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Faction Faustin Deal

Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will

Faction: The Diarchy
Location: Odar-Faustin
Pertinent Information:
The world where the infamous Darth Scaberous attempted to achieve immortality through the use of the Black Orchid which created a virus that turned people when infected and thereafter bitten into Undead. The Planet is considered extremely dangerous because the virus remains dormant in the corpses and in the phials in the Laboratory.
TAGS: Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
Darth Nexion Darth Nexion (Maybe Interested)

Hemorpheus had long desired to visit Odar-Faustin. The History on Darth Scaberous and his attempts to harvest the Murakami Orchid to achieve immortality was of keen interest to him. While Lord Plagueis and his dominion over life was a model to The Lord of Life, no one knew how he created life through Midi-Chlorians. In stark contrast Lord Scaberous had left behind a lab, and many archives on his trials to make that unique plant a fiber to extend life. While the goal of achieving immortality was very much of interest to the Sith to achieve is possible a Eternal Empire, Hemorpheus interest was more scientific than mystical. He wanted to understand why the pedals of this plant could extend life, for perhaps he could uncover the blueprints of Life itself, something he had been searching for in His Oddessey, his quest to find The Creator, for Life created The Force, the Midi-Chlorians that were in all living things, and if this plant was a path to learning more about The Source of Life, then Hemorpheus was determined to acquire it and delve into its secrets.

To his great honor and surpise, Diarch Rellik had requested to join him on this trip to Faustin. To have a Diarch aboard was to have authority, and more than that it meant this mission was sanctioned. The Brother of Diarch Reign Diarch Reign , Lord Rellik was an aspiring alchemist and was divining the secrets of Sith Magick. This made him a fitting companion, for what they were going to do needed someone with experiance in the ability to transform things. The Lord of the Life was thrilled that one of the Rulers of their Diarchy was interested in these things, for Hemorpheus believed the key to setting them apart in this galaxy with many Sith traditions was controlling creation, and to do that they had to understand life and its source, and how to manipulate it. His broher on the other side of spectum, the Lord of Death, Darth Nexion Darth Nexion had been invited, coordinates had been sent to his vessel so that he may rendezous at Odar-Faustin.

In addition, there was the guide, the one who had given him the lost location of Faustin, Darth Teeth Darth Teeth , the engimatic Dentist who was more interested in the canines that The Infected possesed, and there was his dutiful assistant Anastarsia Anastarsia who was already preparing his intruments in the Lab aboard the ship as the stars danced across the window in streaks of white. Never did the Nightsister waver in her duties, anticipating his needs, as if she read his mind with her magicks.

The Lab-Ship came out of hyperspace above Odar-Faustin, there he had it put into geo-synchronized orbit around the planet. He then making his way to the Bridge came to find Diarch Rellik and prepare for their arrival to the surface.
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For all their time in the Diarchy this was the first time Rellik had stepped foot directly in Hemorpheus's ship. It was a fascinating spectacle. In spite of the efforts him and his apprentice Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn had made in the Shadow laboratory neither had come close to the deep well of knowledge the elusive man carried. It would be a welcomed journey to say the least.

Black Orchid , he had said. What a fascinating concept that a mere plant could hold the secrets to life. Almost akin to a sapient species the Orchid held medi-cholorians. The potential was easy to see and could not be ignored. The Diarchy would take any and all means of knowledge to extend their goals. This plant alone would save them from being forced to use slaves, living test subjects and damage their reputation. A win-win by all means.

It was good to see Anastarsia Anastarsia again. Her presence with the Lord of Life was welcomed. The two made the other stronger. Darth Teeth Darth Teeth on the other hand was a new revelation for the Lord and would need to speak to the man and get a feel for him.

As the arrival to Odar-Faustin neared Rellik would be aboard the bridge. Standing in a good position of command. Since the people aboard were not under his direct supervision but Hemorpheus's he would want to give a good impression as Diarch.

