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Public Fate: Escape


Escape from Bestine, Under the Twin Suns!

Confused, Afraid, and totally Lost in the situation Tamsin attempts to escape the city of Bestine with the Grey Jedi Tella Voland Tella Voland and Sith Kaila Irons Kaila Irons . Can they get the Slave girl to safety?​
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Tella Voland said:
"I would not trust her, but I would take her deal for now if it gets her to stop talking for a moment and do something useful"

"You mean like my shield? When you nearly crushed her? I know it had to be you, everyone else was in the crowd!"

Kaila scoffed and gave the burning corpses a quick push via the force, leaning over the edge just long enough to confirm that they'd hit the bottom before turning her attention back to the Jedi and the girl. She'd lived among the undead long enough to know that fire might take longer then that to completely destroy them. Better that they burn down there than mid climb.

Tamsin Graves said:
"I don't think, I am who you think I am though. I also have no idea who either of you are?"

"The name's Kaila, by the way. But the Jedi is right, we should explain on the way"

She would march right past the Jedi to the opposite side of the roof, checking the ground for more undead. Luckily that side of the building seemed clear, for now.

"Right, You lifted her before, yeah? I'll jump, you carefully set her down and I'll summon a barrier around her so that nothing can touch us. I can have a ship here in under a minute"

She had done all the diplomacy she needed now, and arguing with the Jedi had already cost her precious focus that prevented her from realizing the Sith had been using necromancy below. Now she was ready to focus on their escape.

Tella Voland Tella Voland Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves

"More Sith twisting of the truth, about what I expected," Tella replied in response to the accusation that she had almost gotten the girl killed "but we will have enough time to argue that point later."

Turning to the frightened Tamsin, she gave her a brief nod and a warm, reassuring smile, quite different from how she reacted to Kaila.

"I am Tella, and I am no Jedi, but we can discuss that later. Right now your safety is my main priority, as it has been since this has started. Do not worry, I will make sure no harm comes to you, whatever happens."

No way in hell am I letting this clueless, scared girl be taken onto that Sith ship alone. She would be even more easy pickings than she already is. I doubt for a moment this woman is going to offer more than the illusion of choice to this former slave. That is what they do-offer you "freedom" and when you reach for it, put the collar around your neck. Who even knows if this entire situation is not just an elaborate good cop, bad cop by the two Sith to trick her?

"Very well, you go ahead first. I will make sure…" Tella paused, giving a reassuring yet questioning look to the girl. "…what is your name?"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves
Tamsin kept shifting her focus between the too women as they sort of talked out the plan partly bickered at each other. She caught the part about nearly crushing her and Kaila shielding her. Truth be told she didn't fully grasp what they were saying. It would a take moment for it to click that the water tower had purposely been brought down. Tamsin had just thought it was an omen the ones that seemed to follow her everywhere. Bad things happened around her, yet she always came out barely harmed, at least physically.

"The name's Kaila, by the way. But the Jedi is right, we should explain on the way"

Tamsin nodded acknowledgement but turned to the silver haired woman as Kaila walked past them to the other end of the roof. She had noted Kaila kicking something off the roof, but she hadn't caught a clear look at what it was. Her reason for turning to Tella was that Kaila had called her a Jedi. I mean they had been calling each other all kinds of snipes and had been talking about jedi and sith but Tamsin in her state had only partly picked up on it.

So, was this silver haired woman that a Jedi of the stories she had heard? A jedi if they were real, not that she didn't think they were real just that the stories of them were over exaggerated thought she was special. It just left her even more damn confused than she already was.

"I am Tella, and I am no Jedi, but we can discuss that later. Right now your safety is my main priority, as it has been since this has started. Do not worry, I will make sure no harm comes to you, whatever happens."

Oh, so she wasn't a Jedi, what a weird insult to call someone she had to admit to herself. She guessed the sentiment about protecting her and helping her was nice but still weird. Tamsin didn't have a clue as to why this was happening to her or what this was all really about, but she supposed she would have to wait to find out. Her fears easing just a bit, it seemed neither woman was out to harm her at least for the moment. Still, she needed answers.

"…what is your name?"

Tamsin was sure she had said her name earlier? Then again things were chaotic, perhaps it was missed or maybe Tamsin hadn't said it at all just though she had.

"Who are you guys? Do you have me confused with someone else? I'm just a slave girl named Tamsin, I have never been special in my life?"

"I'm, Tamsin." She said again with a little more confidence and audible enough that both could hear it for sure if she hadn't said it or they missed it. "So, you're going across to the other building?" She asked Kaila, her eyes scanned down to Kaila's feet those were odd looking repulsor boots, must have been homemade or something Tamsin thought to herself. To her that had to be how jedi, sith, or whatever leapt so high long in the stories. Then she turned back to Tella. "Then you are going to send me across like when you pulled me up? Do you have some sort of anti-grav device on you?" Tamsin wasn't sure how such a device would work on a single target; most would target an area rather then an object or in her case a single person.

