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 Feedback on Balun Dashiell

I'm currently at 383 Posts and 30 Threads with Balun Dashiell.

At this time, he has left the New Jedi Order, signed up with the Tingel Arm Coalition, and become an Aquilian Ranger of the Outer Rim. He is a Rogue Jedi who has already managed to help a Sith Apprentice turn to the light, and he has tracked down his best friend, Nouqai Veil, meeting combat with both members of the Sith Order and the Lightsworn. He was also present during the Invasion of Coruscant by the Dark Empire. All while only being 17 years old.

I'm happy with the rate of his character progression so far, but I'm looking to see if there's any actual critique and feedback. My go-to was always a Jedi-dedicated character, but Balun differs by being a rogue and has become a lot more combat-focused. Recently, he has been fighting with the inner conflict of the Jedi teachings while feeling the coming war is justified for the greater good. What do others make of him?

I am looking for strengths or weaknesses, especially things that could be done better with this character. What did you like, but more importantly, where do you feel I am slipping, or areas you would like to see more development/focus on (Providing it's suitable for his character)?
unstructured word dump ahead.

idk how many threads we've done together, quite a few. i like how you started him of as a basic character with minimal history - a padawan with in the njo and gradually built his story through the threads played out. i love seeing his maturity develop as he goes through phases of life and self discovery. most of your threads i've read are mostly very lighthearted, without the edgy elements some writers play into. but maybe you could give him something traumatising to potentially trigger an arc - only if thats something you'd enjoy writing.

im definitely keeping track with his most recent developments including his involvement with the TAC, new friends and finding out about his parentage.

i have definitely enjoyed the threads we done exploring balun's and nouqai's very strong friendship and unknown force bond.
Hey Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell !

I wish our thread hadn't fallen off due to RL with Rik, but from what we had in terms of interaction, I enjoyed it; I hope we can write more soon!

From what I've read, though, is there a particular overarching goal or reason that is driving Balun to do what he does? Or is he still trying to figure that out for himself? I wasn't sure if finding his place in the galaxy and how he works within it was it.

I think the only item I'd recommend is forging down on those close relationships and how that mold and affect him, being friends, foes, mentors, and the like. And not casual ones, but long-term ones. I know how hard it is to get some good writing partners to tackle that down, and it seems you got a good one with Nouqai and now moving forward with the family one.

Overall, though, the writing you convey about Balun is done really well, including his teenage angst. I'm curious to see how he matures and what may be the cornerstone that builds up his worldview as he continues to grow up.
I am looking for strengths or weaknesses, especially things that could be done better with this character. What did you like, but more importantly, where do you feel I am slipping, or areas you would like to see more development/focus on (Providing it's suitable for his character)?

The biggest piece of feedback : listen to your father.

Kids these days.

So far from what I've read of your arc it was more Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell wrestling with his identity as a Jedi but what does that entail? What's his driving factor? I think you mentioned "helping the greater good" in our thread but how does that manifest and change Balun. What is the end goal? Are you building him up into some type of Jedi protector and a Grand Master with his own philosophy or more rogue like?

As for the family front - I think there's much of the same. How does Balun wrestle with the fact he has a father now? A half-brother? Extended relatives? How will he approach the fact Judah will want Balun to set aside his larger Jedi aspirations and join the family businesses?

On that vein, what relationship does he even want with them?

I think all these are a good avenue to turn teenage angst to a gentle maturing that the galaxy isn't all good and evil. That things are far more complex than a simplistic teenage worldview.

Looking forward to seeing what you do!
unstructured word dump ahead.

idk how many threads we've done together, quite a few. i like how you started him of as a basic character with minimal history - a padawan with in the njo and gradually built his story through the threads played out. i love seeing his maturity develop as he goes through phases of life and self discovery. most of your threads i've read are mostly very lighthearted, without the edgy elements some writers play into. but maybe you could give him something traumatising to potentially trigger an arc - only if thats something you'd enjoy writing.

im definitely keeping track with his most recent developments including his involvement with the TAC, new friends and finding out about his parentage.

i have definitely enjoyed the threads we done exploring balun's and nouqai's very strong friendship and unknown force bond.

Regarding Trauma, the DE Invasion of Coruscant was what I used to describe his reason for joining the Tingel Arm Coalition and serving in the Outer Rim Territories, as the Outer Rim has much less security or law than the Core Worlds. Balun lost sleep over his experience following the defence of the Jedi Temple. However, I expect more character growth will come of the TAC Invasion of EOTL held Mon Cala & Lothal, which drops today.