Speaking of, Hemorpheus had arrived in the bridge as well. It was good timing as Rellik had one last question before arrival.
"How far has your research gone into the Black Orchid's my friend? I would love to hear more about the history as we approach our destination"

Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
The Lord of Life was elated that The Diarch had a query about The Black Orchid,
"My research on it has come up with results that astound me Diarch. In my studies I have found in lost annuls of the Jed'aii a concept that the darkness came first, I do not mean the dark before the great bang that formed the galaxy. I speak of our great power, the dark side itself first before the light. The Je'daii did not ban it for these reasons, and this Orchid seems to carry Midi-Choria so ancient.. it could mean we touch the tip of the Source itself."
He took a breath through his respirator,
"Forgive me my friend, I got carried away.. the potential for what this means, what it will mean for our Order and the galaxy itself is almost too much to contemplate."
Hemorpheus felt as he once did, when he began his scientific research, for so long he had been knocking on different doors, searching for The Source, to complete his Odyssey, and now there was a real chance that at last they might find the secret to Life itself. Imagining if this was in their hands, they would be capable of creating actual life, not Sithspawns and mutations, monsters that retain on a semblance of the source codex, no they truly would become gods, and if gods then a new galaxy they could forge in their image. It was enough to make Hemorpheus need to check his oxygen tank, to ensure that there was enough to supply him for this journey.

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
Hemorpheus spoke with an enthusiasm that would rile up any good scientist. "Fascinating, the origins of the force. If something is beyond the whills of the galaxy and we could be within reach of that. Than there should be no limits on the depths we dive into to access such a thing. We speak of the well of power that guides the galaxy. I would be proud to accompany you on such a journey. Thank you for this opportunity my friend."

Already he wanted to call down to the shadow laboratory and get a preservation chamber ready. If the two were able to access one of these specimens they would keep it under lock and key and in pristine condition.

It would appear the ship was nearing its landing spot and they would be preparing to board a shuttle soon. So for the meantime Rellik would await for its touchdown unless spoken to. His mind racking with the possibilities. What were to happen if they were to turn it into a vapor via pestle and mortar - turn it into an extract and try to access the world between worlds as the agent was filled into the air? So many avenues and risks to take.
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Ana was busy getting all the phials, syringes, scopes, and gear ready for this expedition. She was exicted because Hemorpheus was, what interested him, interested her. Their bond had grown strong during their long absence from The Diarchy controlled space. Now they had a Diarch aboard who wanted to learn from The Master. She kept one of her eyes on Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik who had developed a taste of alchemy and magic. She knew that at some point he would probably approach her about the Dathomirian Magicks. By Witch Creed, they were only to be passed on from Night Sister to Night Sister, not even Night Brothers were permitted to learn how to control The Ichor. It was a sacred and ancient ritual to become initiated into the The Magicks.

Gathering all of the gear into great bags, she began to use her power to travel, taking to the astral plane, disappearing into gray, black, and green puffs of smoke as she would appear in the shuttle and set the instruments in a safe place. She was moving at a fast pace, she knew her Lord was eager to get planet side, and she wanted to please him. Her mind often drifted to Hemorpheus, that he was unlike any man she had met, he was tender with her and yet he respected her power, and never asked her about it. A Scientist, who by nature asks questions and seeks answers, was willing in her case to let them remain unanswered. The more she thought about the exception he made for her, the more warm she wanted to do everything she could to let him know that her priority was him, and whatever he desired.

The scientific equipment had been loaded and she then traveled in the tunnels of the Magicks to the Bridge. Appearing she seeing her Lord speaking with Diarch Rellik said,
"Forgive my interruption, all the necessary equipment is aboard the ship and ready for use. All according to your specifications sweetie."
She purposely used a term of endearment.
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
Hemorpheus wanted to place his burgundy glove hand on the Diarch's arm in a gesture of brotherhood in this venture. So he offering his hand to clench as once Exar Kun and Ulic Qel Droma did was a nice touch to start this journey of discovery off. It was then that Ana appearing informed him that the shuttle was ready,
"Your timing is as ever perfect darling."
He loved their pet names for each other, they had long gone past professional decorum, and he embraced it. More than anyone in galaxy, he felt a passion for her, equal even to the Odyssey. If he was forced to choose between her and his work, he knew in his heart he would choose her. For she was life.. love and a relationship was the truest measures of life being lived, and so in many ways, what he felt for her and he sensed she felt for him was already touching The Source. And yet he was allowed to have his cake and eat it too, thanks be to Diarchy funding his research and even now one of them going to this Discovery! The Lord of Life was on Cloud Nine, in rapture, in the throes of ecstasy between this love growing between Ana and he, and this mission.

