Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Feeling Charitable


Tag: Vince Vince

The current state of the galaxy required quite a lot of charity. There were seemingly endless devastation, from unfortunate natural disasters to the cruelty of the Sith… but there were always those ready to assist.

While Seva Geroux was certainly not on the front lines of any humanitarian effort, she was, however, willing to reach deep into her purse for a good cause. Tonight’s charity auction was rumored to be full of surprises: expensive trips, jewels, and even artifacts. Seva was more than happy to do her part. After all, was there a better way to help those in need? Certainly not.

The Commenori noblewoman dressed to impress in a shimmering silver gown. Her blonde locks had been brushed smooth, and her makeup expertly applied. First impressions were so important, especially at events like these, with members of the social elite in attendance. Here, any small slip up could lead to absolute ruin. Confident strides brought her through the doors of the grand ballroom — sans a date or escort for the evening. And she stood taller in response to any that might have wondered why.

It was a quiet rebellion.

Last minute preparations were taking place, so Seva supposed there was nothing else to do but wait. A small sigh of annoyance escaped her as she walked further into the ballroom. Seva's delicate hand lifted a flute of champagne from a passing waiter's tray. There was a crowd people gathered around a holo-display that showed some of the items that would be up for auction, they spoke in hushed, excited tones. Seva was about to keep walking, when something caught her eyes. With the crowd so dense, she couldn't just walk up like she wanted to... but rather had to stand at the back and raise onto her tip-toes to gaze over a tall gentleman's shoulder.

The object of her attention: a ring.
Feeling Charitable
First Meeting with Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

There was a murmur - the sound of many clusters of people politely speaking with low voices at once, that could be heard across the grand event chamber. It was almost rhythmic. Buried underneath, were sounds of clirring champagne glasses, an auctioneers podium being carried out by staffers and beeps and boops of display consoles.

The newly appointed ambassador of Onderon to the Galactic Alliance had been there for a little bit of time already. Not primarily to mingle, but rather because he had been called in early to do a few technical tests. The reason: He had been asked to take on a speaking role. It was supposed to be a few brief and heartfelt words along with the announcement of a larger donation - a way to make his entrance a little more public. Of course, it was not Vince who had been pulling the strings. No, it was his mother, the Queen.

For now, the tests had all been completed and the speech was prepared. The next step: Killing time with grace.

It was no secret that the Prince was more of a warrior than a diplomat. It was clear for anyone to see. He wore a white parade uniform on top of a muscled, almost bulky physique. A few ribbons hung high by his chest and shoulder pads worked to amplify his good posture. Still, his features did not quite tell the tale of a disciplinarian, for he had messy hair, a young face and kind blue eyes. For this event, he had come unarmed, but the holster for his Officer's Sabre hung by his belt. Instead, he held a - by now - empty champagne glass in a hand.

Vince's gaze had been resting on a holodisplay for some time. It had cycled through a few different items by the time it arrived at the ring. It was clearly interesting enough to retain his interest for a little bit of time, for he continued admiring it before finally taking a step back and turning to leave for something more engaging.

Taking a step back and turning would not go quite as planned. Unbeknownst to him, Seva Geroux Seva Geroux had moved up behind him and tried to peer over his shoulder. While he was most assuredly not trying to tackle anyone, the sudden and relatively fast movement brought his form towards her at a crashing speed.

If he noticed her being knocked hard enough to fall, his arm would immediately shoot out to grab either her limb or the side of her torso. Of course, reaching around would be ideal - but there really was no time for it as his main priority would be to make sure she did not fall. Then, a concerned voice "That was my mistake, I apologise. Are you alright?

Tag: Vince Vince

Seva arched a brow, the ring had a Pontite gemstone. Ah, yes... so it was Adegan -- one of the crystals that were used in light-saber construction if she wasn't mistaken. Pontite was quite rare. It was a piece that Seva felt her jewelry collection was lacking. And perhaps, someday, the crystal could even be used to create a saber of her own. Oh, who was she kidding? Father would never allow it.