Balun's friendship with Nouqai Veil has been one defining relationship in his story that has not only given us plenty of content to explore but also helped me to shape him as a Character and explore some of their past when growing up together in the New Jedi Order. Their Force Bond will be exciting to write about, especially as the Nouqai's story progresses and we run into some emotional hurdles further down the line.

I do love and appreciate the fact that we've been writing together so closely with these two characters.

Hey Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell !

I wish our thread hadn't fallen off due to RL with Rik, but from what we had in terms of interaction, I enjoyed it; I hope we can write more soon!

From what I've read, though, is there a particular overarching goal or reason that is driving Balun to do what he does? Or is he still trying to figure that out for himself? I wasn't sure if finding his place in the galaxy and how he works within it was it.

I think the only item I'd recommend is forging down on those close relationships and how that mold and affect him, being friends, foes, mentors, and the like. And not casual ones, but long-term ones. I know how hard it is to get some good writing partners to tackle that down, and it seems you got a good one with Nouqai and now moving forward with the family one.

Overall, though, the writing you convey about Balun is done really well, including his teenage angst. I'm curious to see how he matures and what may be the cornerstone that builds up his worldview as he continues to grow up.

Yes! Our thread was fantastic, and I was disappointed, too, but I also understand how IRL can be; these things happen. Before the DE Invasion of Coruscant, Balun was focused on finding his way in the Galaxy. Still, when he saw the Imperials crash through the Jedi Temple and the horrific fight that followed, he started considering the risk they posed more seriously. As I mentioned in response to Nouqai, the Outer Rim seemed like an open market for the "bad guys", and when he heard of the Tingel Arm Coalition, he saw some potential for his skills to be put to a good cause.

Balun's relationships are something I've often thought about, too; you're absolutely right! Nouqai has been his best friend since they were young, and he is currently getting to know Iona Starchaser Iona Starchaser , who is quickly on her way to becoming a good friend.

When I first started with this Character, I wanted to build up a small group with Clan Terentatek. Still, the momentum died after a few bumps along the way, and given my timezone, I felt I needed a second admin but didn't have anyone willing at the time. Those tight friendships would have been excellent, and there were good vibes all around as the theme was making a family out of those orphaned and similarly felt they had nowhere they truly belonged. When I was asked to come onto the Staff Team for TAC, my focus shifted; the Clan was already showing clear signs of struggling to get off the ground.

Like ours, there have been threads where Balun has visited old friends at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I'd be happy to build on those Jedi friendships some more while ignoring Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell 's disdain :p

The biggest piece of feedback : listen to your father.

Kids these days.

So far from what I've read of your arc it was more Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell wrestling with his identity as a Jedi but what does that entail? What's his driving factor? I think you mentioned "helping the greater good" in our thread but how does that manifest and change Balun. What is the end goal? Are you building him up into some type of Jedi protector and a Grand Master with his own philosophy or more rogue like?

As for the family front - I think there's much of the same. How does Balun wrestle with the fact he has a father now? A half-brother? Extended relatives? How will he approach the fact Judah will want Balun to set aside his larger Jedi aspirations and join the family businesses?

On that vein, what relationship does he even want with them?

I think all these are a good avenue to turn teenage angst to a gentle maturing that the galaxy isn't all good and evil. That things are far more complex than a simplistic teenage worldview.

Looking forward to seeing what you do!

The relationship between Balun and Judah obviously got off to a rocky start but will slowly start to heal over time. I'm looking forward to exploring the relationship between Balun and the Dashiells, as they have never had a Force User within their family previously and Judah's obvious opinion of the Jedi. It will be interesting to see whether Judah eventually accepts this part of Balun's life or if it continues to be a wedge between them.

Balun appears to be taking on the Rebel Theme, unlike my previous characters. Caedyn and Veiere Arenais were combat-focused, heavy on the Force, and very anti-the-Jedi Jedi. Balun hated sparring within the New Jedi Order because wanting to hurt his classmates seemed stupid. Still, since meeting Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire and the influence that the Invasion of Coruscant was towards Balun, adding the TAC into the picture, he's feeling the Rogue Jedi/Rebel vibe. This may also give him and Iona Starchaser something to discuss should it ever become a problem for her.

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