Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Favorite Roleplay Experiences

Hey gang I just finished re-reading one of my favorite stories here on the site and felt inspired to set up a discussion thread so anyone can recount some of their favorite roleplaying experiences at SW: Chaos.

Anyway I‘ll start off with one of my favorite threads I roleplayed here.

I’m Still Here : Most of my Mandalorian’s stories is combat related which is only natural. All the same this thread that involves no major battles nor epic duels is one of the most fun stories to have taken part in. It‘s more or less a casual scene where Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad after being promoted meets up with the Jedi padawan Loomi Loomi whom she had fought beside twice. To me be it’s a really wholesome story with great character development. A self-exiled warrior and a young awkward Jedi both scarred up by the galaxy in their own ways and each dealing with life’s complications become friends.
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