A brilliant fire
With her situation growing more stable, the Jedi Master was finally traveling between worlds to begin a new journey, one that she hoped would lead to her establishing her own Enclave. As a first step, she decided to return to planets she remembered from her past, especially those she had spent time on. Perhaps she could learn more from visiting them She had woken up on Onderon, so she decided to first travel to a world close-by: Alderaan, a planet she had been to many times.
Without a specific idea as to what she was going to be looking for there, she decided it was best to begin within the capital city of Aldera. So after several hours of hyperspace travel, she landed inside the large spaceport.
She didn't mind people knowing she was Jedi but right now, she preferred to go as unnoticed as possible. So she drew some robes around her signature tunic and pulled the hood over her head. All set, Valery began to move through the city, just taking in the changes from the past few thousand years.
However, she had a feeling that something more interesting would happen.
Without a specific idea as to what she was going to be looking for there, she decided it was best to begin within the capital city of Aldera. So after several hours of hyperspace travel, she landed inside the large spaceport.
She didn't mind people knowing she was Jedi but right now, she preferred to go as unnoticed as possible. So she drew some robes around her signature tunic and pulled the hood over her head. All set, Valery began to move through the city, just taking in the changes from the past few thousand years.
However, she had a feeling that something more interesting would happen.
Noah Corek