Leading the way, he said to them both,
"Let us go now to the world that may hold the answers to the most profound questions of all. Though we must be vigiliant, life is not always pleasent and beautiful," he looked with visor over to Ana, to denote he meant her, and then back to Diarch Rellik, "it can be violent and malicious. We must be careful not to contract the strain of Scaberous' Virus. I am well protected in my suite and armor, I suggest you both take measures to guard the vulnerable areas that can be exposed to infection." He pointed to hanging biomasks and some armor that they could augment with what they already wore. After these words he headed down to the shuttle in the hangar of the Laboratory, there a Imperial Era Shuttle with its three triangle like folded wings.

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
In a poof and flash of green smoke Anastarsia had appeared before the two. It was warming to see her in good health and her typical charm towards Hemorpheus. The two of them gave the Diarch some hope of finding a similar fate in the future. For now the Lord would need to be content with his pet Adar. Ah he loved the vicious little thing in its own right. Quickly he spoke out to her just to acknowledge her presence. "It is good to see you again Anastarsia." He wanted to ensure he came off just as welcoming to her as the Archon.

They exchanged pleasantries for a moment and than the Scientist spoke up again. It was time to move forward with the plan. He had prepared gear for them to wear for safety. The fields of exploration and experimentation were always fraught with peril. Those were some of the aspects of study that excited the Diarch the most. He did not care for always looking like a King. He quickly donned the protective gear and continued to follow.

"Thank you for taking these necessary precautions. I did not have any scrolls or holocrons on the subject matter so I was un-able to bring such necessities as these. Your insight already showing again to be invaluable." He spoke out to Hemorpheus

He quickly strapped in and awaited the commands to drop to the world below. As the shuttle descended Rellik perked up again.
"Hemorpheus, do you believe we will find beings altered by the plants down here? If so do we have any ideas of their volition? My curiosity leans more towards the effects of the flower. Will these beings be cognitive in nature or beasts?" Rellik would one day seek a way to repay his friend for this adventure. It was already proving to be seeped in ancient and immense knowledge.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia
I've heard about a miraculous plant, and it has certainly piqued my curiosity. I hope it doesn't have thorns like a rose. With this thirst for discovery, I also made my way to Odacer Faustin. The ship I am currently on belongs to a member of the faction, but it is not my own, so I must behave professionally if I want to avoid trouble.

Naturally, once my own ship was docked in the hangar of this vessel, I made my way to the bridge. I noticed that my master is likely drawn as well by this fascinating curiosity of life represented by the plant.

I approach my master and greet him with a polite nod, following the usual protocol to adhere to the rules established for interactions in the presence of other faction members.

"Greetings, Master Relik. I'm delighted to see you here."

I also turn to the Dathomirian to whom the ship belongs and greet him promptly with a polite bow.

"My name is Lyssara Thrynn. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Straightening up, I adjust my researcher's coat slightly first impressions are essential if I want to live up to my reputation. I also greet the Nightsister present on board.

Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Anastarsia Anastarsia Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus
Open and Say “Awwwww”
The Gathering of those heading down to Faustin was growing, with the elusive and engimatic Darth Teeth emerging from his qaurters. His helm with tilting as he took notice of a Witch, Hermorpheus, some Ruler called a Diarch, and an Apprentice. His eyes noticing their prestine teeth, and contemplating that if they should fall on Faustin, he would not mind collecting them. His movements were erratic, like an animal, he had no aim to fit in. He had come at the behest of the Red Leathered Chap, who seemed to be grooming his Assistant for more than how to do her duties, he did not understand pair bonding.. it was disgusting to him. The Promise of fangs, that Darth Scaberous' Undead with elongated canines was why he agreed to come. He was not member of this Archy or whatever it was called, he was a Dentist seeking more replacements for his patients. Though to be fair he had replaced many more patients than teeth...

He had been monitoring the strange and dangerous planet for decades, ever since he had been witness to the results of the Blackwing Virus, ever since he himself had contracted the disease and had been subject to the mutational properties of the virus. The birthplace of the darkness and the despair which coursed through the abomination's veins, it was both a sacred place to be revered and a cursed place to be reviled. While it held much significance to the monster's own past, the significance this place held for all those who had both experienced and served the dark side of the force was... immeasurable.

