Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, it's been some time Chaos.

I guess, I'm here because of the likes of [member="Falcon Rekali"] and his inquisitive nature into my IRL happenings and that of my character. Last year was very turbulent for me due to the health of my mom and now that she has passed on - I feel I'm able to focus more on my own person and the things I enjoy. As we always say "IRL Happens." I do apologize to all the writers though it may have effected.

I'm also here because I'm not done yet and have many stories to tell. When I last left, Mira had been "cured" of her Force by her fellow Mandalorians and I'm curious to expand upon that. It could bring some interesting development to light. Her story is young and has so much left to be told. At this time, I may or may not expand into other characters but that has yet to be determined. I'd much rather focus on one, get comfortable and establish a solid player connection again prior to moving into other roles.

Hope all is well and look forward to getting back into the mix.
Ijaat Mereel said:
*quietly shuffles in, mutters about damn kids on his lawn, shuffles off with his coffee*

Welcome back. I hope you settle in well again!
I hope so as well! Thanks!

[member="Josh DragonsFlame"] - I'll keep that in mind! :)

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