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Public Fate: Showdown


Showdown on Bestine, Under the Twin Suns!

Don't call him a Jedi but what ever he is now Spek Zhio Spek Zhio is about to have have a showdown with Darth Nexion Darth Nexion with Zombie on lookers or participants who knows the mayhem is ensuing. City guards are entering the Bestine slave market and the slave guards are also approaching the dueling combatants there are threats all around. Laphisto Laphisto is caught in the middle of the fight will he join or flee to find the escapees?​
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"I just asked the same-!"

Laphisto blinked, his gaze trailing after the girl as she leapt after Tella Voland Tella Voland and Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves . Her words drifted back to him, half-remembered like a fading echo. Had she really said that? Maybe that was why his mind repeated it unbidden. Or perhaps he had meant to respond, but the words slipped through the cracks of his focus, lost on the breeze. Then again, his bad ear had been facing her the entire time. He silently cursed himself—face your good ear toward people, old man. A habit he needed to remind himself of in the midst of battle.

Shaking his head softly, Laphisto turned his attention to Darth Nexion Darth Nexion and Spek Zhio Spek Zhio . The sight before him—a Sith manipulating corpses in some grotesque resurrection—struck him. He had never seen anything like it. It was a grotesque and twisted use of the Force, yet undeniably fascinating.

"Fascinating. Disgusting, but... fascinating," he muttered, more to himself than anyone around him, his thoughts swirling as he briefly slipped into his own mind. But a voice pulled him back to the present.

"Jedi, me? No, no no... It's just that... whenever someone tries to use others as their puppets, it rubs me the wrong way!"

Laphisto's teal-blue eyes flickered as he unconsciously reached out with the Force, probing the alignments of Spek and Nexion. It was second nature by now, something he did without thinking, like a reflex. His attention flicked to the corpses once more as Spek, with alarming efficiency, dispatched them, disposing of the lifeless bodies as if they were nothing more than garbage. drawing a bit of admiration from the warrior at how effeciently and quickly he disposed of them

He didn't know what to make of this Spek fella but if they were not a jedi then that meant he wouldn't be apposed to his way of dealing with certain individuals when spek called out to him again calling him dragon dude in green armor. it brougth a chuckle to his throat and a shake of his head " my apologies where are my manners. Laphisto Gix. High commander of the Lilaste order." he gave a small bow towards the pink skinned man as they made the statement that they had the Sith Necromancer covered.

While now, he truly was in a bind. Give chase, maybe scold the girl who had caused this mess by collapsing the water tower, or stay and fight the sith with the rather overzealous force user. While he would have taken every opportunity to try and get a new soul into the order. This wasn't the time for that. the girl was safe. Or well, as safe as she could be anyway, all things considered.

what happened to the girl after she was freed wasnt of his concern any more. she was free and thats what mattered most. Admiring the man's audacity, Laphisto strode forward, wings unfurling ever so slightly, a faint metallic shimmer catching the light as they spread. He came to a stop beside Spek, his body moving with a practiced fluidity as he fell into a modified Shii-Cho stance. One leg slid back, grounding him, while the other extended forward, aimed directly at Nexion.

"and leave all the fun to you? not a chance kid" laphisto chuckled lightly igniting his Broad Saber letting the blade hum to life as he took in a deep breath. a frown rolling over his face as the bodies brought themselves back to life under the siths control . " it seems it might take more then that to take these things down."

Reaching out with the force laphisto took a deep breath pulling at the splinters of wood. Rising them up off the desert sand before flicking a hand forwards and hurling the pieces of wood, launching towards the sith. His other hand reached out towards a sandstone building, pushing against it firmly with the force and shattering the first couple layers of the rock. And then flinging the sharpened shards towards Nexion. Attacking him from the front and from the side.

" its been a while since iv been able to combat a dark Jedi properly" laphisto gave a small sly grin, almost as if trying to get a rise out of the sith before him. curious just how much he could push their buttons
The Sith had voiced his intention of getting to the girl or, at least, to those trying to free her. Zhio, in turn, had declared that he would stand in his way. Therefore, what the once Padawan expected was a sudden outburst from his opponent. Made more likely by the ignition of his crimson blade of light. While Spek, on the other hand, had yet to ignite his own lightsabers. What he did not expect, however, was for the other man to assume a moderate Niman stance, as he simply stood there, immobile.

