Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Farmer's Markets & Chef's Salads (Fringe Dominion of Sump)

The day has come, I yelp into the mental ether, it is time to celebrate my Knighthood with a picnic on the obscure and reptilian planet of Sump. Once the domain of a mining corporation who used the natives as wage-slaves, now freed the Nuknogs live a life of poverty and want. But! They've learned farming and now the agricultural sections are legitimately pleasant. Besides, they need some help with managing their food production so there might be a Fringe Council angle out here to boot!

Also, Nuknogs aren't strong enough mentally to trigger my symbiotic reflexes so I stay Anders and they stay Nuknogs. So it is on this pleasant day on Sump that I fly down with an open invite to my fellow Fringies to hoof down for a day of green-tinted sunshine, relaxing fields & climbing cliffs and the best farmer's market outside of Cerea.

Little do I know at the moment my ship touches down and I turn to my companions with a wry grin, that not all will go as expected. This place, you see running monologue in my brain, is haunted. Okay that's what the Nuknogs think, but there have been strange and mysterious happenings! Paring knives going missing! Colanders gone! Spatulas carved into shivs! The Nuknogs haven't a clue, but some wonder and so dear Fringers, I descend toward the Farmer's Market for whimsy! For fun! For… the discover of a murderous Chef's Salad like the universe has never seeeeeeeeen!

Dun dun daaaaaaaah!

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @Eeeverybody in the Fringe who wants in on 'killer' vegetable comedy fun!
"If there ever was a world in need of clear skies, some potted plants, and a color scheme...oh, and a few million metric tons of white sand on the nearest coastline...and, for that matter, an air freshener or two...per person..."

As Rave descended the ramp, she examined, clinically and dispassionately, the most unprepossessing and unimpressive planet she'd ever seen.

"This is the most unprepossessing and unimpressive planet I've ever seen," she said. "And if this farmer's market really is haunted, and its ghosts' ambitions extend so far as paring knives, well, I may have just found a Dark Side spirit not worth invoking. Wonders will never cease."

@[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"] @[member="Kitt Solo"]
Lucien stood beside Anders wondering why he had chosen this ... monstrosity. Lucien knew plenty of pleasant planets and Elegant restaurants that would be far more appropriate. He just grunted "It looks like a budget resort that they take convicts to, in order to allow them to see a sun before returning them to their prisons to rot" Lady Merrils comment did bring a smile to his face however "I don't know my lady the supposed spirit might have some uses"

He stepped off the gang-plank "I trust you brought nice food and a paring knife" He said more as a statement than a question. This planet really was droll. To make matters worse he could just feel the poverty ... it repulsed him. Why some people insisted upon living like beasts he would never know.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Arbiter Ashin Cardé Varanin stepped off the ship behind her bosses of the High Council. Garbed in spacer's clothing, with a lightsabre and a heavy blaster at her hip and a bastard sword on her back, she was, on this mission, nothing but the muscle.

Arbiter Varanin's nose twitched.

"It smells like the Jedi Council chambers on Coruscant. In need of serious aeration."

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Gavin strode down the boarding ramp with the rest. He wasn't really sure why he decided to come other than Anders had invited him. Well that and farmers usually made better booze than brewers. The place smelled like a hutts backside and wasn't much prettier but then he couldn't really complain, he wasn't buying.

He looked at Arbiter Varanin as she spoke and couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe they all need a quick romp to put their minds right." He said casually, "Manda knows the Jedi do."
I stood beside my master Lucien. Dressed as with everything else as it was, I looked to the woman that was there as well. An admiral of the fringe. She seemed familiar to me for some reason. Despite this, I stayed silent only smirking to the other peoples comments.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Nickolas Imura"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Anders Sivas"]

"I know this isn't exactly accepted wisdom in Keldabe," Ashin drawled, "or in the Republic, but contrary to popular believe, sex doesn't solve everything.

"On the other hand, Ovmar, if we find that this situation can only be resolved have my full permission to engage with any of the locals."
I hop over a rock dumped in the footpath and clap Rave and Lucien on their shoulders. "It's plain, dingy and in need of management. Think of it, dudes and dudettes: we could transform this dull, lifeless planet in a matter of months! Years! You know what they say, location, location, location…" I cough and glance at Lucien with a side-grin and a sheepish raise of my shoulders. "Besides, it's so unimpressive I get to keep my own head. There isn't a Nuknog in the Galaxy that could shift my personality."

"When I was there, the Jedi Council Chambers smelled like rage." I pipe up to Ashin, sidestepping a corn husk left on the road. They must be having a bad series of days if they still smell musty and gross as the landscape. So this isn't New Eden or Sakura, it's Sump. Still! It.. ew. I step over a discarded corn husk and look down at the ground. "What the deuce?"

There are bits of salad everywhere. I glance up at the sky, maybe a speeder went by and someone dumped their salad by mistake! That could happen, right? "Guys, do you see an inordinate amount of veggie ma--aaaaahahahahahahaha!" I point flat out at @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] and giggle myself silly as @[member="Ashin Varanin"] gives him the go-ahead. "Now seriously, what's with the grass?"