From within his massive Usurper, the God of the Redoubt, the Lord of Hunger looked down upon the planet's surface, the thick atmosphere making the planet look like a ball of snow, a dark grave of frost and rock, where once it had been the hallmark of Sith power and education, now it was possibly one of the worst places in the galaxy to reside on, let alone be stranded. Where once life had grown, now death reigned supreme. Where once knowledge had been cultivated, now only hunger needed to be satiated.

Something had been returned to him after he had been absent for so long, a container which held the very power he so desperately sought, but what he had here, was but the incomplete version, while one of his creations, a rebellious one...had managed to escape his grasp with the completed version. The Lord of Hunger, decrepit and decaying once again, looked down at the planet from within the ritual chamber, the feed within the dark and eerie room allowing him to have a proper view on the planet which held the very key to his pain, the very origin of his hunger and the potential salvation he so desperately needed.

"Those who know not the terror of the unlife," The voice, deep, yet hollow, rolled into the cold and stale air of the room. A frail, boney hand moved over a set of bowls, each containing some sort of liquid, each engraved with runes of old, Dathomiri, Korribanese, Jutrandian, signs from many a folk connected to the force, each rune meticulously chosen as to improve the power through the force, the connection with the veil of the beyond, the nether, the void. Sparks seemed to jut out of the long-nailed, boney hand, igniting each and every bowl, as blue, red and green fires became lit, all converging through a thin, narrow channel into a single, larger bowl where the fires converged into a black, cold flame. "They mule, they whimper...the victims of the darkness, the casualties of curiosity. Those who have not the will, do not have the stomach to see it all to the end. Yet I will see the end of all, I MUST see it, for I am the Lord of Hunger, I am the all-consuming darkness, the witness of the abyss."

Motioning to the shadows within the room, the hand moved aside, as three pairs of crimson lights ignited, the hydraullic hissing and metallic clanking signifying the origins of those crimson lights to reveal themselves. Three terrifying droids, each bearing the visage of death, each wearing the signet of the Lord of Hunger, bowing in front of the shadowy figure.

"Descend to the planet," The boney hand waved through the air in a curt manner. "Fetch me a few samples... but remain invisible to the eyes of those who have not yet succumbed to the darkness of this place."

Nodding in unison, the Sceleratis made haste as they left the room, descending through the atmosphere towards the planet's surface with the clear intent of gathering samples for their master...

As the gear was being passed about Ana addressed Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik ,
"'It is good to see you as well Diarch." She gave a smile to him.
Then turning to Hemorpheus she walking over to his tanks began to adjust the oxygen flow.
"Sweetheart.. you must conserve your oxygen, you have gotten excited again."
She then leaned up and kissed his helmed cheek.
She was growing bolder in these public displays of affection, not something she would normally be dispositioned to do, but his health and his safety was so dear to her. She could not help showing some tenderness, they were about to go on a malignant planet. A place that had destroyed one Darth and many acolytes. The Night Sister as she looked down at the world through the hangar bay opening felt a foreboding. Normally she felt that way being a Witch, however, this was different. There was something in the Magicks that was disturbed, and she felt highly on edge.
Turning her attention to the Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn who had arrived, she shaid,
"Hello, I am Ana, it is an honor to meet you."
Creation Is An Act of Sheer Will
The Lord of Life receieved the compliment from Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik with a smile,
"I promised your brother I would bring you back in one piece.."
At that he drew in some air and gave a chuckle, he liked Rellik immensely, he was more prone to the unorthodox, even deemed insane by some members of the Diarchy, though what they called madness he would define as a personality. Many expected their leaders to be paragons, to be as perfect as marble stones made of the greats, though Hermorpheus knew better, Life was not about perfection, if anything it was a mess that had beauty in it, that turned and bent to bring lives together that never would have been. Some called this the Will of the Force, others Destiny, whatever label, what mattered was the connection they shared, each and every one of them; some at more intimate levels, others at more surface. Though the Seeker of the Source suspected that this mission would make them all come to know one another in new ways. As a Scientist he knew that chaos, not harmony was what tended to preside over any given situation, and that a planet such as Faustin was fraught with perils. And so the Lord of Life was resigned to the Whills, and was looking forward to what awaited.