That suited Zhio just fine. He was not intent on striking down the Sith, unless he had to. The Zeltron's intention was merely to prevent him from getting to those behind. If the Sith elected to bide his time instead, that would serve the smuggler, seeing as it would buy time for the others to rescue the girl.

Spek Zhio was perfectly content with staring down his opponent until sundown, if need be. He would not move. Not even making one of his habitual quips, due to an unwavering focus, on the off chance that the Sith's apparent composure was all merely a ruse.

Did the man, who had just introduced himself as Laphisto, called him a kid? Spek wondered, just as the High Commander literally jumped into the fray, hurling debris at their adversary.

"Well... That's one way of ruining someone else's plans..." One quip would do no harm.

Not wanting to get hit but deciding on joining the offensive as well, Spek threw both of his lightsabers at his opponent, controlling their flight path with the Force. Still unignited, the hilts described wide arcs behind the Sith, aiming to strike him from the back and the flank. Covering the opposite directions that Laphisto did.

Spek would ignite the blades, if needed, at the last possible moment.

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
Now, this would be fun. Recently, Nexion had recently survived an encounter with the Jedi Grandmaster herself. It was a duel he had no shame in admitting, he was outclassed in. But here, now, he could tell that of the three of them, no-one was inherently above the others. Great. While he said he'd love to play with one of them, he seemed to find dealing with two to be more troublesome that worrisome. As he was about to prepare for his first move, the man (who introduced himself as Laphisto) launched a volley of splintered wood and shards of sandstone in his direction. If that wasn't enough, the younger one threw both his sabers towards him, but hadn't activated. He'd have to be careful on this one.

First, the volley of wood and stone. Nexion glanced to his side, noting two small boulders only a short distance from him. Perfect, an offence and defence. Keeping his blade drawn, he raised his left hand (lifting the boulders with it) and hurled them into the path of the shards. He didn't need it to hit his opponents, but it provided a defence against the shards, and a way to create a blind spot in their view of him.

Next, the thrown lightsabers. He couldn't be sure if the younger man could control the blades without his sight, so he's have to take care with them as if he could. It was a simple move, an evasion to the left where the blades moved past him, but seemed to still be under control. In retaliation, he threw his own blade behind the boulders. If they defend against those, they'll have to be faster to react against that as well.

Laphisto Laphisto
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto kept his force sight active as he pushed forwards hearing the disappointment in Spek Zhio Spek Zhio 's voice at him interrupting his plan causing a small chuckle to roll from his throat " oh tell me about it lad, nother ever seems to go according to plan it seems"

His eyes darted to the stone boulders, one launching towards the sand stone shards and aimed towards one of the local buildings. The other aimed for him and spek. Flicking his lone ear laphisto watched the unignighted lightsabers go flying towards Darth Nexion Darth Nexion with a small rumble pushing from his throat "y'know lad helps to turn your saber on when you throw it at your opponent ." He spoke towards his temporary ally in the scuffle before then jumping to his left and rolling out of the boulders way. Before springing back to his feet, wings spread to give him some balance . His tail flicking around. Behind him similar to that of an agitated cat.

Smart play by the sith, he half expected them to give ground or try and take the blunt of the force. Or show off Thier power at least a little bit. Knowledge was the key in duels like this don't show off what you can do but do what you can to see the full extent of your enemy to better understand and defeat them. It seemed he would have to push the sith a little further in order to see what they are made of.

Reaching out towards another building Laphisto cracked the first few layers of the sand stone and then launched another volley before then pushing out with the force to try and force them back down what, as well as dueling as a purpose to lauche sand into the air
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When do things ever go according to plan? the Force user thought. Now, that would be a nice change of pace!

Instead of moving out of the way of the incoming boulder, Spek let go of his control over the Shien hilt, causing it to continue to spiral away on its previous path and, with his left hand, caused a Force barrier to spring forth in front of him. The stone shattered into pebbles when it came into contact with the barrier. A cloud of dust and debris forming in front of him, that would provide visual cover to and from everyone in front, that was not able to use Force sense to detect another Force user's position. All in all, given its negligible usefulness, it was a mere side-effect of destroying the boulder rather than a purposeful intent.

