Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faith in Fire, Rivers Made Scarlet.

Solan smiled as his blade twisted in his hands, or rather human sized scythe. He had come to enjoy using this blade to the point it foreign to not have the thing on hand and it was rightly so as the thing made him much stronger than he had been without it. So with a smile he looked down on his new target, Viola Coat and cloak over his shoulders as he smiled and spun the scythe as placed upon his face a mask of death, his eyes burning their red color behind the mask as he smiled. With that he jumped down to ground level right in front of the face of a guard that hadn't been paying alot of attention and his voice came through the mask. "Death has come to claim your soul, are you ready to die?" With that and before the man could even scream fire blasted from the alchemical scythe and be brought the blade down into the slavers shoulder, unknowing of another Scythe wielder nearby.

[member="Scarlet Faith"]

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