes are the FAE/WH-04-S6 and the S7, both of which are too large to be used in craft or vehicles smaller than 50 meters at the largest dimension. The former size fits into typical capital-grade assault missiles (scaling to assault concussion missiles in size). Accordingly, the S6 is optimized for full-scale anti-capital ship duty. The S7 ramps this up even further, being classified as a super-heavy warhead. Accordingly, the S7 class manifests battlecruiser and even dreadnought-level firepower, capable of engaging and potentially, destroying these ship classes.

Ultimately, the FAE/WH-04 is hoped to represent the apex of First United Astral Engineering’s missile program, providing a missile system that can encompass virtually all types of craft and host platforms.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a line of missiles for First United Astral Engineering.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: See Body

Technical Information

Affiliation: First United Astral Engineering
Model: FAE/WH-04 Universal Missile Platform
Modular: Yes
Material: Fyrirdögun, Duranium, Durapls
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