Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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False Flag: Parcel Post

A package arrived in the mail at the Mandal Hypernautics satellite office in Keldabe, the capital of Manda'yaim. The package was entirely innocuous: no tricks, traps, secrets, blood trails, hidden messages, or ability to be converted into an improvised weapon. A flimsiplast box wrapped in brown paper, nothing else. Forensic examination would reveal a few strands of Whiphid fur stuck to the tape, and grains of crystal sand from Nam Chorios.

The box was empty save for a folded note, handwritten and sealed in wax from the tallow of a Mandalorian dragon-bear.

Despite the box's labeled destination, the sealed note was addressed to the Alor'e Council, the leaders of the Mandalorian Clans.

The note was, pretty clearly, a long one.

[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Rygel Larraq took one look at the security inquiry that flashed on his personal datapad before closing his eyes and sighing.

"Nope. No. Not happening. That's an Anija problem. Send kark like this to her terminal." He said before closing the link.
[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

It felt almost surreal. Things in the Mandalorian Clans territory had been relatively quiet before Ra had come on the scene. Relatively being the operative term. There had been the ongoing skirmishes with Death Watch. And until the strike at Mandalore herself by a rogue agent, it had felt somewhat distant and disconnected. But, as it had for many, the death of [member="Ember Rekali"] had struck Anija deeply. And that was not something easily forgotten. His sacrifice and that of his daughter [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] during the invasion of Roche had shifted the course of the war, such as it was.

Anija blinked a few times and stared out over the cityscape of Keldabe. It didn't look much different than it had during the war, though she could see here and there where structures had been rebuilt. What had changed more drastically than that was the.. spirit that flickered within the hearts of the Mandalorian people. She had seen it that day in the arena, and once more on the ancient plains when Ra had announced the Crusades. She knew not everyone had agreed with that course of action. To a degree, she had disagreed with it as well. But she understood the need for it. The Mandalorian Clans needed to make their presence felt in the galaxy once more. For too long they had been a mere footnote in galactic events. But now, the galaxy remebered.

The mere thought of that alone brought a smile to her face, if a bittersweet one. Aay'haan, the Mandalorians called it - a bittersweet moment of remembering and celebrating. And she found the concept quite apt for how she felt at the moment. The sacrifices made by Aaralyn and Ember and countless others through the months that the war spanned had been brought to a climactic end by the rise of the new Mand'alor. And yet, he too seemed to have passed to the Manda if reports were to be believed. She wasn't too sure on the exact details, but reports said that he had vanished in the fighting on Castameer.

But... And then her train of thought stopped there as there was a knock on the door. She sat up rather abruptly from her contemplation of the cityscape and narrowly avoided ending up on the carpet as a result. After a moment to compose herself, she called out. "Enter!" Her eyebrows drew together in a slight frown as she laid eyes on the uniformed Hyperion Security guard who entered the room, clutching an unwrapped box in his hands as if the thing had bitten him.

He entered, and came to stand in front of Anija's desk with the box held almost at arm's length between his palms. That got her attention rather quickly. Whatever was in that box appeared to have shaken him, and probably [member="Captain Larraq"] very badly if he'd sent the man to Anija. Nervously, the man cleared his throat and straightened, trying to not let his unease show on his face. But Anija could still read it in his overall body language and through his sense in the Force. "Ma'am, this package arrived a little while ago. The box itself was addressed to our offices here... but the note contained within was clearly addressed to the members of the Alor'e Council." His voice dripped with confusion.

At that bit of information, Anija's eyebrows rose. Whatever was contained in that note, it seemed to have shaken both him and Larraq badly. Not that Anija felt she could do terribly much to soothe the man's unease. Sighing deeply, she gestured for him to set the box on the desk. "I'll see what I can do...." she said, already trying to come up a plan. How good of a plan depended on what the note actually contained. With a nod, the security guard turned and left the room - almost too quickly. Shaking her head slightly, Anija reached across the desk and placed the box squarely in front of herself before opening it. It was a simple pressed paperboard box which had then been wrapped in brown parchment.