The young woman was so lost in thought that she didn't even register the gentleman moving. Or rather, moving on a collision coarse straight for her. A small cry escaped her as she began to topple over in her high heels. Her life seemed to flash before her eyes as she prepared to hit the polished marble floor... only she didn't fall. The young man had caught her by the waist, and her own hand had shot instinctively to grip his upper arm, close to the shoulder. Seva blinked as she made eye contact, feeling almost like a dancer being dipped at the end of a song.

It wasn't long before she realized that people were staring.

"Yes, I'm fine," she said. And even though it was probably her fault for standing so close to him, she'd never admit it. Besides, he'd already accepted the blame. "Please be more careful next time." Her tone was polite but reproachful.

Seva accepted his help to steady herself again, and she drew a deep breath to re-gain her composure. Having just been caught in such an embrace, there was a faint hint of delicate pink coloring her pale complexion. Was there already a gaggle of ladies giggling? Oh, dear. If she didn't say something, people might start to talk.

"Have we met before?" she asked, making it clear to those around them that they were, in fact, no well acquainted (and not looking for a scandal). "I'm Seva Geroux."
Feeling Charitable
First Meeting with Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

The chain of events that followed their collision happened fast. A firm grip around her waist quickly turned into a gentler but steady hand by the small of her back whilst her own arm shot up towards his shoulder. For a moment, his eyes were drawn from hers to glance to her hand. The tense and concerned brows relaxed as he almost let out a relieved sigh upon hearing that he hadn't hurt her.

Then, his face showed a bit of surprise and awkwardness upon hearing her reproachful request. At first, he didn't speak - instead, he pulled her up. It resulted in the two of them standing rather close, but only for a moment. Head angled down, the Prince allowed his eyes to linger on hers before taking a small and careful step back to the spot that he had tried to move away from earlier. An apologetic look and a flat smile were offered in response to the polite reprimand.

For a few brief moments, the two of them stood in silence. The royal shot an awkward look to each of his sides, with eyes scanning the crowds. He was by no means a primary guest but then, most of those gathered could likely bring a few headlines if they acted out of the ordinary. From where he stood an uncomfortably high number of people seemed to have noticed the interaction and were continuing to throw curious glances to see the next step. A few people appeared to be digging for cameras while one had already snapped a picture or two.

When the girl spoke, his attention quickly turned back to her. A single subtle and confident shake to the head answered her question. "Vince Ivro Kalmorak" he introduced himself, not mentioning titles, house and planet. There weren't many in the galaxy who shared his name.

Rather than leaning back to deescalate, the Onderonian leaned forward. The same hand that had held her by the small of her back was extended to receive her hand for a hand-kiss. Whether she accepted or not, he would then offer a small nod and a bit of a smile before raising his other arm to point to a half-full table a few meters away, clearly indicating that they continue to spend some time together for the evening. "I believe one of our ministers mentioned the Geroux name. Do you often attend events like these?"

Tag: Vince Vince
Vince Ivro Kalmorak.

Just why was that name familiar? Seva wasn't quite sure where she'd heard it. She was fairly certain that he was correct; they hadn't met before. She watched closely, appraising him, as he placed a kiss atop her hand. He was most definitely a fellow noble. And he looked presentable -- even important -- in his crisp uniform, even if his hair could have been combed. Her lashes fluttered as she blinked, so he had heard of her family.

She glanced sidelong at Vince as they made their way to a table. "Yes," she answered with a nod. "My family does quite a lot of charity work, mostly at home on Commenor. However, I do attend events like this regularly."

The Commenori noble gave a polite nod to the others already seated at their table, but kept her attention on her new companion. "With all that's going on in the galaxy, it is nice to be able to make a difference." she asked, canting her head to the side slightly. For her own part, she actually did enjoy humanitarian aid... it made her feel useful. If not for this, she would likely be lounging around at home and sighing quite a lot as she waited for her father to marry her off. At least this way, he seemed pleased enough that she was making connections.

A quick glance towards the stage revealed that preparations were almost finished.

"And you?" Seva asked.
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

As the duo leisurely walked over to the round table, he listened to what she had to say about her day-to-day. A subtle lingering smile clad his lips and an approving nod was offered upon hearing that she attended charity auctions regularly. His eyes then ventured away from her and out over the grand chamber they were in before finally settling on a security guard. The gaze would wander from the uniform and down onto their weapon before finally returning to Seva and the path towards the table. While his eyes might have seemed absent for a brief moment, a smile soon formed and their normal look of empathy and understanding returned.

