Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Falling Skies

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Atrisia was her home once upon a time, long ago when she was much much younger, for now as she was looking over many of the things they had been developing the sith lord was partial to it. IN the wake of the One Sith coming here they had taken much of the world and turned it to their own purposes but the family, her family had a home here in the mountains. She had protected it, hidden it and there was even the old inquisition citadel in the distance. The entire area she was looking to use for new purposes that would serve her own ends. Here and on Sakura for the betterment of herself and by extension her family... and if she had apprentices. Well maybe them but they would have to stay somewhere and she could see to their training and well being here while she walked around. The estate was silent with sections of it looking out on the mountains and the area below. Where there had once been assembled thousands of Yovshin to give her family the power the royal preferred. Sawa stretched her limbs allowing herself to relax a little when she was walking towards the main rooms.
Whilst flying, Sanna looks down at the planet below. She honestly didn't quite care what the land was like down wherever they were; she just wanted to land. She's been flying since she constructed the lightsaber that now rests comfortably at her side. If she doesn't get some fresh air and a chance to rest soon, she feels she's going to lose her mind.

"...I don't know what's down there, but frankly I don't care. I'm landing," the girl says to herself. Looking around, she finds a clearing before long, and begins to land. As soon as she lands, she steps out. Not taking the time to take in the surroundings, she opens the cockpit of the cruiser and scrambles out, as if she couldn't get out of there fast enough. She keeps her lightsaber in hand, and stretches out a bit, before beginning to walk, looking around for the nearest home of any sort.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

Sawa perked up as she was standing outside, she had changed into one of the black kimono's and it was a family heimloom they had preserved. Ancient atrisian and traditional like the one she had worn as a child. Compared to many of the others though she was intered in seeing what would come from it before speaking. "Someones here." She was in the back yard of the house and could smell it on the wind that there was someone else using the shaping skills to rise up onto the roof while she was moving quickly to the front and touched down looking around the area with her silver eyes flicking back and forth. "Who is here?" She was curious as most never came out here and she was fairly certain most peoplejust suspected they had all passed away.
Whilst walking among the valleys of Atrisia, the soon-to-be Sith hears a voice...

"Who is there?"

She jumps, having not known there was someone here. She pretty much just wanted a chance to rest - she didn't count on any legitimate civilization. But now she's caught the interest of...She has no clue. She approaches for a bit, shouting in return.

"My name is Sanna Lyoto. Who are you?"

She continues, following the direction of the voice.

[member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

Sawa looked at the girl as she moved, quickly and with the force more under the kimono's cover. So her legs couldn't be seen and it looked like she was gliding across the landscape with her pale skin and black hair. There was force energy coming off of her and Sawa spoke. "I am Sawa the mistress of this house." She was standing there and in the back behind some fo the trees the house was there when she looked over at most of the things. Attention on her and the small snapping of her fangs when they came out from some excitement at the situation. "What brings you my dear all the way out here, most outsiders came for the sith to try and join them. Now here they have retreated and are going to the shadows once again."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

She smirks as she hears the mistress' question. She's walked her straight into what she wanted. "There are Sith here? ...Funny, I just landed because I needed some time to rest, I've been flying my ship for hours looking for training." She continues moving towards the sound of the woman's voice. "On the subject of getting training, I don't suppose you know anyone..."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

So she was looking for a sith here, the woman remained there prepared to work with it and a smile formed on her lips with a small nod of interest. "I might know a few people who can train you." She started walking and snapped her finger while going towards the home with the doors opening for her and despite looking like wood and thick paper it was special made crystasteel and tunqstoid to make the home protected and pretty. Keeping the energy vampires interest though when she was going through the hallways that had been getting slightly cleaned. "There is not much, the sith have become something of a shadow once again. A few of them providing different ideas in all of the things and fighting against each other for what there is left. My home may serve as something eventually that can be used for teaching apprentices."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

Finally arriving at Sawa's home, Sanna enters. Her Lightsaber hilt is still in hand, though she has no intent in using it - she simply doesn't have a legitimate holster for it. She looks around the interior of the building. As she mentions the Sith having become "a shadow," she sighs. If they've truly disappeared, it's unlikely they'll come out of their holes just to snatch an apprentice, then disappear again. She gains a bit of hope again as the woman mentions her home being a possible future point of training.

"Interesting...But I can't see any Sith showing up here right now," the future apprentice states.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

Sawa turned back and looked at her as she raised an eyebrow delicately for a moment. THen her lips curled and became a full smile showing the small fangs from her teeth. "Well there seems to be two here right now." She flicked silver eyes at the girl before she continued to walk and entered the one room flicking her wrist. The doors closing when she took a step up onto the small platform and turned sitting down in a fluid motion. Finger drumming with the sounds of her nails lightly tapping to a rhythm in her head when she spoke. "Now the real question is what brings you to come seeking the sith? What is it that you want to get out of this meeting human?"
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Training, of course," the red-haired girl responds, not even missing a beat. She leans against the wall with a smirk. "I've even constructed a lightsaber, if that's any indication."