But it was the piece of paper inside of it which made her pause. Or rather, several pieces of paper covered in line upon line of careful precise handwriting. The tallow seal was still intact, though she knew Larraq had probably run every sort of test on the package and it's contents that he could think of without actually having to touch the thing. At that, she actually chuckled. It was very like him - especially lately - to foist things off on her that he either didn't understand or didn't want to deal with. It was after all, part of what he paid her for.
[member="Anija Betna"]

To the Alor’e Council:

I would like you to consider the possibility that Jedi Master Matsu Ike, a prominent member of the Silver Jedi Order, is secretly a Sith Lord. The same would go for many of her relatives and confederates. I acknowledge that it is in my interests to turn your attention away from me and my associates, as well as eliminate a major competitor. However, I’ve dealt with you in good faith thus far, and I intend to make my case based only on verifiable information, rather than on my word.

I want Matsu Ike gone. You do too, whether you know it or not.

True Jedi don’t do alchemy. They see alchemy as a desecration of the Force. Matsu Ike regularly mass-produces Force weapons and armor in a way that only Sith have ever aspired to do, and happily sells Jedi secrets on the open market.

Speaking of which, true Jedi don’t use their powers for personal gain. Matsu Ike controls one of the galaxy’s largest corporations, with numerous locations even inside Mandalorian space, as well as on worlds strong in the Dark Side. Matsu Ike is unspeakably rich and powerful as a direct result of her Force abilities.

Matsu Ike is a convicted war criminal and mass murderer.

Matsu Ike has built an impregnable personal empire in the Asobi system, not far from your borders. So far I’ve had zero success infiltrating or scouting this system’s formidable Sasori presence. I doubt you’ve had any success either. The system has over thirty inhabited planets and moons, and her influence there is absolute.

Matsu Ike exploited indigenous populations on Klatooine for years, until only recently shut down by outside intervention. She traded simple agricultural and water purification technology -- trinkets -- for the ability to steal and mass-produce the locals’ most sacred artifact. She tore open a sacred site and put a factory inside.

Matsu Ike is an arms dealer and warmonger on a grand scale, in a way that no Jedi has ever been. Her star cruisers and battlecruisers are now the backbone of the Jedi fleet. We all know that this militarization began long before my confederates and I arrived on the scene and is disproportionate to the threat I pose. It is intended to ward you away.

Matsu Ike’s warfleets remained in the Dromund Kaas system, securing a powerful Dark Side nexus, rather than engage my relatively small flotilla as I destroyed Silver Jedi assets throughout the Stygian Caldera. Speaking of those assets, Matsu Ike has implemented comprehensive surveillance throughout Silver Jedi territory.

Matsu Ike has mined and exploited Force crystals throughout three galaxies, on a scale that even Palpatine never matched -- though he tried. My confederates and I are finding it difficult to find decent crystals for our lightsabres, thanks to her brazen depredations. I’d imagine your own Force-wielders are experiencing similar shortages.

Consider the facts. A prominent Silver Jedi Master is a noted opportunist, an amoral tycoon, an exploitative arms dealer, and an alchemist who makes vicious Force-based weapons. This is all a matter of public record. Frankly, I’m amazed nobody has yet floated the idea that she is a Sith Lord hiding behind a color scheme. In your shoes, I would also look into her connections with Charzon Loulan, the Butcher of Korriban, as well as her private army’s participation in the Battle of Castameer.

Again, every element in this case is publicly verifiable. I acknowledge that you have no reason to trust my word, so don’t. Examine the facts yourself, and you will come to the only plausible conclusion: at least one very senior member of the Silver Jedi Order is a closeted Dark Lord of the Sith.

Whether or not you come to that conclusion, however, you’ll certainly be able to verify that the Silver Jedi are militarizing on a grand scale, and their attention lies almost solely upon you.