Rellik's Apprentice made herself known, Hemorpheus bid her greeting as Ana approached to check his tanks,
"Welcome Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn , I am glad you have joined us on this venture, your Master speaks very highly of you."
The Sweetheart remark combined with the kiss took The Archon of Life away for a moment, he took Ana's hand and rubbing it said,
"My Darling as ever your touch is what I needed. I shall abide by your advice and slow my breathing."
Had they bee alone he would have drew her in his arms in embrace, but the shuttle was made ready and the time had come to descend upon Odar-Faustin. Leading the way up the ramp, The Captain of The Odyssey took his therein, he saw Darth Teeth in the co-piloting seat setting the course for the location of the Main Lab and Training Grounds. The best place to search was the most obvious and from there glean some clues at where Darth Scaberous had hidden his specimens.

Hemorpheus taking a seat near the back, which meant he would exit first, said with a gleeful tone,
"All aboard!"

Once everyone was properly seated, the shuttle soared out of the hangar of the Great Station and cut down into the surface below. The Gray Metal Ship fell upon a great white scene, snow fall was heavy and visibility was terrible. Though despite this the Pilot, that enigmatic Dentist seemed to be keeping them from crashing. The Sith Scientist took Ana's hand and his gloved fingers wrapped around her gray fingers with those beautiful markings in the shape of darkened roads, the signs of her people.
The Past

He told me I was exceptional. I was kept separate from the others. I began to believe I woukd become His Apprentice, to learn the power of the dark side. Instead he began to keep me in a cell, injecting me with black fluids.

One night when the serum was admistered I asked Him,
“Am I worthy yet? How much more poling and prodding till I am ready to learn to use my power?”
To this he said,
“You are special Ikari. A little whie longer and I will show you the mysteries of the Force.”
This promise was reiterated till every time I asked, until I ceased asking.

One night it was different, the needle had sokething heavy. I thought it was air, I was wrong. Within minutes I began to drool, in fifteen my eyes were yellow. Within a hour the smell of rotting flesh and the seizures.. followed by.. death.

Lord Saberous said I merely fainted, he tried to treat me as a child, I knew better. I became a ‘curosity’ he said. I overheard him saying the others went feral, and for some reason I retained cognitive autonomy. None of this was a comfort, for within I felt it.. the yearning, the heat that could melt Mandalorian armor, it grew as I grew ill. At some point an animal was placed in the cell, a Tauntaun. I could feel its heart beat in my head and hunger begin to take.. as frail as I became, I mustered enough strength, I took that creature and bit it at the neck, the first bite excited something in me and I began to gorge myself on the screaming creature.

The Master returned to observe, my flesh mended and my mind still my own. Though my rage grew, in one visit I purged black fluid from my mouth, and shouted,
“What am I?! What have you done to me!”
Droids held me back, and from then on chains were fastened around my arms.

I never saw The Master again, instead a Acolyte was appointed to watch me. One of those who believed he would be the favorite and earn the Apprenticeship. I began to understand the game, no one was going to be selected, we all were as Lord Malgus once said, “Deceived.”

One day there was a great commotion outside, screams and the crackling of sabers. I could smell rotting flesh, more potent than my own. Then blaster fire, and bang at the door. The Acolyte drew her lightsaber hilt and then the metal bent outward as more thuds hit the door. The door broke open and swarm of petruid figures came at the Acolyte who drew his blade and before he made a stroke he was taken by them all thrashing and biting him as he screamed, falling into the pile of rotting hands pf yellow and red, intestines like tentacles falling around him like tentacles as he black gloved hand rose to the ceiling and slowly fell into the sea of the damned.

The saber hilt rolled to my boot, and then one of feasting ferals came with bulging eyes and white fangs, with my mind I gave a command. And it bent and drew the weapon up, and then ignited the fire of crimson and with stroke cut my chain, and then the other. Then it handed me the weapon as it bowed down. I took the humming kyber close to my face, my hair had grown long, as had the hair on my chin. Taking some steps, the swarm parted to let me walk through. My cell was open and they followed me out into a hall with blood splattered hand prints on the walls, though no corpses.

