Jedi Healer
NAME: Faye Demos
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Kiribian (Human)
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’3”
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark brown/black
SKIN: Fair olive
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Brave: she won’t shy away from a challenge
+Energetic: she has energy to spare
-Short attention span: she’s flighty and easily distracted
-Lacks follow through: sometimes tasks are left unfinished
-Naive: Faye lacks experience in many ways
Faye has a petite build -- she is on the shorter side and fairly thin. She has dark hair, brown eyes, and an olive complexion that tans easily in the sun.
Faye was born on Kiribi to a military family. As such, she was brought up in a fairly strict household. Chores and school work were always completed in a timely fashion. Academics were always very important to her father, and she excelled under the pressure he placed upon her. By the time she was 16, she was a cadet at the Kiribian Naval Academy near the capital. There she began to pursue studies to become a pilot. It was here that her force sensitivity was first discovered. Though she was unsure how she wished to proceed, she remained at the Academy for the next two years, dedicating her time to studies. However, she recently became intrigued by the concept of using the force while piloting a fighter. Faye decided that it was time to broaden her mind. She soon sought out the Order of the Silver Jedi, and decided to train with their Jedi. She is still skeptical that she will follow in the path of great Jedi warriors, she hopes to improve upon her force skills enough to master all of the basics. All the while, she is determined to continue distance learning programs for the Academy at the same time.
Despite the rigors of her studies, she is still very much a teenager at heart. She is curious, open to adventure, and eager to learn.
She does not have ship of her own at this time.
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Kiribian (Human)
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5’3”
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Dark brown/black
SKIN: Fair olive

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Brave: she won’t shy away from a challenge
+Energetic: she has energy to spare
-Short attention span: she’s flighty and easily distracted
-Lacks follow through: sometimes tasks are left unfinished
-Naive: Faye lacks experience in many ways
Faye has a petite build -- she is on the shorter side and fairly thin. She has dark hair, brown eyes, and an olive complexion that tans easily in the sun.
Faye was born on Kiribi to a military family. As such, she was brought up in a fairly strict household. Chores and school work were always completed in a timely fashion. Academics were always very important to her father, and she excelled under the pressure he placed upon her. By the time she was 16, she was a cadet at the Kiribian Naval Academy near the capital. There she began to pursue studies to become a pilot. It was here that her force sensitivity was first discovered. Though she was unsure how she wished to proceed, she remained at the Academy for the next two years, dedicating her time to studies. However, she recently became intrigued by the concept of using the force while piloting a fighter. Faye decided that it was time to broaden her mind. She soon sought out the Order of the Silver Jedi, and decided to train with their Jedi. She is still skeptical that she will follow in the path of great Jedi warriors, she hopes to improve upon her force skills enough to master all of the basics. All the while, she is determined to continue distance learning programs for the Academy at the same time.
Despite the rigors of her studies, she is still very much a teenager at heart. She is curious, open to adventure, and eager to learn.
She does not have ship of her own at this time.