Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Fear Virus: Silas Westgard


Everything, anything, for science.
Location: LCFO Headquarters, Vassek.
Time: 1410 hours.

The walk to the testing room would be a short one. The LCFO facility wasn’t the largest at this time, afterall. The lab tech quickly punched the code into the door frame, revealing it to be an extremely minimalistic room. A metal table stationed in the middle, a pair of metal chairs facing each other situated on either side. In the corner, a small medical station stood, seemingly freshly put there and ready to go. Other than those two notable features, the only other difference in the white walls were the pair of small cameras placed near the top of a pair of diagonal corners.

“Please, take a seat.” The lab tech would say, stepping aside to allow the subject to enter and place whatever small bag of items they might’ve brought with them to the side. “ I can take your bag for you to your room, if you wish. I understand if you would rather keep it with yourself, however.” After waiting for a few moments to double check if that was something the subject desired, the lab tech would begin to make their way to the door, bag in hand or not. Standing in the door frame, they shared one last, soft smile in the direction of the subject.

“The Doctor will be in shortly to begin your physical testing. Please, try to use that time to relax. We’ll be here to make sure everything goes smoothly.” With a nod, the tech would leave the room, leaving the subject alone with their thoughts. It would feel like a while until those doors would open up again. That time was the subjects, allowing them to sit with their thoughts and worries about what might happen to them in the next few days, and if they were truly safe here.


Location: LCPO headquarters
Objective: Take part in the test
Tag: Aaaine Aaaine


It wasn't very often that Silas let people he barely knew inject him with something particularly harmful. However, when the request was made for Jedi volunteers to take part Silas couldn't help but put his name forward. The whole thing was supported by the council and his former Master Valery who seemed confident in the data it could offer for potential against them. He was currently free during that period, so it was only right to provide some knowledge on something they knew so little about.

Nodding to the lab tech, he walked into the minimalistic room and made himself comfy with his bag tucked underneath the chair "I'll keep it on me thank you" he said just out of precaution. As mentioned before, Silas didn't know these people or their agenda so it was only right to keep his belongings to himself.

Nodding once more, he offered a smile of his own before the lab tech left him alone in the room. Silas couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about all this. He couldn't tell if it was the potential effects of the virus or the test itself, either way, he'd soon find out what was masking his mind tick and face it head on.


Tags: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
[RE:] Aaaine Aaaine
Location: LCFO Headquarters, VASSEK


Dr. Kama Nu dipped his head with grace as he entered Silas' room. The Kaminoan's black orbs made contact with the Jedi Knight's as he spoke with cool precision. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Master Westgard," he said delicately, sure to include the honorific. "I am Doctor Kama Nu," he supplied. "I will be performing your tests this afternoon and observing the results." With the Jedi's consent to continue, Kama would present him with a handheld holopad. Its interface was restricted to a simple medical exam, which itself was divided into two sections.

The first portion contained a series of basic bio- and neurological questions. Height, weight, midichlorian count, sleeping habits, diet, and so on. Further down, the questionnaire reached what the LCFO would regard as the real meat and potatoes of the examination; questions regarding fear. They would read:

  • In the past 6 months, have you ended the life of another sentient being?
  • In the past 6 months, has someone close to you passed away?
  • In the past 6 months, have you experienced what you would describe as an overwhelming sense of fear?
  • In the past 6 months, has another sentient being attempted to end your life?
  • In the past 6 months, have you used your force sensitivity against a being without the same level of connection as you?

"It is not required for you to answer any of the questions aloud, should you prefer to limit your responses to the fields on the questionnaire. However, as a courtesy, I must inform you that there may be follow-up questions to some of your responses." The lanky Kaminoan took to a rolling chair and made himself comfortable, looking to Silas Westgard Silas Westgard after a moment. "If you have any questions or concerns, I am here to help."


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