It's… purple. "It was yellow last time I was here." In the distance, a couple of Nuknogs are scurrying about. They must be setting up the market!
@Anders Sivas @Gavin Ovmar @Hannibal Oryen @Jared Ovmar @Alen Na'Varro @Faenrovon The Radiant @Lucianus Adair@Kitt Solo
"Strangest planet I have ever set foot on, yet somehow dull." He said, wrinkling his nose. "And the smell. Barely tolerable... and somewhat cloying."

It would be a wonder separating the general stench from the rest of the scents he would usually be interested in, but it was possible. He heard the words of Gavin Ovmar, keeping the opinion that formed in that instant to himself. Were such attitudes common in those of that lineage? He snorted, inwardly, feeling an utter lack of surprise on the subject, and continued meandering along with the others that had decided - just as foolishly as he had - to come along on this venture. But it was apparent that there was something afoot, and his assessment of this world being a dullard would possibly have to be revisited. Adair looked to the ground under his feet, and saw, confirming, that there was an inordinate amount of vegetable matter laying about. And that the grass was in fact yellow... which was not all that unusual in his mind. Grass was not merely green, across the entire galaxy.

"Yes, Sivas, there is an unusually large amount of... vegetable matter lying about." He confirmed, his voice carrying something akin to an eye-roll in tone. "Though, I would consider that stranger than the colour-changing grass."

@[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Nickolas Imura"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Rave Merrill"]
@[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Nickolas Imura"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"]

"For love of the Force, Gavin." Phe muttered, half under her breath as she followed the others off the ship and onto Sump's surface. That boy needed to learn to think first, though she had her doubts that would ever happen. Arbiter Varanin's swift reply made a smile blossom across the blonde's features.

It was...inordinately underwhelming, and one of perhaps the least pleasant places she'd ever been, based on the smell alone. Fingers smoothed out her olive-drab tanktop, clasping briefly around the Eclipse tags hanging on a chain around her neck. Catching up to the others, the toe of one military style boot kicked at a head of lettuce lying in her path before sea-green eyes rose to take in their surroundings more carefully.

There was a comment lingering on the tip of her tongue, but Lucianus' tone saved her from having to say it out loud. Instead, Phe grinned and fell into step beside the man, sea green eyes flickering with silver threads as her nano-implants adjusted to the light.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"] @[member="Phedre Parenthis"]

Gavin grinned like a firaxa shark at the swift retort. He completely deserved that and he wasn't going to let anyone think he was smart enough to keep quiet.

"Well at least if I do it it will be done right." He said looking around. "But I'm charging double the average rates."

Gavin was obviously not embarrassed or interested in feeling so. He looked at the grass and the vegetables-errant that lay strewn about. Something wasn't right. Even to someone who normally ignored oddities.
@[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Faenrovon The Radiant"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"]@[member="Kitt Solo"]

The Nuknogs' market took form. It was, naturally, vegetabular. Rave took a long breath in through her nose.

"Smells like compost and paranoia. You can't see it in their faces, or at least I can't, but the Force is full of vegetables and fear.

A shout rose from nearby, between two market stalls. Rave sped up as a crowd gathered around a fallen Nuknog. A bloodstained ladle rolled forlornly beside his brutalized skull. Murder -- but no murderer in sight, and she felt no malicious excitement from the crowd.
Clad in a fetching black Duster made from a terentarek's hide (thank you @[member="Skye Mertaal"]), Alen Na'Varro caught up to the collection of Fringers and fell into step beside his fellow Arbiter. While the rest of them made remarks regarding Sump's natural ... aroma, the bearded man did his best to remain stoic. No change in facial expression or complaint emerged from him, but he could not deny that this planet had a singular nature. A nature that was not at all pleasant. Not only the poodoo smell, or the vegetables, or the brain-dead locals ... there was something else. Elusive in nature, Na'Varro could not pin it down. Farsight, empathy and mentalism had never really been his forte. He had given it a go in his younger days, but had soon abandoned it to perfect what he was good at. Which was smashing things. He, like Ashin, was here to be the muscle for this particular little jaunt. He wondered why they were here, of all places, and not home, however.

"If they'll take you.." Na'Varro directed a lopsided smile at Gavin Ovmar, a very new acquaintance of his. Sure, they'd just met, but Alen couldn't resist throwing a bit of chat. It was all in good humour. "Which given your rude head, I very much doubt.."

Suddenly a shout rang out from nearby, and like the rest of the Fringers, Alen went to investigate. He had been a detective of sorts in a previous life, coupled with a thousand other positions he had juggled. Sir Alen Na'Varro, Constable of Ruusan ... a man long gone, but he still had a few tricks of the trade. Brushing past High Councilor Merrill, the bearded man kneeled by the fallen Nuknog. Without touching him, the Arbiter inspected the victim and gave his fellow Fringers a running commentary.