Why would their attention rest upon you? Because their more staunch (if blind) Lightsiders believe you have been infiltrated by the Sith. They may have a point: consider your Ordo and Ember Rekali; consider the sheer amount of Sith artifacts that the Mandalorians extracted from Dromund Kaas. Their Jedi fear you; their secret Sith aim to destroy the competition, just as I do.

Best wishes,

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Carefully, Anija cracked the tallow seal on the letter with a fingernail. The pages were stacked several thick. She didn't have an exact count. But it didn't seem to matter as her gaze fell to the precise handwriting on the pages in her hands. Slowly she began to read. And as she did, unease settled in her stomach like a rock. And not out of fear... but because the words written on the pages she held before her resonated. There was truth in them.

Her eyes continued to scan the words written on the page as she tried to piece some of the information together - at least what she did know. Matsu Ike. it was a name she'd heard many many times over the past few months. She continued to read as she whispered a few commands to ANNE to begin searching Holonet records. Not that she really needed to whisper. But it made her feel slightly better to do so.

What ANNE's search turned up rather quickly was information that made Anija's mouth run dry. Sasori - Matu's personal mega corporation - had locations across the galaxy, including several in Clans territory. Her eyes narrowed. She knew she'd never personally approved such, or even heard of such locations being requested from the Alor'e Council. On that line of thought, she had ANNE search for just that. Documents requesting business locations inside Clans territory from non-Mandalorians. There were none under Matsu Ike's name or under the purview of that of Sasori, either.

Which meant that Sasori was here without permission - read illegally. If that wasn't enough to get several up in arms, the contents of the rest of the letter were sure to do so. But she thought that the issue of foreign companies claiming sake in the Clans territory was bad enough. Especially considering what had happened at Roche... and what had spawned that whole... massacre. Her lips thinned. They needed to know right away. Reaching out with a hand to the edge of her desk to steady herself, she set the pages down and pinched the bridge of her nose. In the next breath, she whispered a comm frequency to ANNE. She didn't make the call to one of the Cuir Rekr lightly.
Both a member of the Alor'e Council and of the Four Wolves, the Akaan received a comm frequency by [member="Anija Betna"]. It was very rare for the wife of Arrbi to send out an emergency comm in regards of something he was bound to know about. Instead of coming to Anija to learn about what was going on, he instead appeared as a blue hologram in front of Anija, dressed in his armor and his face concealed by his helmet.

"Su'cuy, vod. I believe you called?" That was all he said to the female Mandalorian and was listening to what words she would speak to him of. No doubt it was something interesting of the topic he was about to hear right now.

[member="Velok the Younger"]
[member="Anija Betna"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

ATTN: [member="Draco Vereen"]

Dear Mr. Vereen,

I recently sent this message to the Alor'e Council via the Mandal Hypernautics office on Manda'yaim. Since I always hedge my bets, however, I'm sending the full text to you as well. I believe it to be a matter of mutual concern and, possibly, opportunity. As I reiterate in the attached message, you have no reason to trust me, but my argument relies on verifiable information. This is all public record; it's simply a matter of digging deep enough to find the pieces, then recognizing how they fit together. I believe you will find this information compelling.

Additionally, may I congratulate you on your corporate cities -- truly a marvel of authoritarian efficiency.

Sincerely yours,


To the Alor’e Council:

I would like you to consider the possibility that Jedi Master Matsu Ike, a prominent member of the Silver Jedi Order, is secretly a Sith Lord. The same would go for many of her relatives and confederates. I acknowledge that it is in my interests to turn your attention away from me and my associates, as well as eliminate a major competitor. However, I’ve dealt with you in good faith thus far, and I intend to make my case based only on verifiable information, rather than on my word.

I want Matsu Ike gone. You do too, whether you know it or not.

True Jedi don’t do alchemy. They see alchemy as a desecration of the Force. Matsu Ike regularly mass-produces Force weapons and armor in a way that only Sith have ever aspired to do, and happily sells Jedi secrets on the open market.

Speaking of which, true Jedi don’t use their powers for personal gain. Matsu Ike controls one of the galaxy’s largest corporations, with numerous locations even inside Mandalorian space, as well as on worlds strong in the Dark Side. Matsu Ike is unspeakably rich and powerful as a direct result of her Force abilities.

