Sawa Ike
The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Atrisia was her home once upon a time, long ago when she was much much younger, for now as she was looking over many of the things they had been developing the sith lord was partial to it. IN the wake of the One Sith coming here they had taken much of the world and turned it to their own purposes but the family, her family had a home here in the mountains. She had protected it, hidden it and there was even the old inquisition citadel in the distance. The entire area she was looking to use for new purposes that would serve her own ends. Here and on Sakura for the betterment of herself and by extension her family... and if she had apprentices. Well maybe them but they would have to stay somewhere and she could see to their training and well being here while she walked around. The estate was silent with sections of it looking out on the mountains and the area below. Where there had once been assembled thousands of Yovshin to give her family the power the royal preferred. Sawa stretched her limbs allowing herself to relax a little when she was walking towards the main rooms.