I learned thereafter Saberous had perished. In his research archives I found his true prusuit.. I was merely an experiment. The world grew quiet for days undending, save the occasional visit from Smugglers and other poor souls who joined The Swarm.

Then a day came when the world was loud with the arrival of The Pillagers. They wore the mantels of the Sith and stripped many of the labs, taking samples, and whatever could be found. They bypassed me and The Horde, taking the bio weapon off world. They had no idea what fire they were bringing to the galaxy…

Present Day

Deep in the caves beneath the surface that was white with snow fall, a tank of red fluid and black cords connected to power converters and generators. In the tank was a man, long flowing black hair, and trimmed beard of same raven black. His chest was in blocks of muscle that flexed. All over his skin was blemishes, particular the arms and face that when flaring were yellow.

A monitor was beeping with vitals and the heart rating highly elevated. He had no respirator, bubbles flowing from his exposed nose, his eye lids closed.

Outside a fish on one of high peaks turned and sent a signal, it pinged the screen of blacl near him that read,
“Motion Detected! Identify.. Collating.. Hyperdrive Detected.. Vessel… Imperial Class Shuttle.. Emergency Revive Initiated..”

In the Tank, the blood waters began to lower and go out extra tubes so that now the face had only air and glass. Suddenly the eyes popped open, they were vermillion with pupils of black…
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Nexion had received a transmission from his fellow Diarchy Archon, Darth Hemorpheus. He was in his ship travelling towards the system of Odar-Faustin, when he felt that Hemorpheus and co. had already departed towards the planet so he redirected his course to take him straight to the planet's surface. He sent a transmission to the ship the group had taken down to the planet in order to inform them of his arrival.

"Hello, Diarchy. I do hope I'm not interrupted anything. Hemorpheus, I received your message and I must say you peaked my interest. I shall meet you all on the planet below."

He sent the message and continued his decent to the planet, hoping that the events set to take place upon the planet will truly be worth his time as much as his fellow Archon made it out to be.


Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn Darth Teeth Darth Teeth Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Murakami Ikari Murakami Ikari Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
Open and Say “Awwwww”
TAGS: Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

The Comms came alive as the ship was piercing the snow, a message from someone these Sith knew,
"Hello, Diarchy. I do hope I'm not interrupted anything. Hemorpheus, I received your message and I must say you peaked my interest. I shall meet you all on the planet below."
The Dentist allowed it to broadcast so that the others could hear, he did not care. Unless this voice had a nice set of teeth. The Imperial Vessel was coming close to a beacon, and on the map he saw shapes of facilities, and then some clearing from the the blizzard of white drops.

Turning his mask back to the others he said,
"We are approaching the destination.."
The ship began to shake more violently as the storm began to intensify. The Toothed Pilot had to take control manually to keep them level, the winds were howling outside the haul and causing what felt like they tornado of force they were flying into. The screen suddenly had a green alert appear, "PROXIMITY ALERT!"
Darth Teeth made a turn but the far right ling made a loud metal grinding sound as it hit the roof of the Great Tower which could not be seen, but boy was it felt as the shuttle then began to spiral and start heading down.
"Mother Farrik!" shouted the Dentist, as he tried to get control once more of the vessel.
"Everyone brace for impact! And if you die! Your teeth are mine!"

The Imperial Shuttle dropped into a snow bank with a great thud, and the alarms inside were ringing loudly, The Toothed Pilot began to switch all the different switches with his fingers, shouting,
"Shut up! I hate this noise!"
Darth Teeth began to smite the board that was making the alert ring so loudly, he banging it with his fist repeatedly as if he had lost all control of himself. Then it stopped.
Outside the wind howled loudly, and the temperatures registered on the screen that was glitching at -18 Celsius.
"Well it is good Mr. Hermaphrodite or whatever your name is.. that you brought gear for us all. It is dank cold out there!"

Stepping to the back among them he found some thermal equipment to attach to his mask and armor.
"Well come on! We have arrived. You want some big ceremony or something? Time is a wasting!"
He went to the manual release for the ramp and prepared to open it, waiting till these slow pokes got their Sith together. He was excited, the planet being this cold meant that the specimens were probably in a great state of perservation, meaning he could get not only the fangs, but the roots and seem what he might do with those in his practice.

