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Fantastic 4 2015 Review


Crazy Never Looked this Good

I swear I want to #$%$**&^#%$^&*&&^^%$#%#$#%$$^%%&%&***%$#*)**$# Up this movie's ASS!

Never have I been this mad at a movie before in a long while. Won't go into spoilers but to make a long story short the tone was bad, the effects were bad, the story was dull along with the characters who had no real chemistry and they ruined Dr. Doom one of my favorite comicbook characters ever!

Don't watch it. Just don't!


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Darth Raijin"]

No. I mean it tried to be like the Ultimate Universe, in that they're teenagers and they get their powers from traveling into another dimension, but that's it. Dr. Doom still isn't a power hungry dictator; OR EVEN HAS GOAT LEGS! And they do the whole Suse Storm's adopted by black Johnny and Frank Storm, but they don't do anything with it. It's just there!

Well, from the start I figured they were gonna mess up on the Doc. Even in the original-universe F4 movies, he wasn't quite the great chess-playing Iron Man rival he should've been. And then, tbh, I read a plot summary and heard that... Sue's not with them for the first test?

Ultimate F4 was cute and fun, but I don't think sidelining backstory was a good idea in a movie...

The sad lesson is that Disney is better at making gritty sci-fi than Fox all of a sudden... What in the actual f*ck?

And after the new X-Men movies, too... That increases my surprise and annoyance by a hell of a lot.


Crazy Never Looked this Good
[member="Darth Raijin"]

Yeah, Disney/Marvel should just get everything back at this point. I'm not that upset X-Men isn't part of MCU but meh; only real downside is no Wolverine in Avengers. F4 in the mix would be good but at this point leave it alone. They're already doing yet ANOTHER Spider-Man movie just to put him in the mix.

And yeah, not too big a fan of the X-Men movies. But I'm totes excited for Deadpool.

Wolverine, Storm, and Beast are the only ones who really matter to the Civil War bit from the X-Men... But, I'd still have loved a tie-in so that they weren't alternate universes or whatever bull Disney threw to Marvel to explain it.

F4 would only be important if they were doing Secret War, which isn't likely, considering how they've shown the Collector but not the Grandmaster...

And I'm sick of alternate Spider-man movies after the third of the original ones (which I didn't like much, except for Ock and Goblin's characters. They were well-written and well-acted), and then two pretty good or at least decent Ultimate Spidey movies... And then another new one... Annoying.

If they're going for the Civil War arc, Disney should be focusing on the Dark Avengers a bit, really >_<
And, y'know... Not killing major frakking Avengers characters off...

((TL;DR for anybody else, I'm of the opinion that Disney is focusing on the wrong characters at the wrong times... At least Ant-Man was nice enough to tie into the next movie, although he should've been intro'd a long time ago.))
Have you seen the extended amount of rumors, gossip and production issues this movie had? To get a good idea of how bad this movie truly is, watch this video on youtube;

Josh Trank, the director, will never helm another movie again, I swear it.

For those that do not want to watch the long video; Fox saw that their time in making the F4 movie was almost up. Soon, it would divert back to Marvel, and God knows the Fox executive that gets caught handing another smash box office hit to Marvel would've been fired immediately. So they threw this hunk of garbage together. For those unaware of how bad the production went, midway through the movie, Kate Mara's character, Sue Storm, immediately changes her hairstyle. She goes from short haired to wearing an obvious wig.
From the first preview that was released, I had no desire to see the movie. To many things wrong with it, to many changes to please society, and frankly, I didn't even like the original two at all.

But I'm glad someone paid money to see it, and saved me from wasting mine. :)
skin, bone, and arrogance
Tanalth said:
t the tone was bad, the effects were bad, the story was dull along with the characters who had no real chemistry....
Don't watch it. Just don't!
So basically, it was the same as every comic book film that has been released in the last decade. Got it.


All I will say is... too soon. Way too soon. Even sooner than the Spider Man movies, which means entirely too soon. I don't get why they try to shove out remakes and alterverse movies like hotcakes. It's just not fun. o.o

I'm hyped for Suicide Squad and Deadpool though. The former because Jared Leto is in it, lol. The latter because FETHING DEADPOOL!!!

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Nyxie said:
All I will say is... too soon. Way too soon. Even sooner than the Spider Man movies, which means entirely too soon. I don't get why they try to shove out remakes and alterverse movies like hotcakes. It's just not fun. o.o
They rebooted it so quickly (same with Spiderman) was so that they could keep the movie rights. If they go a certain amount of time without making a movie, the rights will return to Marvel. Everytime they make a movie, it guarantees them the license for a couple of more years.

I think they're just holding onto the license, waiting for Marvel to offer them a giant sum of cash for it.
Best quote I saw in a review was something like:

The bar was set incredibly low for this film to become the best FF movie yet. The only fantastic thing about this film is it might come short of that.

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