Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fancy a skirmish? Calling you NFUs out...

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The Covenant of the Black Rose (a sub-Order of the OS primarily) is looking to break some female prisoners out of a GR high-security establishment.

Numbers are flexible - as long as we have fun. So let me know below if you're up for it. The story is that the Sisters are looking to bolster the ranks of the Sitherhood troopers and see these inmates as primary candidates.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Non Force Users against Force Users? No way that could go horribly wrong.

At any rate why not I suppose it is about time to get back to the real fighting since Shamus woke up from his coma.
[member="Shamus Walker"]

We're not looking at more than one Master and nobody dies unless they want to. If an FU had a reason to be at a Military prison, they could join in - but we didn't want this to be yet another Sith-Jedi fight :)

Time for the Republic NFUs to kick some butt :)
[member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"] | [member="Shamus Walker"]

OK, it has started and is likely to be 1 Sith Lord and 2 Knights. The target will be the maximum security prison on the moon Oovo IV.

If you want to recruit any extra fire-power, please do so - and given the OS Dominion focus and the Invasion starting on Sunday, I'm not sure how fast it will go :)
The premise is simple and the location is canon...

So have a reason to be there and fight some OS who plan to break some female prisoners out of the high-security prison. It doesn't have to be any more complex than that - but if you have a story that you want to weave into it, feel free :)

[member="Norrin Fulk"] | [member="Ali Hadrix"] | [member="Samuel Quentin"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"] | [member="Shamus Walker"]
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