The two Legiones class starfighters that had left the massive Usurper battlecruiser, carrying two of the Lord of Hunger's infamous Sceleratii managed to safely get through the planet of Odacer-Faustin's atmosphere, gliding like two sleek arrow across the frosty, mountainous landscape. In silence, and in unison, the two droids allowed their ship's sensors to scan the immediate vicinity of their flight path, focusing on two things in particular: lifesigns and movement. After all, even if that which had plagued this planet had been the repecussions of the madness that stemmed from the desire for immortality, there were always those foolish enough to try and gleam with their own eyes the truth that came with this madness. There were always those who doomed themselves by being ignorant of the reality of this planet and its history, and those were perhaps the only lifesigns that the scanners would pick up, but these people would also pose not a risk, but an opportunity of further research and experimentation...

"Lifesigns detected, movement is regular at high speed," Both Sceleratii reported through the communications module of the ship, allowing the Lord of Hunger to follow up their progress in real time. "Vessel of unknown make or model, carrying multiple lifesigns within twenty kilometers reach..."

"So...there are still some fools thinking they can unravel the secrets of Darth Scabrous," the hollow, raspy voice resonated throughout the dark room aboard the Usurper, with two Sceleratii revealing themselves nearby, standing at the very edges of the room, each restraining a person bound and hooded to cover their sight and restrain their movements. While both restrained individuals seemed to have been stripped of their clothes and possessions, in stead being granted plain gray shirts and trousers, one of the two restrained people had a pendant with the emblem of the Galactic Alliance around their neck, while the other was tattood from head to toe with runes and spells.

"Continue monitoring this group of people, avoid direct contact unless necessary," The figure cloaked in shadow and darkness seemed to stir, the sound of creaking bones and shifting silken robes audible within the dark room, two hands, long and thin, with skin practically unraveling underneath the decay and decrepitness of old age weaving through the air, gently passing through the black fire emanating from the largest of the bowls splayed out in the room, without any word or warning, a booming sound rolled throughout the entire dark room, as bolts of electricity sparked and shot from the fingertips of these boney hands, crackling and buzzing loudly as the lightning roiled within the back fire, before suddenly leaping over into each and every bowl with differently colored fire, only to zap straight towards the two individuals restrained by the Sceleratii. "Pain...hatred...despair, let it all flow through you, let it consume you, as I will consume you... allow yourself to become delectably fulfilling and dense with power."

While this happened aboard the Usurper, the two Sceleratii traversing the skies of Faustin kept a close watch on the vessel carrying quite a few important people in the form of Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik and Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus , allowing themselves to fall back a bit to keep up the distance between themselves and the shuttle stable in order to try and avoid suspicion or detection. However while doing so, the two droids noticed that not too far from their location another lifesign had been revealed... which was rather curious, since it appeared out of nowhere...

TAG: Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus | Darth Teeth Darth Teeth | Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik | Darth Nexion Darth Nexion | Murakami Ikari Murakami Ikari | Anastarsia Anastarsia



The viewpoint from within the shuttle was welcoming. Friends and allies who had now come together for another run at destiny. As the group descended unto the planet Rellik noticed that it was snowing. He always loved the snow. Typically violent and all encompassing power of nature that eventually settled upon everything it touched. Creating perfect order.

They were approaching their destination. The group casually conversing over their hopes for the specimen and its power. Nexion came over the loud speaker. Another welcome guest from the Diarchy. With so many invaluable members now arriving it might make sense to bring some form of the Navy of over the planet for protection.

The idea would come and leave his mind quickly as turbulence was now overpowering their vessel. The storm becoming almost to much for their little shuttle to bare. Leaning over in his seat he could not see more than a few meters in front of the ship through the whirlwind of white.


The ship taking a sudden course change before crashing into a building of some sort. The feeling of debris grinding across the bottom of the shuttle ensuring everyone knew they had just ran into something. The shuttle began to spin out. The Diarch himself would try to reach into the force to slow it down but between the thrusters and the storm it was not the easiest thing to do.

"Everyone brace for impact! And if you die! Your teeth are mine!" Came from the pilots seat
. "What a hilarious character." Rellik thought to himself. The shuttle landed abruptly into what felt like snow. Thank the whills of the force. He turned to his apprentice with a smile Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn "No dying on random worlds stewing in the backdrop of the grand galactic stage."

