Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Fahl Sename

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  • Age: 38
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Appearance: Smug. Bulky. Arrogant. Always wears black. Long coats, shirts and black suede shoes. Shorter than average.
  • Name: Fahl Sename
  • Loyalties: Sector Police, Outer Rim Coalition
  • Wealth: Above Average
  • Notable Possessions: Slug revolver
  • Skills: Inquisitive, handles a gun well, piecing together puzzles.
  • Personality: Very smug. Arrogant, treats others as they owe him. Pulls a rank quite often, dislikes teamwork as he believes he is better than everyone else. Very ambitious to climbing the police rank, no matter the cost.
  • Weapon of Choice: Slug revolver and his wits.
  • Combat Function: Operative-esque
  • Amoral: Does what benefits him the most in every situation with no moral obligations
  • Analytical: Has a mind for analyzing big and small data quite easily making him a formidable opposition in both combat and non-combat.
  • Arrogant: His ego will be his downfall

Fahl Sename grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth but acquired the ruthlessness of a street rat from his mercantile father. He was a capable student in terms of grades but a total bully to the rest of his classmates. Despite his excellence in school, Fahl barely failed the Academy had it not been for his father's connection. Nonetheless, he became a capable detective and under cover operative able to adapt to any situations.

While he was a formidable investigator and a cop, his arrogance blinded him from seeing the situations of his personal relationships any further than his nose. A bad husband at home, it was no wonder that one Dash Kessler slept with his wife on numerous occasions and through that was able to steal the man's identity for his own needs should they arise. Such need was for example the fiasco on Karazak.
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