We Are One
[encryption_error] ... The Continuation;
Xenia, alone... [_error]
This was nothing anyone had seen before. Her eyes were already lowered into glowering with a million glares. The gun in her hands was secure, so much so that her knuckles were beginning to turn white. Already she was breathing hard, but it was unlikely she had even noticed. Only straight ahead received her attention, revealing the dirtier quarters of a man's living space. Well, a Rodian's living quarters. Without delay, three blaster bolts were fired, only barely after the audible click of gears and droid components. She was all too familiar with droids, and before long, she was the only one who remained able to operate weaponry in the door's entrance. A crimson stream of blood covered her left eye and thus forcing it into a squint, though this was the least of her problems. Her left arm was cropped awkwardly alongside the damaged rib cage, no longer smoking from the previous blasts. Underneath, the skin was blackened from burn and swelling from the heat of energetic discharge. No longer did she wear the head decorations of a Naboo ambassador, now her hair fell about her head in a wild torrent of brown flame.
Whatever he had seen, whatever Kail had reacted to, it was faked. She had made her decision, and now she had so many more to make, all at once. Although it looked meager, the Nubian styled blaster in her hands was brandished with a certain level of comfortability. Ahead of her, and not too far off, she heard the noise of disgruntled breathing. A Rodian's shrill breathing, and obviously in labor. Whoever she was following was already heavily damaged. But she didn't pause, she couldn't even think about danger now, for if she hesitated she would be forced to encounter far more.
This man-- Rodian, had to die...
The second to last survivor...
The other-- Kail...
Before long, she swung around the corner and cast hateful eyes upon the green coward. Eyes like miniature spheres of galaxy stared up at her in apparent fear. She hardly waited for the witness to begin speaking, begging, before she released another hollow sounding green bolt of energy into his head. He fell lifeless to the ground, and she made sure to leave enough room between him. Disgusting creatures.
"Go to hell..."
Naboo System;
Nastass-Tech Administration Rooms.
"Xenia, please--"
"And why not?"
"You'll die, please, this is a terrible idea!"
It hadn't taken her long to open her eyes once Kail had left, all the way back on Rodia. Even a war torn NN-2 model was more than capable of basic evacuations. With aid, she had made it back to her ship; surely this wasn't the first time she'd been made to endure. For most of her childhood, she had spent her time being forced into painful situations and being made to come out on the other side. This wouldn't be the event to kill her, not by a long shot. Scanners had indicated herself as the only organic life-form on her own ship. She had been cleared of Kail, a fact which gripped at her most inner core and squeezed it tightly.
"I understand your concern, Jovus, but I assure you I am more than capable of handling this myself."
"But, m'lady--"
One of the leading members of her most familiar Nastass-Tech foundation, someone she had known from a young age. Jovus, human, and well into his twenties. His face was relatively average, though his mannerisms made him handsome. Once, they had been friends.
"Jovus, from now on things will be done differently..."
"Excuse me, lady Xe--"
"--Enough! I understand your... attachment to keeping this company strictly neutral on all current affairs. It was a view I once stood by, and will always respect... but I've come to understand that alone, this is not effective. We're no longer in a galaxy that recognized these acts of kindness. Peace isn't popular anymore, Jovus, there's little we can do to stop the politicians from waging their wars. They're concerned with filling their wallets, even at the expense of their public image-- do you understand, morals themselves are being called into question--"
"M-M'lady, I apologize... but I don't... fully understand..."
"If you want to make a difference in this world... you're going to have to stick around through a few changes. And I'll need you to be okay with them if you're to continue to ride along."
It almost sounded like a threat. This man, this Jovus, was one of the heads of AI technologies within the company's droid creation. His long standing pacifism had long since drawn claws on Xenia's patience, but she knew that keeping him around would, overtime, prove crucial to her political performance. His father before him had held a similar position in the company when Xenia's father held technical owernship of the company. Though, if he was to become a liability now, she wanted nothing more to do with him. She understood now why today's politicians had stopped concerning with their appearances. Too tiresome. If she were to ever truly understand who she could become, she'd have to do things her own way. There would no longer be any hiding, though she would never be too loud, either.
"This company will take a more solid stance in our goal towards peace. If we are unable to set own standards with non violent demonstration, we'll have to set forth on something more forceful--"
"Xenia, what're proposing?"
"I am proposing we join the fight and use the new rules. If we can't influence them with peaceful demonstration alone, we'll perform demonstrations of strength..."
"But, how--? That goes directly against the principles of peace itself. How then can you claim that your goal is peace--?"
"Who're you fooling, Jovus? What kind of peace have we created with this company. We protect the rich and powerful from fates which might be more desirable than undesirable. Other than that, we give fully equipped, combat ready droids to those who claim they're fighting for peace. Why not take the stand ourselves? Why not actually have a vote that counts with the same power as all the others, huh?"