With a single, swift motion, Sanna powers on her new weapon, the red blade emerging from the metal hilt. "And to hear I've finally found someone capable is...Relieving, to say the least. I wasn't looking forward to crawling back into my ship and flying around for another few hours." She extends a hand towards Sawa.

"So, what do you say...? You said you wanted to turn this place into somewhere fit for training a new apprentice...There's one right in front of you."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

She looked at her and then at the blade with a grin on her face leaning back in the seat and taking in her apprentice. A few ideas of what she could do with her to teach her was there but quickly replaced a sshe wasn't one of the sadistic siths who just wanted destruction. She wanted there to be purpose and power, to have the weak serve the strong and followed some ideals when it came to things. "Very well then but we shall need you to dress the part, an apprentice wear simple clothing to show their stations and trains their mind and body to become stronger. There are also some rules, yu will not conduct yourself like some of the other sith. Killing with no purpose and only fighting the weak who cannot fight back. Such actions do not show your skill it shows you are only a predator." Granted there were times to kill the weak but going with the intent to solely target them and not even try to fight the strong ones who would challenge them. She wanted only the strong to serve her.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Of course. What's the point of power if you just kill the weak?" she asks. "Simply using it to get the deed done faster is a pointless effort, when you can very easily just finish them with a blaster bolt to the head." Her smirk fades. Her lightsaber's blade retracts into it's hilt, and she lets her arm flop back to her side. "...I've seen the result of such an attack," she says with a hint of anger.

Great idea, remind yourself of what happened to your parents.

She brushes it off. "So...What's first?"

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

Sawa sat there while she motioned for her to come forward and snapped her fingers. "The first step it to learn to obey, you are my apprentice, you serve me and my whims. In time you will begin to act, to do what you must and need. This will be because your power and skills have advanced and you have the control to be trusted and finally you will reach the final phase of what you are doing to eventually take my place if you believe you can. Learn, Do, Teach" It was a simple process and many failed it because they didn't try and teach others to see if they could preform the skills themselves. They learned it, they can do it but their ability to explain it, to understand it, to know what you are doing. The others though are not around as often.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Of course..." Sanna says, coming closer. She keeps a grip on the lightsaber's hilt - she doesn't exactly have a holster, so she doesn't really have a choice. "What do you want me to do first...Master?"

While outwardly, she kept a straight face in hopes the Sith would believe it, her mind still lingered on what she had seen earlier today. Her family's bodies on the ground. Her brother's disappearance. The loss of her family was quickly met with vengeance and bloodshed. Anger still remained in her mind. But she tried to hide it all. To keep these emotions bottled in. Still, one question was clear in her mind, especially with where she is now:

What would your parents think of you now, Sandy?

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

She was presenting herself and submitting for now at least, that was smart. To often she had seen sith apprentice believe they had all of the answers and all of the powers. Slowly Sawa rose up looking at the apprentice when she was standing there and slid from a pocket a small silver finger nail. The cortosis was great for stopping and handling a lightsaber before she was moving. Prepared to work at it and test her apprentice as she got closer. "We'll have to see, the menial labor is what I have for now to do here to get it acceptable for training and living in. There is most of the kitchen set up to have food and the refreshers are set up but we do have some equipment you coudl use. The robes and there is something we shall check and see about."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Yes, master..." she says without another thought. Entering the kitchen, she looks around at the machinery. She isn't sure she's seen some of it - then again, she was never really in the kitchen much at home, anyway.

Home...Sandy, you might want to stop reminding yourself...

The Sith sighs. "So...What exactly am I supposed to do?" Sanna asks, continuing to look around at the machinery...

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

Sawa was looking at her while she started cleaning and getting stuff off of the shelf. "If it looks dead, alive or like it will kill you we get rid of it." She had a cleanign droid there to compress what they give it and freshen the air. They needed to make sure the place was cleaned so they would be able to work with and clean everything up for themselves. Sawa was cleaning up more of it while she went around cleaning more of it. A good way to start training was to learn how to stomach bad things... this would only strengthen her towards the problems that could come from being a sith if there were dead bodies. Handle the smell or the problems plus she could use something like an old teacher wax on wax off.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

It was a simple job, if a bit grosser than preferred. Looks alive? Give it to the cleaning droid. Looks dead? Give it to the cleaning droid. Smells like Mom's cooking? Give it to the cleaning droid. It wasn't the most pleasant of jobs, but she figured it was better than some of the jobs Sawa could have given her. Within...She was never good at keeping track of time...The job was finished. She gagged a bit at the start, but it was mostly fine.

"Well...Now that that's done, what's next, Master?"

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Sanna Lyoto"]

A simple task and one they could handle while getting the training area of the house ready to work, first the patience and the the power as it were when finishing up the cleaning droid was left to scrub. Sawa leading the girl outside into the garden where the small pond was with the stone and she moved towards them. Arcs of energy crackling in her fingers when she spoke. "Now you have learned some patience I hope and to get a task done... the real test can begin. A sith needs to be able to wait, needs to know how to be prepared for that moment. If you do not have an army, if you do not have a fleet then you only have your skill and what you can learn. This can change but you have to know when to make the proper moves."

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