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tella Voland Tella Voland
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"Indeed, Tamsin. Let this be lesson one —Remember the high ground!" Kaila stifled a chuckle while taking a few steps back.

"Lesson two? The force is a pathway to many abilities some consider unnatural"

Kaila then took a running leap off the rooftop, arms out and cloak fluttering behind her as if she were some winged creature while the force carried her an unnatural distance over the road below. She would land atop the next ledge in a crouch, thankful that so many rooftops on Tatooine were so flat and her armor so light.

She stood then to her full height and turned to peer across the way at the Jedi and Tamsin, who she hoped would not be too off-put by the distance.

Normally she would have reached out and tried to lift the girl herself, but with so much happening around them it was actually quite fortunate to have the extra set of hands here even they were... Whatever Tella was. They could lift the girl and keep Kaila's hands free should any unpredictable variables make themselves known, and vice versa of course. If one of them were to suddenly drop her- the worst outcome- they could be assured that the other would reach out and catch Tamsin.

"Your turn! carefully now!" She would call out from across the gap, then lift an oddly shiny vambrace close to speak into a commlink.

<<Droid, I'm transmitting now, bring the ship to my location. Do not uncloak until we've secured an LZ"

Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves Tella Voland Tella Voland
Tella rolled her eyes at the Sith's commentary but watched her carefully as she jumped across the chasm of the street, landing gracefully on the next set of rooftops. She had to have been professionally trained, although by which of the many Sith factions she could not say. That would be problematic if it came down to a fight, but for now it was a boon.

Replying to Tamsin, she shook her head.

"No device, as she said, it is through the power of the Force, which you have to potential learn to harness one day. It is what I will use to get you across safely. In time, you may-"

The building began to shake as the combat below began to take off.

"For now, just trust me. Are you ready?"

Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves Kaila Irons Kaila Irons
Those words of Lesson's remember the high ground, and the force being unnatural where a bit a strange and confusing to her. Then she watched as Kaila leapt across the building though the air and the woman's cape flaring out. She tried to listen for the familiar hum of a repulsor but she didn't hear one. Maybe she was wrong, maybe it was the cape that aided her jump but still that wouldn't explain the height she got the jump.

As Kaila yelled across Tamsin turned to Talle who tried to explain it wasn't some sort of anti-grav tech she had used. It was the force and Tamsin could learn it, the force that was the magick some people claimed the Jedi had. Tamsin understood machines and the mechanical, not something she could ever explain to anyone she just understood them without knowing why she did. The more spiritual things like this force seemed to be had been concepts she really did understand or was exposed to until today.

"So how.." She was about to go into a myriad of questions about what the force was and how it worked but realized she didn't have time at the moment. She then walked up to the edge of the roof, looked across the gap towards kaila, and then down to the ground. People were running chaotically in the streets below. She saw people running to buildings and guards running through the street towards the city square and where the slave auction was.

Trust wasn't easy but Tamsin knew she had no other option. If she thought on it to long, she knew even if she wanted to go back to the slave life, she couldn't, just being on this roof meant she was an escape slave which in most cases meant death. She didn't want to be a slave, she had so few options open to her at the moment adding to her fear and confusion.

"Alright…" She said with a heavy breath. "What do you need me to do? Anything or are you just going to toss me?"

Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Tella Voland Tella Voland
Tella nodded back at Tamsin, understanding the girl had questions but had finally understood the urgency.

"I will make it relatively easy for you and you may not even need to do this, but what you should do is keep your arms up and tight and bend your knees once you are about to land, feet first, then roll over forward-don't fight the momentum, let it disperse over you. Just in the event anything goes wrong."

"I will give you a countdown to prepare. Here we go: ten, nine, eight, seven…"

It was also useful for Tella to build and collect the necessary Force energy more slowly, which was less stressful on her and drained her less. She had to conserve her energy if the Sith was leading them into some kind of trap or if more of the zombies or slavers or whoever showed up.


Tella pushed Tamsin into the air with a relatively gentle upward Force Push guided by a slight cushion of wind through Alter to ease the transition off the sandstone building. It should be a relatively-for the situation anyway-comfortable ascent to the middle of the street, where Kaila should pick her up, although Tella was ready in case the Sith tried anything.

The sandstone building shook again, and she could feel the Force growing into a storm in the plaza behind her.

And then I will have to plan for my own escape, although mother said any intelligence on Laphisto's combat capabilities would be appreciated, given their encounter on Ossus.

Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

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