Matsu Ike is a convicted war criminal and mass murderer.

Matsu Ike has built an impregnable personal empire in the Asobi system, not far from your borders. So far I’ve had zero success infiltrating or scouting this system’s formidable Sasori presence. I doubt you’ve had any success either. The system has over thirty inhabited planets and moons, and her influence there is absolute.

Matsu Ike exploited indigenous populations on Klatooine for years, until only recently shut down by outside intervention. She traded simple agricultural and water purification technology -- trinkets -- for the ability to steal and mass-produce the locals’ most sacred artifact. She tore open a sacred site and put a factory inside.

Matsu Ike is an arms dealer and warmonger on a grand scale, in a way that no Jedi has ever been. Her star cruisers and battlecruisers are now the backbone of the Jedi fleet. We all know that this militarization began long before my confederates and I arrived on the scene and is disproportionate to the threat I pose. It is intended to ward you away.

Matsu Ike’s warfleets remained in the Dromund Kaas system, securing a powerful Dark Side nexus, rather than engage my relatively small flotilla as I destroyed Silver Jedi assets throughout the Stygian Caldera. Speaking of those assets, Matsu Ike has implemented comprehensive surveillance throughout Silver Jedi territory.

Matsu Ike has mined and exploited Force crystals throughout three galaxies, on a scale that even Palpatine never matched -- though he tried. My confederates and I are finding it difficult to find decent crystals for our lightsabres, thanks to her brazen depredations. I’d imagine your own Force-wielders are experiencing similar shortages.

Consider the facts. A prominent Silver Jedi Master is a noted opportunist, an amoral tycoon, an exploitative arms dealer, and an alchemist who makes vicious Force-based weapons. This is all a matter of public record. Frankly, I’m amazed nobody has yet floated the idea that she is a Sith Lord hiding behind a color scheme. In your shoes, I would also look into her connections with Charzon Loulan, the Butcher of Korriban, as well as her private army’s participation in the Battle of Castameer.

Again, every element in this case is publicly verifiable. I acknowledge that you have no reason to trust my word, so don’t. Examine the facts yourself, and you will come to the only plausible conclusion: at least one very senior member of the Silver Jedi Order is a closeted Dark Lord of the Sith.

Whether or not you come to that conclusion, however, you’ll certainly be able to verify that the Silver Jedi are militarizing on a grand scale, and their attention lies almost solely upon you.

Why would their attention rest upon you? Because their more staunch (if blind) Lightsiders believe you have been infiltrated by the Sith. They may have a point: consider your Ordo and Ember Rekali; consider the sheer amount of Sith artifacts that the Mandalorians extracted from Dromund Kaas. Their Jedi fear you; their secret Sith aim to destroy the competition, just as I do.

Best wishes,

[member="Velok the Younger"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]

She wasn't all that surprised when Vilaz appeared over her desk as a hologram. The Cuir Rekr were a busy group, and probably even more so now that @Ra Vizla was missing. There was still no more detail on that, either. She frowned slightly as she tried to organize her thoughts. "I did, Akaan." she replied after a moment. She too was dressed in her beskar'gam, though the buy'ce rested on the desk near her elbow. A moment to collect herself before she continued. "I felt you should know what Mandal Hypernautics received today. The package itself was addressed to our offices here in Keldabe. But the handwritten letter contained within was addressed directly to the Alor'e Council."

For a moment, she wished she could see his face. But, she could at least read his body language such as it was. Tone of voice could tell her a lot as well. "i've checked out some of the details mentioned in the letter itself, and they are legit. @Captain Larraq ran every forensics test he could on the box and the letter within without actually having to touch it. Which confirms that the letter came from who it claims to." She watched him for a moment as she reached over and ran a handheld scanner over the letter page by page. "You may want to check on the details yourself. And of course, get this to the Alor'e Council as soon as you are able. If you would like, I could deliver it to the Alor'e Ccouncil myself?"

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