Name: Faeroth Uraan of Erida Faction: None
Rank: Dunaan/Witch Elder
Species: Alchemical mutant
Age: Early middle age
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 290lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Yellow with cat-like vertical pupils
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Yes
Kith and Kin:
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Spouse: None
Offspring: Daedel Stormsister (Adpoted, Believed deceased in Mandalorian Conquest of Dathomir)
Mentor: Bardoq
Friends [member="Seydon Gunn"] ( During trials, No contact for years)
Friend: Emmet
Friend: Ajax
Pupils: None
Personal Items
Weapons: Steel sword - Llofrudd, Alchemical Sword - Marwolaeth, Tomahawk, Long knife
Armor: Dunaan Light
Items: Alchemical potions, Small medical supplies, Rope(climbing, bedroll, steel frame
Ship: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/59717-corporeal-class-freighter/ - Stoneheart
"She looked up into his face and barely restrained her frightened scream. He wasn't human. Although he stood on two legs, although he smelled of sweat and smoke, although he wore ordinary human clothes, he was not human. No human can have a face like that," she thought.
He was a calm and reasonable man, despite his appearance, and his practicality was well known among his compatriots. His quiet nature often came across as brooding and aloof but his silence was a product of a calculating mind. He had suffered much in his youth, during his trials, due to an over active tongue and knew well to keep it to himself until it was needed. He learned all things were tools, his mind, body, spirit and even his voice, tools are used for the proper work. He weighed and measured many things before deciding things and only after fair consideration.
Early Life:
He never met his parents. He was sent away at birth due to a war on his homeworld. Even that would be unknown to him if not for Bardoq teaching it to him. He came to the shool of the Dark Wolf as an infant swaddled in rags on a dirty cargo freighter. He grew fast and showed a keen mind and willing spirit that made him well liked among the school. His penchant for curiosity and mischief however earned him many hours of hard learning a no few lashings with both tongue and switch.
The Trials:
Faeroth faced the Dunaan trials early on due to an overconfidence that is common in youth. The trials however were grueling and painful, filled with fever, seizures and pains that no youth was designed to bear. It was only by determination and chance that he didn't die beside others he went with. The alchemy used changed him, remade him from inside out and gave him the yellow cat like eyes common to those of his profession.
Dunaan Life:
After his trials he immediately left for the world of Dathomir to lend aid to a clan who faced a beast they could not slay on their own. Together with another Dunaan they faced the creature and with great effort felled the beast. His comrade though strong and fierce did not survive. When offered anything of his choosing as payment he was so stunned with his wealth of options he told the matriarch of the clan that he would take as payment the first thing in her home that she touched. The woman left him to prepare for his departure and went home. When the matriarch arrived she had in mind many things to give the man as payment bit when she entered her home her daughter ran to embrace her. Taking this as a sign from their ancestors she brought the girl to Faeroth as his own.
Faeroth immediately regretted his words and told the woman he could not take her child. However, he could not overcome the woman's resolve, for their is no beast more powerful than true belief. He accepted the girl as his own, but he could not take her away from the life she was born to, so he stayed. He lived for years in the deep jungles with the child and taught her the sword but the secrets of his profession he kept well away from her. Finally when the girl was near her thirteenth year her left her to her people for their own rights of passage and disappeared into deep space. He went hunting for the ancestral home of his sect, Ys. He never found it.
And so it was, he returned to the galaxy that birthed him. Much had changed but only in outward ways. People remained petty, worlds remained rocks in space, and Darkspawn remained to plague both. So, he hunts, not for glory or fame. Not for wealth and fortune, but because tools were best suited for the work they were made for...