Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Farnyr
Faction: Order of the Silver Jedi
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Species: Valkyri
Age: 19 in Valkyri years
Sex: Male
Height: 1,87 m/6’1’’
Weight: 155 lbs
Eyes: Darkest of the Blues
Hair: Unknown
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes

+ Hunter: Growing up in the wilderness teaches you some useful surviving and hunting skills.
+ High Endurance: Having to hunt almost every day and surviving grave injuries have given him a slightly higher threshold for pain than most humans have, it helps that he’s a Valkyri.

- Lone Wolf: His seclusion from the rest of the sentient beings on the planet made him rather anti-social and make him rather awkward around people
- Silent Warrior: Farnyr usually doesn’t talk and if he does he usually just says one or two words. On rare occasions he has been heard saying a sentence, but that was the most he ever said.
- Hatred: Because of things that happened in his past, he has developed a deep hatred for the Sith, which will cause him to fall to the Dark Side easier.
- Trust Issues: Having lived a long time alone in the wilderness of Midvinter, he doesn't trust others easily. It takes a rather long amount of time to make him open up even a bit to anyone.

The young man is rather large, but being a Valkyri that is already a given, since they are larger than most humans by default. He wears a dark blue cloak and a dark blue mask, both with golden details, most of the time. His torso is protected with a rather thin layer of a light golden metal that has a couple scratches which indicate that it’s gold-painted Iron. His wrists are protected by gauntlets made out of the same material and his knees have simple iron pads to protect Farnyr from minor injuries while sprinting through forests or other landscape. He has a fairly standard hunting bow, a couple knifes and a couple arrows with him at all times. His sword, which is made out of high-quality Iron, is mostly there to fight off the occasional bandit group Farnyr encounters. He doesn't own a Lightsaber yet, but if he would, it would be a light greenish blue.

Farnyr's earliest memories are those of his parents teaching him the ways of the Valkyri in their village, which was one of the more traditional ones, having only minimal knowledge of the galaxies' advances in technology. Teaching him their customs, their language, their traditions and many more things like how to defend himself properly and so on. He doesn't remember the things they taught him, but he remembers his parents and how they were, though he does still have a couple memories of the things they taught him, mainly how to defend himself. This played a huge role in the following events. It was thanks to his parents and their sacrifice as well as the things that they've taught him that he is still here to tell his story today.

t happened on a trip to one of the major cities. He and his parents were on a small wagon on their way to one of the major cities with certain goods they wanted to sell there, which they did regularly every week. On all of their trips they have encountered large beasts, packs of hungry predators, groups of other travelers, barbaric raiders and many other things, but they have never encountered something like what happened on this trip. First they had to change course because of a Hrothwûrm that came out of nowhere and destroyed their road by throwing over a couple trees, then they got attacked by a couple thieves, who were dealt with by his parents, but then something weird happened. A comet or something similar appeared in the sky and came down pretty quickly. It crashed somewhere near them, but it didn't make a lot of sounds and had apparently cooled off before crashing down, since it didn't have any flames around it anymore and it had looked weird as well, not at all like a rock, but more like a thing made of metal. His parents stopped the wagon to investigate. They hid the wagon in the nearby trees and then started walking towards the place where the weird-looking meteor had crashed, with Farnyr following them. It wasn't every day that such a weird object crashed near you after all. The three made their way closer until they could see the crash site. To their surprise there was no destruction, no fire, no crater, no sign of anything being destroyed and the meteor seemed to have grown small feet. After getting even closer they realized it had even opened up. There had been stories of things like these. 'Skyships' was the term used in Farnyr's village. They were supposed to be things into which people go and then travel the sky as if it was a sea, hence the name Skyship. It was just a legend and a rumor, but now that the three had seen it up close for real, they realized it was more than just that and they knew there had to be more behind them. They didn't enter the Skyship, since they were afraid it would then close and carry them away forever, so they just stood there, observing the thing and drawing in every detail.

