Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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False Flags, the Road to War

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
The Lazy Strill screamed through Coruscanti space. Approved for landing as a diplomat the current head of the Skirata Clan as well as the Mand'alor, leader of the Mandalorians made his way to the senate. They were to meet in a few minutes and Gilamar and the Mandalorians were the topic. No doubt they had tons of silly replies or weak willed, half thought out answers, but what else was he to expect from Aruietii who sat on their shebs all day long flapping their gums about where their giant personal starships could and couldn't sit.

Oh yes, Gilamar was angry. Angrier than he had been in several years. Not even had the Sith's bombing of Keldabe angered him this much. If one could touch the Force, the sheer volume of the hatred, loathing, and murderous intent could be felt. It was revolting, thick as a Sith Lord's odor in the Force. As such he was stopped by two Jedi before entering the senate building, being forced to relinquish his weapons. That was fine. His armor and his body was enough. With his helmet mag clipped to his waist he entered the large double doors.

To the non-Force user, his anger was plastered all over the wrinckled old face. You could see it in his grey eyes. Whatever had him angry, the Senate would soon have to deal with, likely with little to no success.

As Senate moved into session, Gilamar's podium pod hovered into place. It was his time to speak. <Karking airheads...> he muttered to himself in Mando'a before speaking. "I want answers." he said simply. It was obvious he had little training in the private sector or in politics. "What in the Seven Corellian Hells was a Republic-Fel Remnant Fleet doing in my, in OUR territory?"

A pause. He didn't wait for a response.

Flipping a switch he began to play data from not only the Ja'hailir station that had been destroyed, but the attack on Aetan II. "We came here not two months ago telling you that you were becoming too unruly, too...Ambitious. You turn us away, tell us to mind our own buisness. A month before that you refuse to aid, or even hold an investigation when Mnenchii ships aided in the destruction of our Dark Prison base on Mykyr. And now this?!" His gloved fingers curled around the edges of the podium pod tightly.

There wasn't anything stopping this hate train. Probably.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

Ducha Persephone Callas, Head of the Judiciary committee let her aquamarine eyes fall upon Mandalore with a listless gaze.

Any thoughts she had on the Mandalorians and his current brask behavior was hidden away behind that mask of nobility and respectability.

Oh, she wasn't one to talk too soon, no she would let others do the guiding. She'd learned long ago in a life of Hapan politics and intrigue is that the observer comes out on top.

Her gaze then went drifting towards the Chancellor. This will be interesting indeed.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
[member="Persephone Callas"]

Hanna smiled from her seat, the smile of a politician ready for anything. " Mr Skirata, I think you will find the open senate floor the worst possible place to discuss such things. Can I perhaps convince you to talk in private with me, as Head of State, I would love to try to resolve this. I think that we can leave the senators to their vote on other matters, and discuss matters of state in my office. I think you will find that I am the appropiate venue for such a conversation and had you made an appointment, I feel that we wouldn't be wasting the good senator's time with matters that are best handled by me. So could we depart to my office? " She looked to him, waiting for his move. After all it was the mando's turn to either continue to make a scene or resolve this with her.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
A heavy sigh escaped the lips of the old Mandalorian. "You may say what you have to say in front of your..." a pause. "People." Removing a datachip from one of his utility belt's pockets he inserted it into the podium pod. "It is a tradition among my people that when a decision is to be made, facts are laid out before them. Discussions behind closed doors that affect us all are looked down upon." The man's voice was calmer now, or was it colder? Softer but with a honed edge.

It was obvious he didn't trust the Republic to speak the truth regardless of the venue, and it was obvious that Gilamar wasn't leaving. "After all, isn't it behind closed doors you make deals like this?" With the flip of switch a much darker part of the Republic was shown to the rest of Republic space, via their senators.

To: Republic occupied zone patrol vessel 224-J47
From: Republic Special Forces Coordination Office
Status: Classified (Eyes Only)

Operational command has confirmed the compliance of the newly assimilated Graug species in Operation: Belt Buckle. Senator Yusan Fenn has secured an alliance with the former Sith Emperor, Darth Vulcanus (Birth Name: Imperial Krag). As expected the Dark Lord was unwilling to risk the extermination of his people by the Republic for his lack of cooperation. Thus, Darth Vulcanus has agreed to rally his forces in favor of conquering Mandolorian Space to begin a Graug Empire that will be much more stable and easy to control than our current Mandolorian threat. Furthermore, reports of Ronin Fel's death have been confirmed and the Fel Imperium is now fracturing under the weight of the Mandolorian invasion of Bastion. Our agents have also secured an alliance with the Fel that will see us surrendering their old territory back to them once the Mandolorian threat has been extinguished.

All surveys of the galaxy have reported that no Sith Empire's have spawned since the fracturing of their old Empire and this treaty may be our only chance to ensure a controlled Sith Regime under Vulcanus. Your vessel is to meet with the Fel attack force near Helska where Graug warriors will also be waiting. You are to jump immediately to Aeten II where you will invade and cut off the Mandolorian's supply to the vast resources and minerals found in the system. After reports of success have been filed, the Republic main fleet will begin the push to Mandolore.

Do not send this message over the holonet, all copies of this document are too sensitive to risk compromise. Force be with you, Captain.

