Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fawn Alzi

"Why search for peace when you can search for something new?
Peace is old and tired. It's best to leave it alone."

  • NAME: Fawn Alzi
  • FACTION: Nightsister/Independent
  • HOMEWORLD: Dathomir
  • RANK: Spellweaver
  • SPECIES: Dathomirian
  • AGE: 22
  • GENDER: Female (AMAB)
  • HEIGHT: 1.78m
  • WEIGHT: 62kg
  • EYES: Light yellow
  • HAIR: Black
  • SKIN: White
  • SEXUALITY: Lesbian
  • ALIGNMENT: Somewhere between dark and neutral


(+) Very fast, both in getting in and out of combat. She often relies on this speed both for finishing things quickly or disengaging safely. She's not opposed to running.
(-) Emotionally unstable. She can sometimes have the demeanor of an adolescent going through puberty, seeing the dark side of the force as a vice and a temptation rather than something to be embraced either for good or evil.
(-) Tends to act first and think later (or never).
(+/-) Has never been loyal to anyone and has no intentions of starting anytime soon. Has also never been nice to anyone.
(+/-) Prone to intense anger, hate, and confusion, contrary to what she was taught on Dathomir.


Fawn was born and raised on the planet Dathomir, taught first and foremost the ways of the witch and of dark magic. Her teacher, Allarin Gozaqa, was a Sith Acolyte until she turned away from them, living out the rest of her days on Dathomir instead. Fawn learned to craft a lightsaber that reflected that of Allarin's, a bright magenta, as well as her prowess over the force's telekinesis and lightning. Although she was told to practice more of forms I, II, and/or V, Fawn saw any other form other than VII as too dull, and despite her lack of mastery in it, she tends to imagine that she doesn't need to spend the time learning, but rather feeling it in the moment. Whatever style she uses to fight, however, it certainly isn't traditional Form VII.

As any other Nightsister, everything she was taught was done so in the form of spellcasting, rather than the force, whether it was the light side of the dark side. It was all the same to Allarin, powerful magicks to be used by a witch as she saw fit. Although she tried teaching Fawn to calm her mind and manipulate other's, it proved unsuccessful as Fawn could never keep her mind quiet enough. Allarin conceded that Fawn wasn't ready for such a task, but was never able to continue her teachings when Fawn left Dathomir without warning.

Fawn wanted nothing more than to get away from her fellow sisters at the age of twenty. She desired to seek what the galaxy has to offer so that she could find some kind of purpose, but found herself lost along the way, both physically and mentally. Her clan hadn't warned her of what she would find outside of their world, and she only knew of the Sith from what her teacher had warned her of.

Still, she couldn't help but feel a kinship to some of the rare Sith she would come across in Celanon City, where she had spent over a year residing in, mostly underground or in the streets. Or, in rare cases, in a room provided by a less-than-trustworthy friend or lover. Luckily for her, she was often less trustworthy than the other.

  • Magenta lightsaber
  • Wooden witch's staff (doesn't do anything)
  • Dathomirian curved dagger

  • Basic Telekinesis
  • Drain Life Essence
  • Force Affliction
  • Force Blast
  • Force Burst
  • Force Whirlwind
  • Pyro Kinesis
  • Force Lightning
  • Force Sprint
  • Force Cloak

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