fter a while, there was movement in the trees. A man in dark robes and two men with full-white armor and black things that looked like crossbows came out of the trees. The two men in white armor pointed the crossbows at Farnyr's parents, while the black robed man just stood there, without showing his face. Farnyr's parents didn't fully understand what they were expected to do, so they just said <Does this Skyship belong to you?> in their own language, while Farnyr hid behind the metal Skyship. The men in white armor then came closer and said something, while the robed man remained where he was and the parents asked again, this was when the robed man spoke up ''Foolish primitives. How dare you waste the time of a Dark Lord of the Sith?''. 'Sith'. That one word would haunt Farnyr for the rest of his life because of the things that happened next. The robed man took a small metal thing in his hand which then suddenly materialized a red beam of something. The beam made a low humming noise and then, when the robed man swung it at Farnyr's parents it made a higher pitched humming noise and cut through them, bringing a gruesome end to their lives. Farnyr watched the whole scene and was terrified by it. It wasn't easy for a seven year old to see both his parents murdered in front of him by some kind of magic weapon. Fear took a hold of him and he ran, away from the Skyship, away from his dead parents, away from the white armored men and away from the robed man. The men saw him, but the robed man waved his hand and said something that caused them to not pursue Farnyr. Thanks to this he got away with his life, but now he was all alone, miles away from the nearest civilized place, in the middle of the woods with only the supplies in the wagon he had ran to.

After the supplies in his wagon had run out, he had to improvise. The bit of training in hunting he had received from his parents would help him well, since he had to go out and hunt an animal for himself. He managed to find an already wounded and lost Älk, which had seemingly abandoned all hope and cowered down near a tree. Farnyr was at first reluctant to kill the Älk, since he had never before killed anything by himself. The moral struggle was soon overcome though when Farnyr realized he hadn't eaten in three days and was getting very hungry. The deed was done as quickly and as painlessly for the Älk as possible. Farnyr took a bit of comfort in knowing that the Älk would have died anyways, since it was cut off from the herd and wounded, most likely from a Frir or something similar. He then gathered some firewood and made a small camp near the Älk. He had taken a couple more things from the wagon, like a piece of armor that his parents had made for someone, a couple knives, a bow, some arrows, wood, pieces of cloth and other things that might prove useful. With those resources he made himself a small home in the woods. A bed made of Älk fur, a small roof made of cloth and a campfire. The meat he had gathered from the Älk had sustained him for a couple days, but afterwards he had to go hunting again. With that becoming his daily life, he got better and better at it. His tracking and hunting skills became better and better and so on. One day, when he came back from hunting, about a year after his parent's death, there was some small creature in his camp, gnawing at a small piece of meat he had saved for later. Upon closer inspection he realized it was a Frir, one of the sabertooth-cat creatures. It was apparently on its own, without its mother or any other Frir-relative. Deciding his life was already lonely enough, he didn't shoo it away, nor did he kill it for food. He took it in as a sort of friend and companion, feeding it and even giving it a name.

A couple years later Farnyr had grown into a real hunter, setting up traps, making his own arrows and bows, making his own clothing out of the animals he had hunted, etc. His companion, the young Frir cub, had grown into an almost fully sized Frir and had become a sort of companion and friend for Farnyr. They became a sort of hunter team, relying on each other when they went out to gather food. The bond between them got stronger and stronger, until the Frir and Farnyr were inseparable.

One day, after so many years, Farnyr dug out the armor he had taken with him from underneath all of his things. He though it would suit him now, since he needed something to protect him a bit while hunting and from wild predators he encountered, not to mention bandits and the likes. he hadn't had any contact with anyone Valkyri for over a decade now and the only thing keeping him from loosing all hope was his Frir. It was enough time in complete solitude, he thought, so he decided to make an effort to get back to civilization. The thought only occurred to him now because his life got repetitive and he was craving a change. During all this time his hate for the people called 'Sith' has never dwindled and he had even sworn to kill every single one he encountered, but that would have to wait, since now he was still on his way to a road he had once seen, which might take him to a village or something similar.


[member="Ilanthria"] Thank ye.

[member="ALTAIR"] But that's gonna be my Lightsaber hilt+Lightsaber colour! D:


[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Thanks, fine sir!

[member="Eric-1224"] Lone wolves ftw!

[member="Elvira Congelo"] Thanks!

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