So ive talked about this for a while now, and im about to follow up on it. After recent events in Krux Mullarus' story, going completely mad after a broken heart and killing a bunch of people, he's decided to turn away from the Dark Side of the Force and learn to suppress his passion he feels makes him dangerous to everyone as a Jedi.
I just want to say that this has nothing to do with anything out of character. The decision is completely IC. I have loved being a part of this faction for so long. Writing a Sith has been very, very fun. But I value my character's ever-changing story more than anything, so I will soon be leaving this faction and taking a spot in the Silver Sanctum, where Mullarus' story will continue as he follows the path of the Light Side.
It has been a pleasure writing with all of you. You're all such fantastic writers, and ill never forget the adventures I shared with you all as a Sith Acolyte and Knight. Its a shame I cant stay, but thats just how the cookie crumples, I guess. People will often go their seperate ways, and im not different. Mullarus has become the deepest, most complex character i've ever written, and ive written my share of characters before. So thank you for making this amazing adventure possible.
I look forward to seeing you all again sometime, only now as enemies, no doubt. IC only, I hope.
Thank you
I just want to say that this has nothing to do with anything out of character. The decision is completely IC. I have loved being a part of this faction for so long. Writing a Sith has been very, very fun. But I value my character's ever-changing story more than anything, so I will soon be leaving this faction and taking a spot in the Silver Sanctum, where Mullarus' story will continue as he follows the path of the Light Side.
It has been a pleasure writing with all of you. You're all such fantastic writers, and ill never forget the adventures I shared with you all as a Sith Acolyte and Knight. Its a shame I cant stay, but thats just how the cookie crumples, I guess. People will often go their seperate ways, and im not different. Mullarus has become the deepest, most complex character i've ever written, and ive written my share of characters before. So thank you for making this amazing adventure possible.
I look forward to seeing you all again sometime, only now as enemies, no doubt. IC only, I hope.
Thank you