Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Father Daughter Bonding Time

Nokomis crept silently into her father's office and shut the door behind her. She walked slowly over to the desk he was sitting at and tugged on his sleeve. When the little Zorren had his attention her fingers and hands moved rapidly, signing various words at him. "Daddy, come play with me!" she said in the various motions her hands moved in. She smiled up at him cheerfully, awaiting his response. [member="Vulpesen"] Torrevaso
Vulpesen's hand raised up to touch his brow as he went over yet another document that needed his attention."And the plaintiff wishes for three-thousand credits to pay for damages caused by the veran foxes and their rampant destruction of th- WHY IN THE LIVING NINE HELLS AM I HANDINGLING THI- Oh, hi Nokomis." His outburst of stress was quickly silenced as the young girl appeared at his sleeve. Instantly, the Valde sent calming waves to the child to stop any unease his shouting might have caused. "Sorry, daddy's just having a bit of a break from his work." He gave her a smile as he watched her hands move, years of practice with various languages making him easily adjust to understand the new medium. "Of course, I'll play with you. What do you want to do?"

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
"Can we go look at the big foxes? Or play with the little wolves? I don't know what else we can do, but I'm bored!" Nokomis signed, staring up at her daddy with wide eyes. The scar on her throat was still clear visible in her current posture, a harsh, bright pink line that slashed across the front of her throat. It was miracle that a child had survived such an injury. It was also a miracle that she was still so happy in the face of losing her adoptive mother. She seemed to shrug off the absence, as if she had expected such a thing to occur, and she probably did. She had been seemingly abandoned by her parents at a young age. The little girl probably expected Vulpes and Alex to both vanish at some point. [member="Vulpesen"]
Vulpesen smiled even wider and stood up. taking Nokomis' hand in his. "I don't feel like taking a ride to Myrkr, but sure, we can look at the big foes if you want." It was somewhat strange speaking to her only to receive silence and gestures But still, there was no reason for him to complain. Especially since his voice had been saved when he received a similar, though fairly smaller scar. "You know, when I was your age, Zarro would have to make me go outside. I'd be too busy ready texts, scrolls, and books in the library."

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
"I... I can't read," Nokomis signed back, seeming a bit embarrassed. She knew most kids her age could read at least a little bit, as well as spell, but this little Zorren couldn't do either of those things. She had no idea what letters even looked like. No one at the orphanage had ever bother to teach her, and her real parents had vanished before they could teach her anything. So this left Nokomis with no idea how to read or write. [member="Vulpesen"]
Vulpesen's eyes widened slightly and he took a small breath. In truth, he shouldn't have been surprised. t was hard to learn such things in an environment like hers, but as someone who couldn't remember a time he wasn't reading, it was just naturally shocking. "Well that won't do. How about we do that instead? i can teach you to read."

[member="Nokomis Arkay"]
"Will you play with me after?" Nokomis asked silently, looking a little nervous. What if she couldn't learn? Maybe the reason no ever tried to teach her was because she was incapable of learning those skills. She couldn't talk and wasn't that important? Maybe Nokomis just wasn't meant to learn the important skills most people had. It made her a little afraid of learning to read. [member="Vulpesen"]
He nodded and started back into the temple, heading for is Library. "Of course I will kiddo. Now, lets just hope that there's some kids books in the library." He smiled at her and took the kid's hand in his as they walked. He'd taught quite a few things, but reading was not one of them. He jussst really hoped he could manage it. Damn it Alex...

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