Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Farewell My Friends


Welp. I honestly never thought this day would come... but here it is. I have had previous leaves before but only for a short time. However, this time will be indefinite. Life has caught up to me to where I will not have anymore time to Roleplay in my favorite universe any longer. I am sad about this but hey, life is life and it must always come first no matter the strife. But if I ever do comeback, I have a new character that will replace Jerit Kolomor. His name is Veylion Schism. I believe he is a pretty unique character but of course nothing concerning his backstory will surface if and I mean if I ever get a chance to come back. With all of this being said, I hope you all have a wonderful time on this wonderful site.​

This is [member="Jerit Kolomor"], Taunwe Trebor, and Kerx Zyron...​
Signing Off.​

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