"But, how in the world do you plan on-- What're you suggesting, m'lady? Are you, are you suggesting that we offer our services to a military creation? Never will the Queen approve the use of an army, she's--"
"--She's insistent on neutrality, yes, I... understand. I'm not suggesting we develop a military for Naboo's use. I am suggesting we forge a name for actual peaceful achievement. No, not suggesting, informing. Informing you of the changes that shall begin to take place. Until now, I've counted you to be a part of that vision, though ultimately it's your choice."
"... Until now, Xenia...?"
"Yes, and currently. I just need your answer. Will you stay, accept whatever direction we'll be taking and trust that we're heading for peace."
"Well, I-- I don't know, I don't know what kind of peace-- err, yeah, sure, peace we're heading towards?
"I need your answer, Jovus. I need your answer now."
"Yes, Lady Xenia. Of course, you can count me in on your vision. It's an honor, and it shall continue to be an honor..."
Duluur Sector;
Devaron Colonies;
Nastass-Tech HQ.
They were huge. Each stood at a greater height than she had expected, and held a great deal more intimidating force than what she had originally held in mind. But she didn't deny, they would certainly make a smashing first impression for any real enemies of hers. Literally, in this case. The TH-Spectre Droid, a titan amongst the other machines, yet obviously overkill for protection alone. Only one stood in the high room with high ceilings, rock walls and slates missing so as to provide a natural beam of hazy sunlight. The air was thick here. Two more droids lay behind, not yet finished and looking as if in need of major service before being close to field ready. Thousands of wires and diagnostic machines pumped around it like an organic's life support. Open chest cavities revealed the impressive engine systems therein armored vests of durasteel.
"This looks good. When can I see them in the field?"
Black and elegant, her dress stroked each curve on her body, and revealed a stretch of skin from her lower back up to her shoulder blades. Again, a powerfully strict path exposed her chest's center, without sacrificing class. Hair, like a tornado of various darker hues and eyes of cutting green. And yet, she looked in her element against the crude backdrop of open mechanics and flying sparks. She knew everything here, could probably hop right in and complete a project if it were required of her. But this was the less interesting work, the real science as well as art was in the make up of a droid 'mind.' At least, she thought of it like that. The actual programming which enabled the robotic hardware to think, its unique version anyway.
"I thought you might ask that. I've prepared a staging for tomorrow, M'lady."
The Devaronian man verbalized with a bit of an added 'sss' in his voice, as if spoken with a snake's tongue. It was almost more comfortable to have the devil of a man overseeing this particular project. She was building weapons with these droids, no longer public protection for the likes of Naboo. For so long now, she had forced herself to rely only on what she could do personally, without ties to her organization. Now, things had to be different, even with the adaptation of her image. Now, she would grasp more power, and become more of a presence on both playing fields. Performed correctly, she could rise into a rather percussive power and shake the tide of criminal leadership. That said, her intent was never to play their own game, only to bring them down using the system they provided. It called for equal parts violence, and tactical grace.
"Kaiko, I understand this isn't all you wish to show me?"
"Ah yes, I looked into your run away Tatooine man..."
"... Yes...?"
"Well, he's sprung one of my little mouse traps..."
"Oh, well, that's... that's good..."
He was so stupid. Running straight back to Tatooine at the first sign of trouble. Did he not know anyone in search of him would look there first? Biting her bottom lip, she gave the Devaronian another look. "Tell me," a vague command which sparked the red skinned male once more into conversation. "I planted the I.F. droids [a commonly used nickname among the scientists for Nastass-Tech's Infiltration Droid line] at every point you instructed. Turns out he was caught landing in one of the outer-area spaceports back near Mos Ei--"
"Was he alright?"
"I beg your pardon, M'lady?"
"His condition--!! I mean, he was walking, yeah? What was his condition?"
"Uh, he was... fine, it seemed...--"
"Hhhhhh," a short sigh of relief.
"... M'lady, with all due respect, I was under the impression this was a hit target...?"
Xenia came to sudden attention, avoided eye contact for a moment, then swallowed. "N-No," shaking her head, "I'll handle the rest. Follow him back to his residence, I want to know where he is at all points. He's still on Tatooine, then?" The Devaronian nodded, "but his activities have certainly be irregular. I suggest you move quickly if you mean to keep him there," Xenia nodded, accepting the man's opinion. He may one day prove more useful than what she was allowing currently.
"... Then I'll get moving..."
"And the TH series demonstration tomorrow?"
"I'll arrange my replacement. He should be here in a manner of hours."
"Yes, your highnessss."
[member="Kail Ragnar"]
- Kaiko Amana: Manager of operations on Devaron.