"Severe head trauma on the back of the head ... skull structure slightly altered ... looks like he got hit with a large, flat implement ... no bruising or bleeding as yet, but it's fresh ..." Na'Varro looked back up at his comrades. "Looks like our friend here got killed with a primitive garden tool called a spade."

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @[member="Gavin Ovmar"] @[member="Phedre Parenthis"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"] @[member="Anders Sivas"] @[member="Nickolas Imura"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"]
Following closely behind everyone as there was a yelling going on. I had to admit that the smell here was bad, but with how long I have had to deal with the smell of rotting human corpse, This was nothing compared to it. Indistinctly I drew my vibrosword with my right hand. Running after them, I had to shove my way through the crowd that was slowly gathering. "Come on guys, Let us through!' I horcely whispered under the soudns of people murmuring and speaking.

As the man @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] spoke about the local being killed by a Spade, I shook my head. That was a tool that was around here often from what I have seen with the many different types of shrubbery and plants. "A needle in a hay stack."

@[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Gavin Ovmar"], @[member="Phedre Parenthis"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Anders Sivas"], @[member="Ashin Varanin"], @[member="Lucien Cordel"],


Well-Known Member
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]
A single ship descended from the skies, unimposing and unidentified. Veering to the right, the craft landed as near as possible towards one of the toughest women in the galaxies. A man whom stood near 6 feet stepped out, covering his eyes as he moved to speak to his target.

"Mrs. Varanin, I am Pexim Corosa-James, may I speak with you?" Pex hoped the addition of his Masters surname would add to the newcomers potential. Zaiden, if he were in his right mind, would want his "mother" to his revival was a success and that he now had been captured.


Well-Known Member
Once more Daemos was surprised at the guidance of the Force, for the moment his allies landed he stepped forth - already topside! Garbed in his Beskar'gam and accompanying Body Glove beneath, both Kusarigama strapped to each hip, he was as always, ready for battle if it was required. But it seemed this to be one of those more peaceful take overs - something that was far easier to some, but beyond difficult for himself.

Lifting into the skies for a moment, he landed atop one of the nearby ships and crouch to watch how things proceeded.

Marcus Tritum

I was on detail to protect the VIPS we had on planet. Most of 'em were pretty powerful in their own right, see. But they are the brass. If they get ganked then we're all in trouble. So FOSC sent me dirt-side to watch over our assets. Basically a glorified bodyguard. Nah, not even glorified. Who am I kidding. I was trampin' along in the dirt wearing non-combat gear, which basically meant I was in incognito combat gear. My grey-green duster billowed behind me, revealing a series of pistols in neat holsters. I wore leviathan bracers. I probably looked like some spacer ruffian, but nobody would think I didn't mean business. I hoped.

I shadowed @[member="Rave Merrill"]. The woman was the de facto leader of the entire Fringe. If she went down... well, I'd be out of a job.
The cry came from behind the unfortunate ladled man, as sprouts, tubers, nightshades and melons rained down from … the stall one Nuknog over? Carrots are mounting an assault on @[member="Alen Na'Varro"], and somehow they've managed to sharpen their tuberous tops into points. How does a vegetable sh-- "What in the blue moons o-TAKE COVER!" I yelp, as suddenly the air is filled with vegetable peelers and heads of celery are… are..

"AW MY GAWSH! The celery have the paring knives!" I then proceed to ​burst out laughing so hard I cry. Come on, this is what has the Nuknogs in a crazy panic, running in circles and finding cover behind plastic grocery bags?!

"Guys, I'm going insane! There're veget-aah! Ow! Stopit!" There' a grapefruit! Its bigger than a grapefruit, is it a melon? I don't know. But it's … it's…. "Stop gumming my leg! Ah! Ow! Ow! Oooow! Citric acid in my shaving knick! Citri-heystopitalready!" I kick the grapefruit, and a massive potato up above a storefront awning burbles out the sickest groan I've ever heard.


I hit the ground laughing.

@Rave Merrill, @Gavin Ovmar, @Phedre Parenthis, @Lucianus Adair, @Anders Sivas, @Ashin Varanin, @Lucien Cordel,@[member="Dak Canton"]@[member="Lord Daemos"]@Kasamann@Nickolas Imura@[member="Alen Na'Varro"]


Well-Known Member
Daemos felt his jaw drop, and did nothing to close it. Literal vegetables attacked Sivas nearby, munching on him in a humorous way. This was absurd, how could such a thing even belong in an ecosystem?? But he didnt ask to many questions, instead he drew his Kama - the bladed portion of his Kusarigama - and held them at the ready. The chains didnt seem necessary at this point, as it was simply vegetation.

Slicing and dicing all the way.
Anders could laugh.

Anders hadn't made this.

Sump was a desolate world, in many ways. Fertilizer was hard to come by, good fertilizer, and Rave had seen an opportunity. Plant-based alchemical research had taken off with the Vinithi project, an abject failure but good seed for better experiments. Like the fertilizer she'd sold to the Nuknog through several intermediaries.


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