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Approved NPC Faith Bowman

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  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]48[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Force Sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Corellian[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]As a president, Faith is expected to carry herself in a specific manner. She is always seen in formal war with her hair specifically done up in a presentable manner. The tattoo on the small of her back is always covered by the dresses and suits that she chooses to don when carrying out her duties as a president, the president of Corellia. She is otherwise tall, easily six foot and average built.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] President Faith Bowman[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]The Corellian Confederation[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] - [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Corellia[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Medium[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Notable Possessions:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] None[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Diplomacy, speech writing, negotiation.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=10.5pt]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Faith is annoying calm and friendly. She tries to make friends with anyone and everyone, her advisors are also some of her best friends thanks to this. She is also amazingly driven, she knows exactly what she wants and she plans to get it, she won't stop unless she gets it.[/SIZE]

  • Weapon of Choice: None

  • Combat Function: Faith is useless in battle. She has no strengths at all in battle but enough weaknesses. If Faith ends up in battle, it means something has gone amazingly wrong. Faith has no real ability to use a blaster, she's not all that great with a vibro sword and she's not great at directing soldiers.
Faith was born on Corellia to two average parents. Her father was a construction worker, mother a teacher. She had the most boring of childhoods, nothing of note really occured in her life. She had a strong relationship with both parents, neither of whom would ever let Faith come into danger. Neither of them would stop Faith doing what she wanted, they would just keep her safe as she did it. They never "mothered" her, they just kept her safe.

Politics was something she never planned to get into. It happened accidently, the destruction of Corellia lead her into it. No-one was helping, no-one was helping fix Corellia. Both her parents were made homeless as were most Corellians. No-one seemed interested in helping the Corellians, none of them. All that people wanted was to fix the government. It was needed, but the government didn't care for the people.

Faith never once studied politics. She originally joined a group who protested to get support for everyone who was made homless on Corellia, all those who had nothing. She wrote the speeches and eventually began giving them. It was a friend who told her to run for elections and she declined, she didn't want to. She wasn't a leader, she had never been a leader. She didn't know how to lead, she just made speeches.

More and more people wanted Corellia to rebuild, the government were doing nothing to help them. Again, people suggested Faith should run for governer and again she declined. It was when the poverty hit her mother and she died of starvation that her mind changed. No-one was going to help, so she had to help. She ran for government and failed, but she was dedicated. She would try again, she would succeed someday.

She refined everything, ran for two more elections. Each time she gained more popularity, more votes. She kept refining, kept rebuilding policy until she got lucky. 852 ABY was a turning point, she won a majority vote and was named president. She was going to fix Corellia, she had promised that she would and she would keep true to that promise, for her mother and for every Corellian who had lost something because the government didn't care to help.
[member="Kei Raxis"] Awesome.

I'm going to need you to flesh out her history a little bit more. Right now history is taken up with 'she is dedicated to Corellia' but very little actually *about* her. Since she's going to be an NPC essentially ruling Corellia, we need a little more. Some questions to ask yourself (but you don't have to include them *all*, just ideas for a place to start):
What was her childhood like?
Did she study anything growing up, plan to be something other than 'myself for Corellia' or has she always been pushing toward this?
Does she have family and are they still alive?
Why is she so dedicated to Corellia? Was that what she was taught by her parents or did she come to it some other way?
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