[encryption_error] ... The Continuation;
Xenia, alone... [_error]
This was nothing anyone had seen before. Her eyes were already lowered into glowering with a million glares. The gun in her hands was secure, so much so that her knuckles were beginning to turn white. Already she was breathing hard, but it was unlikely she had even noticed. Only straight ahead received her attention, revealing the dirtier quarters of a man's living space. Well, a Rodian's living quarters. Without delay, three blaster bolts were fired, only barely after the audible click of gears and droid components. She was all too familiar with droids, and before long, she was the only one who remained able to operate weaponry in the door's entrance. A crimson stream of blood covered her left eye and thus forcing it into a squint, though this was the least of her problems. Her left arm was cropped awkwardly alongside the damaged rib cage, no longer smoking from the previous blasts. Underneath, the skin was blackened from burn and swelling from the heat of energetic discharge. No longer did she wear the head decorations of a Naboo ambassador, now her hair fell about her head in a wild torrent of brown flame.
Whatever he had seen, whatever Kail had reacted to, it was faked. She had made her decision, and now she had so many more to make, all at once. Although it looked meager, the Nubian styled blaster in her hands was brandished with a certain level of comfortability. Ahead of her, and not too far off, she heard the noise of disgruntled breathing. A Rodian's shrill breathing, and obviously in labor. Whoever she was following was already heavily damaged. But she didn't pause, she couldn't even think about danger now, for if she hesitated she would be forced to encounter far more.
This man-- Rodian, had to die...
The second to last survivor...
The other-- Kail...
Before long, she swung around the corner and cast hateful eyes upon the green coward. Eyes like miniature spheres of galaxy stared up at her in apparent fear. She hardly waited for the witness to begin speaking, begging, before she released another hollow sounding green bolt of energy into his head. He fell lifeless to the ground, and she made sure to leave enough room between him. Disgusting creatures.
"Go to hell..."
Naboo System;
Nastass-Tech Administration Rooms.
"Xenia, please--"
"And why not?"
"You'll die, please, this is a terrible idea!"
It hadn't taken her long to open her eyes once Kail had left, all the way back on Rodia. Even a war torn NN-2 model was more than capable of basic evacuations. With aid, she had made it back to her ship; surely this wasn't the first time she'd been made to endure. For most of her childhood, she had spent her time being forced into painful situations and being made to come out on the other side. This wouldn't be the event to kill her, not by a long shot. Scanners had indicated herself as the only organic life-form on her own ship. She had been cleared of Kail, a fact which gripped at her most inner core and squeezed it tightly.
"I understand your concern, Jovus, but I assure you I am more than capable of handling this myself."
"But, m'lady--"
One of the leading members of her most familiar Nastass-Tech foundation, someone she had known from a young age. Jovus, human, and well into his twenties. His face was relatively average, though his mannerisms made him handsome. Once, they had been friends.
"Jovus, from now on things will be done differently..."
"Excuse me, lady Xe--"
"--Enough! I understand your... attachment to keeping this company strictly neutral on all current affairs. It was a view I once stood by, and will always respect... but I've come to understand that alone, this is not effective. We're no longer in a galaxy that recognized these acts of kindness. Peace isn't popular anymore, Jovus, there's little we can do to stop the politicians from waging their wars. They're concerned with filling their wallets, even at the expense of their public image-- do you understand, morals themselves are being called into question--"
"M-M'lady, I apologize... but I don't... fully understand..."
"If you want to make a difference in this world... you're going to have to stick around through a few changes. And I'll need you to be okay with them if you're to continue to ride along."
It almost sounded like a threat. This man, this Jovus, was one of the heads of AI technologies within the company's droid creation. His long standing pacifism had long since drawn claws on Xenia's patience, but she knew that keeping him around would, overtime, prove crucial to her political performance. His father before him had held a similar position in the company when Xenia's father held technical owernship of the company. Though, if he was to become a liability now, she wanted nothing more to do with him. She understood now why today's politicians had stopped concerning with their appearances. Too tiresome. If she were to ever truly understand who she could become, she'd have to do things her own way. There would no longer be any hiding, though she would never be too loud, either.
"This company will take a more solid stance in our goal towards peace. If we are unable to set own standards with non violent demonstration, we'll have to set forth on something more forceful--"
"Xenia, what're proposing?"
"I am proposing we join the fight and use the new rules. If we can't influence them with peaceful demonstration alone, we'll perform demonstrations of strength..."
"But, how--? That goes directly against the principles of peace itself. How then can you claim that your goal is peace--?"
"Who're you fooling, Jovus? What kind of peace have we created with this company. We protect the rich and powerful from fates which might be more desirable than undesirable. Other than that, we give fully equipped, combat ready droids to those who claim they're fighting for peace. Why not take the stand ourselves? Why not actually have a vote that counts with the same power as all the others, huh?"
