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Manufacturer: Order of Arcane Syn
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Very Light
Size: Very Small

Farrus Sphere fashioned as a necklace​

  • Manufacturer: Order of Arcane Syn
  • Affiliation:
  • Modularity:
    • Metal Lattice can be forged into any piece of jewelry such as a ring, necklace, pendant.
    • Metal Lattice can be forged from any metal the user wants, although the alchemization process is still required.
  • Material:

Farrus Sphere fashioned into a Sith talisman style​

  • Similarly to how the Fermata Cage of ancient legend worked, the Farrus Spheres are designed to capture individual creatures within them, freezing the prisoner within space-time and trapping them within a pocket realm within the sphere itself, until they are released through a pulse of dark side energy from the wielder. A subject can be captured either through direct contact with the sphere or remotely through a power pulse of dark side energy activating it and sucking in the creature if it is within 5 meters of the device.
  • A creature captured by the device has its spirit tethered to it, and if is about to die, the sphere will automatically pull the creature back into it to ensure the alchemist does not lose their creation or pet unnecessarily.
  • The Farrus Sphere can capture, contain, and release upon command non-sentient creatures and Sithspawn within its contained pocket dimension through the use of the dark side. The contained creatures are locked in time, not experiencing the flow of years while within the sphere. A failsafe spell woven into the creation process also means that if a captured creature, when released, would be killed, it is withdrawn into the sphere for protection as long as the sphere is nearby.
  • Farrus Spheres can be fashioned into any shape or piece of jewelry as long as the metal lattice can be formed and forged into that shape.
  • Farrus Sphere, even though they make use of Sith alchemy in the creation process of the metal lattices, are quite light and easy to carry.
  • A Farrus Sphere cannot be used to trap beings and creatures that are fully sentient within it, as the Lady of Secrets and her artificers could foresee how that could be abused. A failsafe woven within the Sith sorcery that create the devices ensures that the Farrus Sphere checks for sentience development and will not activate if someone tries to capture an enemy like an opposing Jedi or rival Sith. Each Farrus Sphere can only hold one creature within it at a time.
  • A Farrus Sphere, if it would be destroyed, immediately atomizes the creature contained within it and releases a wave of dark side energy that can disorient or harm the wielder.
  • If the wielder is within a Force suppression zone such as those created by void stone or ysalamiri bubbles, the sphere will not activate to either capture something or to release the creature within it.
  • The creatures captured by the spheres do not automatically obey the orders of the sphere's wielder, meaning it is highly recommended a wielder forge a bond or domination over the captured creature and to not capture creatures beyond their ability to control.

For the longest time, Sith alchemists and beastmasters were required to transport their Sithspawn creations and other monstrous pets in the traditional sense with transport ships or other means of transportation. The Lady of Secrets, Taeli Raaf, had thought about means of how that issue would be simplified and could also allow Sith beastmasters to have creatures on hand in case they are in situation where they need a monster and don't have one readily at hand. Several ideas were considered and discarded as they required too much space or were too bulky and heavy for carrying, defeating the whole purpose. In her research, however, she came across mention of the Sith Lord Darth Momin and the device he created known as the Fermata Cage.

The Fermata Cage could capture and suspend prisoners within a space-time pocket within it and the prisoner could be recalled into the present through the use of the dark side, and as she read more on the subject, the more Taeli was convinced this would be the solution. The schematics for the device, while they had never been recovered, were loosely detailed in the writings and she and her artificers began creating test devices and tinkering to discover what sorceries and techniques were needed to make the device function.

The resulting device, after some trial and error that resulted in few fatalities, was dubbed the Farrus Sphere. The device was built around a tempered kyber crystal, bled through the dark side, to act as the base and space to contain the pocket dimension while a metal lattice of alchemized metal was forged around the crystal to focus the spells and dark side energies needed for the device in a dark side matrix. Contained within the lattice, and tied to the kyber crystal, was a subatomic 'knot' of space-time similar to those found within repulsor technology that would create the suspension of time needed for the contained creature to be kept in statis within the crystal and an isotope-5 power source to keep the knot stable. Through the use of the dark side, and focused bursts of power, the wielder of a Farrus Sphere could capture or release a non-sentient creature with it and transport their favorite pets or creations into any situation without the use of designated transports.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To submit a useful tool for Sith beastmasters and alchemists to transport their monstrous creations and companions easily.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Taeli Raaf, Order of Arcane Syn, Sith Order
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Tempered Kyber Crystal, Alchemized Metal Lattice, Subatomic space-time knots, Isotope-5 power source
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