With a simple motion, the Prince pulled her chair out for her and helped move it into position as she seated. For a brief moment, he remained in the background as she made contact with the rest of the table. Naturally, he followed suit but left the greetings brief and formal, ensuring that he wouldn't get caught in another conversation.

After sitting down himself, the Warrior leaned back against the backrest as casually as someone who kept his good posture possibly could. Letting one hand remain down by his lap, Vince played his other strong hand onto the table, quickly making the cutlery next to it seem surprisingly small by comparison. "It does make a difference. One should never underestimate the funds which events like these brings." he spoke with a light youthful and open tone.

It quickly became obvious that he was not really maintaining much of a poker face when her question was asked. A surprised expression was followed by the royal pondering the answer before finally offering a simple "No, I do not attend events like these often."

He produced a genuine but somewhat awkward smile whilst gauging her reaction. Obviously, she valued these events highly and he had just been very open about not being in attendance often. Regardless. he continued "I have always preferred the training grounds or a field of battle. Things are much simpler there." A playful smile was offered "... and somewhat less deadly."

The Royal leaned forth to pour her and then himself a glass of water as the auctioneer stepped up onto the stage with a datapad in hand. "I suspect I might spend more time attending events like these during the times to come, however. The Iziz Daily suspects that my appointment as Ambassador was a way for her Majesty the Queen to encourage me to take fewer risks. I think they might be onto something."

Tag: Vince Vince
When Vince's expression faltered, and he admitted to not attending events like this, Seva arched a brow. However, his boyish charm and quip about the battlefield earned him a genuine smile -- quite a rare feat when it came to Seva. "Well," she said, smiling remaining. "Should you perish at tonight's auction, I shall send flowers to your family."

Speaking of family, when Vince mentioned the Queen, the pieces began to fall into place. She was Queen and likely Mother, she concluded. Crown Prince Vince Ivro Kalmorak, yes… that's where she'd heard his name before.

"The Queen sounds like a wise woman," Seva said, eyeing him somewhat curiously. Did they really let their Crown Prince set foot on the battlefield? Her own father wouldn't even hear of her training under a Jedi, not even with the promise that she wouldn't be in danger.

Seva nodded her thanks for the water and took a small sip. She glanced at the stage, and when her gaze returned to Vince, her blue eyes were warmer now. The noblewoman often came across a bit uptight or standoffish or snobbish, but she truly did seek a bit of camaraderie – especially from someone that might understand her.

"It looks like they're nearly ready to begin," she said. Of course, there would still be time for quiet chatting between auction lots. And though she kept her expression elegant and impassive, she wondered if Vince might count as a friend now… she had so few, after all.
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

A light but somewhat restrained laughter followed her joke. His eyes glimmered at her happily. Then, they ventured over, out across the hall and a somewhat absent-minded mumble under his breath escaped him. "There's probably someone here who's on the case already." His smile quickly reappeared as he turned back to her "But I'm sure they would appreciate a softer approach"

Vince was taking a sip of water Seva praised his mother. At the side of the glass, his lips could be seen happily twisting upwards in what would have been a smile. A nod was produced right before he set the glass back down "I think so too" he admitted softly before leaning his head to the side, as if weighing the other option "But then, I do miss the action and the fresh air when I'm doing ambassadorial work."

His gaze was drawn towards the centre stage. The Rodian presenter was clad in a long deep purple robe with a slightly lighter shawl. A golden brooch and a high sitting armband of gold and silver accentuated the Alien's apparel together with his greenish aquamarine skin. First, he looked out over the crowd with a hand resting by the podium's side Finally, he brought his free hand up and took hold of a neat gavel. With minimal force, he started to knock it against the podium.

The chamber quickly fell silent, allowing their auctioneer to present the event and himself to those in attendance. Waiters started moving in from the side to serve starters as some finely considered words on the importance of their generosity were spoken by the Rodian. Seva and Vince's table still stood empty when the auction moved to the first object: A seemingly ancient stone tablet from Tatooine. A low murmur started to spread throughout the chamber as people began eating and considering their bids. Leaning over, the Crown Prince whispered "Do you have any pointers on what to look for? I'm at a loss here."