"But, how in the world do you plan on-- What're you suggesting, m'lady? Are you, are you suggesting that we offer our services to a military creation? Never will the Queen approve the use of an army, she's--"
"--She's insistent on neutrality, yes, I... understand. I'm not suggesting we develop a military for Naboo's use. I am suggesting we forge a name for actual peaceful achievement. No, not suggesting, informing. Informing you of the changes that shall begin to take place. Until now, I've counted you to be a part of that vision, though ultimately it's your choice."
"... Until now, Xenia...?"
"Yes, and currently. I just need your answer. Will you stay, accept whatever direction we'll be taking and trust that we're heading for peace."
"Well, I-- I don't know, I don't know what kind of peace-- err, yeah, sure, peace we're heading towards?
"I need your answer, Jovus. I need your answer now."
"Yes, Lady Xenia. Of course, you can count me in on your vision. It's an honor, and it shall continue to be an honor..."
Duluur Sector;
Devaron Colonies;
Nastass-Tech HQ.
They were huge. Each stood at a greater height than she had expected, and held a great deal more intimidating force than what she had originally held in mind. But she didn't deny, they would certainly make a smashing first impression for any real enemies of hers. Literally, in this case. The TH-Spectre Droid, a titan amongst the other machines, yet obviously overkill for protection alone. Only one stood in the high room with high ceilings, rock walls and slates missing so as to provide a natural beam of hazy sunlight. The air was thick here. Two more droids lay behind, not yet finished and looking as if in need of major service before being close to field ready. Thousands of wires and diagnostic machines pumped around it like an organic's life support. Open chest cavities revealed the impressive engine systems therein armored vests of durasteel.
"This looks good. When can I see them in the field?"
Black and elegant, her dress stroked each curve on her body, and revealed a stretch of skin from her lower back up to her shoulder blades. Again, a powerfully strict path exposed her chest's center, without sacrificing class. Hair, like a tornado of various darker hues and eyes of cutting green. And yet, she looked in her element against the crude backdrop of open mechanics and flying sparks. She knew everything here, could probably hop right in and complete a project if it were required of her. But this was the less interesting work, the real science as well as art was in the make up of a droid 'mind.' At least, she thought of it like that. The actual programming which enabled the robotic hardware to think, its unique version anyway.
"I thought you might ask that. I've prepared a staging for tomorrow, M'lady."
The Devaronian man verbalized with a bit of an added 'sss' in his voice, as if spoken with a snake's tongue. It was almost more comfortable to have the devil of a man overseeing this particular project. She was building weapons with these droids, no longer public protection for the likes of Naboo. For so long now, she had forced herself to rely only on what she could do personally, without ties to her organization. Now, things had to be different, even with the adaptation of her image. Now, she would grasp more power, and become more of a presence on both playing fields. Performed correctly, she could rise into a rather percussive power and shake the tide of criminal leadership. That said, her intent was never to play their own game, only to bring them down using the system they provided. It called for equal parts violence, and tactical grace.
"Kaiko, I understand this isn't all you wish to show me?"
"Ah yes, I looked into your run away Tatooine man..."
"... Yes...?"
"Well, he's sprung one of my little mouse traps..."
"Oh, well, that's... that's good..."
He was so stupid. Running straight back to Tatooine at the first sign of trouble. Did he not know anyone in search of him would look there first? Biting her bottom lip, she gave the Devaronian another look. "Tell me," a vague command which sparked the red skinned male once more into conversation. "I planted the I.F. droids [a commonly used nickname among the scientists for Nastass-Tech's Infiltration Droid line] at every point you instructed. Turns out he was caught landing in one of the outer-area spaceports back near Mos Ei--"
"Was he alright?"
"I beg your pardon, M'lady?"
"His condition--!! I mean, he was walking, yeah? What was his condition?"
"Uh, he was... fine, it seemed...--"
"Hhhhhh," a short sigh of relief.
"... M'lady, with all due respect, I was under the impression this was a hit target...?"
Xenia came to sudden attention, avoided eye contact for a moment, then swallowed. "N-No," shaking her head, "I'll handle the rest. Follow him back to his residence, I want to know where he is at all points. He's still on Tatooine, then?" The Devaronian nodded, "but his activities have certainly be irregular. I suggest you move quickly if you mean to keep him there," Xenia nodded, accepting the man's opinion. He may one day prove more useful than what she was allowing currently.
"... Then I'll get moving..."
"And the TH series demonstration tomorrow?"
"I'll arrange my replacement. He should be here in a manner of hours."
"Yes, your highnessss."
[member="Kail Ragnar"]
- Kaiko Amana: Manager of operations on Devaron.