Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fatherhood (Kobe)

far out, man
[member="Kobe Seren"].

The name burned into Tracyn's mind, permanently. Rightly so. He hadn't been a good father. He hadn't been a good person. He hadn't been a good role model to his son. To his last living flesh and blood. To Asha's labor of love. While he burned the galaxy trying to find @Kaine Zambrano, he had left his son behind in the hands of [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]. While Joshua was no bad model, he was not his father, and it was not his burden to raise the boy. It was Tracyn's. Tracyn had to face the music, right his wrongs. His eyes cast upwards at the temple steps. And he took flight with his legs, one step at at time.

The steps were made of stone, but they felt much harder than usual. His legs grew heavy as his heart sagged downwards into his chest, before he finally made it to the top of the stairs. His gray eyes danced over the courtyard, and the Jedi buzzing about. Some were concerned with training and studies. Others paid attention to Tracyn. They knew of him, and what he had done. Some praised him for his return, others scolded him for his sins and actions. Rightfully so. One of his wrongdoings, was waiting for him. The young boy was still in the early stages of his Jedi training.

It was only by a now deceased Jedi that Tracyn had returned to the Jedi in the first place, from the ranks of the Mandalorian Super Commandos. back into the Jedi order. He wondered what his son would do with his life, and if his son would do anything at all. Tracyn did not hope or want for the boy at the moment- he needed to see him. So, he made his way in, while whispers and words were cast around him as he moved, moved closer to Kobe. Moved closer to righting his wrong, undoing his sin.

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