It hadn't been immediate, in fact it was more likely than not that news of Csilla would have reached galactic airwaves before she'd reached for her commlink. It wasn't that she'd been planning to avoid the moment, a very big part of her was, on some level, anxious to get it over with, just that every time she put her finger on the button that would've activated the transceiver on the device she found herself forgetting the words she had wanted to say to her. With forgotten words caught in her throat, almost choking her of the ability to speak, what was she supposed to do? It carried on that way for hours, to the point that the Chiss system was so far behind her that the only thing visible from the cockpit of her ship was the collage of stars and nebulae dotting the endless void surrounding her.
* Static *
"Hey, uh.. Sylv. Didn't really know what to say, but I am, um.. well I got out alive, I guess."
She paused, looking at the transparent reflection of her face staring back at her with an expression that resembled unease, before releasing a sigh, audibly, into her mic - she didn't care if the sound was heard, it was meant for her anyway. There were several things she wanted to say but refrained from speaking further, preferring silence to her own voice, while she wracked her mind for something more appropriate for a short message like this.
"Well if that's all.." She started to say, her voice trailing off as she prepared to hang up.
Sylvia Virtos