But it was thanks to that Force sense, that Spek knew that Nexion was not advancing towards him. What the Zeltron was not expecting - but was, nevertheless, prepared for - was the lightsaber aimed at him. As the Sith's red saber struck the barrier and went spiraling backwards, Zhio controlled the guard hilt - the one he had not relinquished his telekinesis of - and made it take a sharp turn backwards, flying again towards the Sith. With that same telekinesis, he activated the lightsaber from that distance - due to its locking activator, needing only a single push for the beam to stay ignited indefinitely.

The Ghostfire crystal within, produced a dull and translucent beam. Nearly imperceptible to those not paying close attention to it. In addition, and unlike most other lightsabers, the ghostfire crystal's beam made no sound at all, not even during the act of being ignited. Zhio was counting on the Sith not realizing it had been.

Hopefully, Spek's previous faint would now produce some results.

Regardless, he was already summoning the Shien grip towards his left hand, and replied in jest to Laphisto,
"Thanks for the advice."

Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
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Odd. Why would the younger one control his blades to once again target him if he wasn't going to activate it? Another feint? A simple distraction? Him only activating it as it was right on top of him? He couldn't be sure, but he didn't feel like risking it. As it got closer, he moved to the right, but his eyes widened as he felt a burn on his side. It wasn't deep, or that serious, but it hurt. When did he get- the lightsaber. So, that was how it was: a ghostfire crystal.

"A ghostfire crystal, huh? Rare, and valuable both in credit and use. Smart choice, I must admit."

If the cut on his side wasn't enough to deal with, he had another volley of sandstone shards firing at him, and his lightsaber was on the ground after being deflected. Great, he thought. He ran towards the oncoming shards, while simultaneously calling his blade to his hand. As he met the shards head on, did the surprising move of running straight through them. Now, he didn't do so in the literal sense, but he ran into them, with some piercing into him, and others he deflected with the force. After they had passed, Nexion stood with a cut side, three shards in his right leg, one in his left arm, and a gash from one on his right. But, surprisingly, Nexion's eyes gave away the fact he was smiling- smirking more like.

"My turn."

He brought his arms behind him, catching the sandstone shards, and he hurled them back where they came. However, he sent them towards his younger opponent. For Laphisto, he released a streak of lightning from his fingertips straight towards him.

Laphisto Laphisto
Spek Zhio Spek Zhio
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Standing himself upright and dusting himself off he went to call out to Spek Zhio Spek Zhio about the oncoming Boulder and the oncoming saber which he hadn't seen till now. His heart dropped lightly at the thoughts of what could be. Though he was pleasantly surprised when speak erected a barrier that send the boulder fragmenting and subsequently sending the lightsaber bouncing back

Hearing Darth Nexion Darth Nexion speak about a ghost fire crystal laphisto raised a brow haven never heard of such a thing before though he saw the burn in the siths robes and even saw the wince in pain. Causing a small chuckle to roll from his throat " so you did have it on? I guess my eye sights worse than I first thought" laphisto chuckled at his own quip rolling his shoulders lightly.

Laphistos eyes watched as the sith ran through the shards the action was a little surprising at first, before he remembered most sith even back in his time used pain to fuel Thier power. Funny how that worked how most dark siders couldn't truly use the force unless they were angry, in pain or suffering to some degree.or least that's how he saw things

Laphisto stood his ground shaking his head of his thoughts lightly before watching the sith stand tall grabbing the shards he had thrown. And laphisto held a hand out ready to reflect the shards though he was caught off guard seeing them fly towards spek. By the time he turned back to face the sith the lightning was already coming his way.

Reaching out with the hand already facing the sith he moved to use tutaminis to catch the blunt of the lightning, causing him to wince as strands of electricity danced over his armor. Had it not been for the beskar and Siegerium he would have felt that alot more though a few stray strands struck him in the face causing him to wince in pain. Though he hissed pulling the energy of the lightning into himself. Which allowed him to heal the lightning burns as they formed though as a result it caused him to shudder on occasion. He wouldn't be able to keep this up long.

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