Arcana Panathum
The city-planet was thriving with life. It was here that hundreds upon hundreds of companies established the headquarters for their companies. The urban cityscape shined with the neon logos alongside the buildings. It was a paradise of duracrete and durasteel. And it was a symbol of the end of civilization. Society was never meant to live in such conditions. The planet was dying and not a soul on the city-planet seemed to care.
None except The Insiders.
An underground group of eco-terrorists that fight relentlessly against the corporations that are continuously carving a scar through the planet until there is nothing left. So far, The Insiders had yet to make their mark against the corporations. They were limited to small demonstrations against them here and there, but nothing of substance.
Not until today...
"Hey, Freddy. We're really doing this. We are truly going to make a difference."
"Yeah, we are, Tee. Now get out of here while I arm the explosives. This building is going to crumble and take most of the district with it."
The Insiders infiltrated the Synthtech Medtech Corporation headquarters near the center of the district. Their plan was simple: Plant the bomb, get to safety, then detonate and watch as the district was turned to a crater. It would send a message across, not only the city-planet, but the galaxy as well. How they, a small time eo-terrorist nuisance on Jutrand, managed to get their hands on the technology to level a small city and manage to smuggle it into a highly secure building is unknown. However, that was irrelevant. Thousands would die within the hour.
"Alright. Everything is set up. Starting the timer...and set. Gotta get out of here."
As the Insiders were boarding their getaway vehicle, several displays across the city-planet would change from the advertisements that played endlessly had been hijacked. A hologram of a featureless face appeared. It looked around, as if looking down upon the people of the city-planet. Jutrand was held at a standstill as the displays were all simultaneously showing this face.
And then it spoke.
"People of Jutrand. We are The Insiders. We are not your saviors. We are your reckoning. The planet has grown tired and weak. It is unable to defend itself from you. You have taken that possibility from the planet. Now, it is up to us to save the planet from the likes of you. We have planted a bomb in one of your districts. One powerful enough to eradicate it off the face of the planet. Thus, freeing the world to recover from your taint. When the dust settles, and the planet heals, know that it was The Insiders who will be the true heroes of this planet."
The face disappeared, returning the displays to their primary functions. A panic across the city-planet would ensue. Chaos like nothing the planet had seen in recent memory.
"It's beautiful..."