"Extinguished? Is that how you do business now? How your senators do buisness? Threaten entire species to do your dirty work for you?" Of course, he had no love for either the Graug or the former Sith Emperor.
[member="Hanna Vondiranach"]
[member="Persephone Callas"]
Hanna tried to keep her composure, she hadn't been aware of any such decisions. She also noted that it was not tied to the G.I.A so if not them then what branch of special forces were carrying out such orders. So she would have to deny.. and then have a talk with various members of the government.
"If such a plot has been made, it is without my knowledge, and I will begin a full investigation on the matter. If there was such a plot I of all people should be aware of the shift in views towards your people, How can you think we would fall to such underhanded tactics. I don't talk behind closed doors for fear, I just rather not waste these lovely senators time, but since you insist let us talk here. I as Head of State apologize for any slights we might of made against the Mandolorians, and would like to push for a renewed tie of friendship between our people. I do not see gain in senseless bloodshed and think that it would benefit us both to make a sign of our dedication. Therefore I would like to invite a team or individual of your choosing to help my department search for such an henious move as that document you have presented. If it has been done, it has been done without the endorsement of the Senate and the Department of State, and found guility of such a plot, including Senator Yusan Fenn will face a joint court between the Mandolorians and the Republic. I hope that with these efforts we can get to the bottom of this piece of intel and put it behind the both of us. "
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
[member="Persephone Callas"]
[member="Hanna Vondiranach"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

As the Head of the Judiciary committee, Persephone had every right to order and comply with any kind of internal investigation.

Her eyes had slightly narrowed upon that holographic message. If this was truth, well... the ramifications would be vast.

That the former Vice Chancellor Yuusan Fen would do such a thing-- and get caught. Well well well... it certainly brought a new game to this Dejarik board.

Then again, he was a man.

Men oft make mistakes. They could not handle the delicate tactician moves of political intrigue like women can.

At this, Persephone sent a nod towards the Head of State's direction. It would likely be missed among the hundreds of senator's in the senate assembly, but since she was the Head of the Judiciary committee and she had mentioned an official investigation, she would know to glance over at the Ducha's direction.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
A rational man would have taken the proposal and left with happy thoughts. A rational man would agree to aid in their investigation. Right now Gilamar Skirata was not a rational man. His people were dead, his mining operations halted, and he was far from happy with their compromise. "Your invitation of help has come too late." The old man muttered into the microphone.

"You see, I came here to try and understand what sort of people, after so many chances would lash out like this. Would invade another for no reason. Now I see."

"The Republic is a rabid dog. Volatile and unpredictable in nature. It has no master to bring it in and discipline it when it has done something wrong. It's inner workings are in constant mis-communication with each other..."

"Well this rabid dog has darkened our doorstep for the last time and it seems like we, the Mandalorians are forced to take action. Our numbers will darken the skies of every Republic world. Our men and women will strike down your Jedi and your military until there is nothing left for you to 'protect.' Then you will know the weight of your sins."

A pause.

"I hope your Republic is ready. Because not even the Force can save you now."

With that the Mandalorian left the senate building, a declaration of war signed by several leaders of the Mandalorian Clans uploaded to the holoscreen as well as a copy sent to the Head of State.
[member="Persephone Callas"]
[member="Hanna Vondiranach"]
Yusan just remained silent as he sat there, there was no reason for him to speak unless spoken too. His eyes focused on [member="Gilamar Skirata"] as he carefully studied the letter from the center pod, whether he was still Vice or not might be in question, but he was still keeper of order in the senate and that was something that he made sure to keep. His hands came over his chest though and he just laughed to himself as he sat beside [member="Hanna Vondiranach"] in that center pod and spoke to Gilamar as he sat there.

"Pardon me Mand'alor, i can assure you the contents of the letter involving me are false in their full content. I have sued for the betterment of the Graug species from the moment Spirit Child Kiroa had came in here, as for a Graug empire though... i can assure you that the people of Gratos are not that stupid to attempt something so stupid. If Krag and his token empire that is likely to fall just as the rest of the Sith have. The Sith once more struck at our home less than a week ago, and if you think that i would betray my people... -MY- family, then you are sorely mistaken Mand'alor." Yusan Fenn slowly stood and stared directly at the man and continued on while he spoke, his metal hand presses down on the console as he spoke, his eyes focused as his face remained as scarred by the bomb that had nearly taken his life.

"I have lost my hand for this Republic, i have nearly died from a bomb, i have been broken and near death when the Republic Senate was attacked mid session and -I- was the one who organized efforts to keep order during that as the Thronebreaker and Mister Supersith escaped. I was there for peace when you threatened the safety of my own family by threatening to shoot evacuated ships when your battle fleet came over Coruscant. I respect your people's history Mand'alor, i respect your culture and i respect you. With that said, i did not create any form of agreement that would ensure the rise of a Sith Empire renewed, and should one ever rise i can assure you i will change nothing that i have done in the past and risk my life to defend everyone here and those in the Republic. I ask you now with your Declaration to reconsider, else things will only be worse for your and our people only death will come and neither of us want to have that blood on our hands."

[member="Persephone Callas"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
[member="Yusan Fenn"]
The man's pleas would fall on deaf ears, for not only had the Mand'alor already made up his mind, but he had already left the senate. Whatever the Republic did with his pleas did not concern Gilamar.

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