Varus Shatterstar
Finding Purpose

The Diamond District - Upper Class Sector
The Regal Ruby Casino - 12:14 PM
"If I wanted a lesson on how to bet in a game of Sabacc I'd have asked for it...", he said with a warning voice, eyes slightly reddened by the six or seven drinks he'd already had. Those sapphire orbs were hiding behind a pair of darkly shaded aviators, however, for he preferred to wear them when he was betting against other players in a Casino like that one. After all, his tells were much easier to pick up when he was drinking, and those days he wasn't nearly strong enough in his resolve to turn down the steady flow of free drinks that he was receiving. If only he was in a mindset to realize that these drinks weren't at all free.
"Dammit...", he whispered as he flicked down his cards in disgust, flicking an angry glance across the table at the smirking, male Twi'Lek who'd arrogantly assumed he could tell Varus how to play a game he already knew how to play. Of all the things that the tentacle possessing creature felt confident in, it was betting that he'd gotten preachy about, which had really ticked off the young and exceedingly powerful Jedi that Varus was. In fact, he was a liability those days, and far more prone to go off over such petty things that he knew he shouldn't worry over.
He was glaring at the male creature who sported ugly, sharp teeth and odd, bloodshot eyes, that were staring back at him. It was most Twi'Lek men, just like that one, that Varus couldn't understand for more than just a few reasons. Most of all, though, he couldn't quite figure out why any female of any race would ever go to bed with one, but perhaps that was being too harsh. Perhaps he was just angry and thinking up ways to insult him. "I hate to say I told you s...", the man started to say, but Varus cut him off with a sharp response.
"One more word and I'm tossing your fugly ass off the roof of this Casino. Do you understand me?", he asked, watching him with those narrowed sapphires for a long time before he raised his glass of whiskey, turned it up to take a swig and gulped it down. All while the Twi'Lek looked back at the man with a shocked expression on his face before he finally, slowly collected his chips into a tray and pushed himself up to leave the table.
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