
Outer RIm

The world was dominated by ice volcanos that spewed up geysers of frozen ice and amonia. In this white world capable of turning ships into massive cryo pods, a figure walks about the sleets of ice, with hair matching his surroundings, combed over and his eyes burning pink. His dark leather armor, his slung slugthrower pistol and the Dathomirian blade on his back waist concealed beneath his cape. This world had become a home to him, where he could seek refuge after a commiting deeds that made him a target of bounties. It was here in to this realm of ice that he had sent an invitation to his Father, to come and meet, and put the Pater on ice..
Wight had grown up to loath his father who abandoned him and his Mother Ana in another galaxy. To him Hemorpheus was an obstacle he needed to overcome, and here on this hostile world he would make sure that the 'Lord of Life' learned the limits of life, specifically.. draining it from his corpse...
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