Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faenrovon the Radiant


"I am Faenrovon! Who is fierce enough to rouse me? I wear rows of shields for my hide, so tightly set that no air may pass between them. My chest glitters like crystal, harder than diamond. Who can pierce my armor? Who can break my hide? Steel bends like reeds before me and your metals I break like rotten wood. Your blasters are like the chaff of wheat and I laugh at the rumbling of your tanks. My eyes are the radiance of dawn! My belly boils like a volcano's cauldron. My breath throws flashes of light as bright as the sun! Sparks, flame, and smoke roar from my maw to sear the world. Who will dare to stand before my jaws, ringed with fearsome teeth? When I unfurl my wings the mighty tremble! I am he who is without fear!

"Who upon this world is my equal?"

NAME: Faenrovon
TITLES: Faenrovon the White, Faenrovon the Radiant
FACTION: Lords of the Fringe
RANK: High Councillor
SPECIES: Arkanian Dragon
AGE: 2,620 years old
HEIGHT: 21 meters (68 feet long)
WEIGHT: 3,628kg (4 tons)
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: White scales
He enjoys toying with his prey, often engaging in apparently benign conversation. He is immeasurably proud of his intimidating appearance and arrogant, thinking himself invincible. He is greedy and has a love of all precious minerals that glitter.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Impregnable Hide - nominally lightsaber resistant and impenetrable by small arms fire. Vibroblades will glance off. Like an Akk Dog.
+Claws and Teeth - capable of rending durasteel, like an Akk Dog.
+Tail - capable of moving faster than the human eye can follow and smashing tree trunks with a single blow. Like Ankkox
+Fire breathing
+Flight - 140kph, 3,000m ceiling
-Wings: susceptible to attack, substantial perforation can cause destabilization
-Size: cannot fit into most starfighters/ships
-No opposable thumbs: Faenrovon cannot operate the most basic of technology
-Blaster Magnet: His size and nature makes him a natural target in battle

  • Mind Control
  • Force Sight
  • Drain Knowledge
  • Comprehend Speech


Stories of Arkanian Dragons hiding in the gem mines of that snow-laden planet proved all too true for the team of adventurous dragon hunters. They found a small clan of the dragons and managed to slaughter them all, for most were young and small and those that were older seemed reluctant to fight. Faenrovon had been deep within the gem mines, hunting. When he returned he discovered his family dead, their carcasses stripped of scales and their bones left to rot. Grief cut through his heart like a sword, for it had been his declaration which prevented his kind from violence of any kind. They had been true to their word, to the last. Slaughtered like docile creatures, not the proud denizens of Arkania.

Thinking himself the last of his kind, Faenrovon vowed vengeance against the hunters. Sorrow transformed him, turning a kind hearted being into a drake of malice. The beings of the galaxy misunderstood his kind, thinking them dumb because they lacked technology. Faenrovon would prove his sentience to them with fire and blood. Like one of his ancestors of old he arose from the gem mines after hundreds of years in seclusion, fast finding the trail of the hunters and burning them all in the icy tundra with the fires of his wrath. He left their charred remains in the snow and took flight, making his way to the nearest settlement, which he razed to the ground.

He wielded the Force, though he knew it not, and managed to utilize the natural powers ingrained in only a few of his kind. First, he pulled forth from a spacer a basic knowledge of the galaxy using Force Persuasion. Thirsting for riches and knowledge, Faenrovon used his power of speech to persuade the spacer to take him on board his cargo freighter. Else he burn him alive. The spacer complied.

Faenrovon entered the galaxy, hungry for power and vengeance upon those who had so long overlooked his kind.




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