Wolverine, Storm, and Beast are the only ones who really matter to the Civil War bit from the X-Men... But, I'd still have loved a tie-in so that they weren't alternate universes or whatever bull Disney threw to Marvel to explain it.
F4 would only be important if they were doing Secret War, which isn't likely, considering how they've shown the Collector but not the Grandmaster...
And I'm sick of alternate Spider-man movies after the third of the original ones (which I didn't like much, except for Ock and Goblin's characters. They were well-written and well-acted), and then two pretty good or at least decent Ultimate Spidey movies... And then another new one... Annoying.
If they're going for the Civil War arc, Disney should be focusing on the Dark Avengers a bit, really >_<
And, y'know... Not killing major frakking Avengers characters off...
((TL;DR for anybody else, I'm of the opinion that Disney is focusing on the wrong characters at the wrong times... At least Ant-Man was nice enough to tie into the next movie, although he should've been intro'd a long time ago.))