He would unbuckle himself and stand up. Looking around to gauge any injuries to his fellow's as Darth Teeth slammed into the alarm panel. Once the alarm was turned off he spoke to everyone aboard. "INJURY CHECK. Please double check yourselves. The shock of impact might lend you to think you are fine but check again. Nothing like almost crashing and dying to get the blood going!"

He would await Hemorpheus to begin their journey. This is his adventure and he would not want to take charge and move out first.

Tags: Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn Darth Teeth Darth Teeth Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Darth Nexion Darth Nexion
I try to move, but a searing pain shoots through my left side, forcing a groan from me that I can't suppress. My vision blurs, each heartbeat amplifying the unbearable sensation. When I glance at my hand, it's smeared with blood. This is not a good sign. A twisted piece of metal has lodged itself into my abdomen, and the burning heat from the wound confirms that it's deep.

I try to loosen my seatbelt, but my fingers tremble, clumsy from the pain. Every movement brings a dull, grinding ache from my bones or strained muscles, forcing me to stifle a scream. I can't stay here, vulnerable. Survival instinct takes over, despite everything.

"I… I'm fine its a.. All good," I say hoarsely, clearly a lie, trying to mask the severity of my condition from Rellik and the others. There's no way I'll appear weak. Not in front of them.

But the truth catches up with me quickly: I don't have the strength to stand. My breath is shallow, every inhalation reminding me that something is terribly wrong. I brace myself against one of the seats, trying to stabilize, but the piece of metal shifts slightly in my flesh, and a sharp, blinding pain explodes in my head.

I turn my gaze toward Rellik, seeking his eyes. My master. My guide. My only hope, perhaps. I grit my teeth, refusing to let panic consume me.

I stop, my vision wavering again. Part of me knows it's not that simple. Removing this shard here, without medical equipment, could be the end of me. But the other part, the part that refuses to yield, whispers that I must move forward. Always forward.

I hate this vulnerability, but I have no choice. I cling to the seat, blood still dripping, staining the snow around me with a vibrant red.

I'm lying on the ground in a pretty terrible state and in fact the shock of landing makes me delirious

"Shity Day." This time, my voice is lower, almost a plea. I'm not ready to die on this forgotten planet, crushed by fate before I've accomplished anything. I spit blood on the ground, I feel my strength fading I don't understand, but I was strapped to my seat, and this shit happened.

Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik Darth Teeth Darth Teeth Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Darth Nexion Darth Nexion Anastarsia Anastarsia
As Nexion descended the planet, the environment proved troublesome. The lower he got, the more difficult it was to properly control the ship. Eventually, he began to focus on how to crash land the ship, because it wasn't going to be a smooth landing for obvious reasons. When he could feel himself approaching the ground, he pulled up to try and minimise the crash. Soon after the crash landing, his ship came to a stop. Nexion could feel his body go slightly numb for a moment before mostly snapping back. He secured his robes and followed the signal to the Diarchy's ship which had crash landed nearby. He soon arrived at the ship, walking up to it and banging on the side.

"Hey, open up! I want to check if any of you are dead... in which case I'll be taking ownership of your bodies. But, if there is at least on person alive, open up otherwise I'll just tear into this thing."

His voice was nonchalant, despite the current situation he found himself in.


Darth Hemorpheus Darth Hemorpheus Anastarsia Anastarsia Lyssara Thrynn Lyssara Thrynn Darth Teeth Darth Teeth Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Murakami Ikari Murakami Ikari Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik
Open and Say “Awwwww”
Darth cried through the haul to the one knocking ( Darth Nexion Darth Nexion ),
You can have the bodies, leave the teeth to me.”
He then noticed one of the females was injured, she was bleeding put and he like a predator, a Firaxen Shark smelt the scent in the water, well snow. He drew close to @Lyssara and turning to Diarch Rellik Diarch Rellik said,
Your pupil seems faint.. if she perishes I would like to lay claim to her incisors. They are in fine condition and I do not have many from females..”
The Dentist was ever plying his trade. There was no tinge of remorse or concern, for he felt none. He was eager to add more oral bone to his collection. For teeth had little use to the dead…

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