Tag: Vince Vince
Kindred spirits.

Seva understood having to give things up to be a dutiful daughter. She glanced sidelong at Vince; it must be difficult for him to live two lives like that. After all, she'd tried for a short time. In the end, her father's dream for her was more important than her own.

When he mentioned missing the action of battle, Seva gave him a slight nod. Though she said nothing, her eyes were somewhat softer than before.

A bit absently, Seva turned her gaze to the Rodian presenter. The crowd had hushed, and the anticipation could be felt, almost like buzzing. The noblewoman let out a breath when the tablet was revealed. Yes, it was quite interesting… but it wasn't her sort of thing. "Hmm?" she glanced to the side at Vince and offered a reassuring smile.

"Pay attention to how the bidding goes for the first item," she said. "It often sets the pace for the entire auction. Bid confidently, but do not appear too eager." That was very important, Seva was quite well-practiced in the art of looking nonchalant. "Bid whatever the item is worth to you." She might have added something about budgets if she knew anything about what a budget was and how to stick to one.

Seva glanced back towards the tablet for a moment. "Not my style," she said, nodding towards the stage. "I'll sit this one out." But bidding would open momentarily if Vince was interested.
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

His eyes left hers to venture out over the auction. Just as she had instructed. They studied how a few individuals discussed among themselves by a table and a number of couples could also be seen exchanging words whilst looking at the artefact. Some appeared to be there as a proxy for someone else and seemed to have tight contact with their patron over comms.

A short "We are not all too fond of it either" he leaned over and spoke to her with a low tone.

Leaning back, he continued to watch the others. There appeared to be a few interested party in the vicinity who kept raising their hands to signal that they were interested. The price was increasing at a relatively rapid rate, yet the bidders looked wholly unaffected.

Vince leaned over to Seva once more with a simple "Why?" he lingered close by her side for a few brief moments before clarifying "Why not appear eager? Is it not advantageous to let everyone know of one's interest?"
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Tag: Vince Vince
Seva fixed the Crown Prince in a quizzical stare. And when she realized he was quite serious, she drew a breath. Goodness, he certainly was the genuine article. Most nobles she met were quite cutthroat, willing to do anything to get to the top and stay there. However, she didn't get this feeling at all from Vince -- whether or not that was good or bad, she wasn't sure herself. Though, she had to admit that it was endearing.

"It would be like revealing your hand at Sabacc," she said. Not that she'd every played the game, but Seva knew the benefit of keeping her cards close to her chest nonetheless. It kept people guessing. Of course, it was easy to be direct and honest, but Seva had been raised to believe that any social interaction was a game.

And she had to win at all costs.

"Doing so would put you at a disadvantage," Seva said, sagely. "Others may try to keep you bidding just for the fun of it, or they may even try to win it themselves, even if they don't really want it. All just to keep someone else from having it." That's the way she saw it, and it made sense to her. "Based on the way things are going, I'd expect some competition tonight."

Some competition did add excitement. Though, Seva would keep her composure even if it killed her. It was one reason why so many suitors had been discouraged. In her own mind, it was indeed their loss.
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

Curious brows fell into a state of contemplation as his eyes were temporarily shot into the distance. While it was hard to tell exactly what his thoughts on the Sabacc comparison were, it was clear that he had not heard of the comparison before.

Vince looked back to her as she continued. A hint of dismay clad his attentive eyes. "How unbecoming. To bid on something only to spite another." He shook his head disapprovingly whilst looking out over the grand chamber in which they sat. Quite a few parties appeared to be interested in the ancient tablet. But things were slowing down.

"Although, I suppose, if we truly are doing this for charity, driving the prices up might be a good thing" he offered a gentle smile whilst his grip on the paddle which laid on the table tightened.

Tag: Vince Vince
Seva wondered briefly if she'd said too much. After all, she was not seated next to a gaggle of gossips tonight, but the Crown Prince of Onderon. Her father had chided her many times for speaking her mind. A small smile found her when he responded, and she had to nod in agreement.

"Yes, I do suppose that's a good thing." While his grip seemed to tighten on the paddle, Seva's was untouched. Those that knew the auctioneer may not even need paddles at all, a simple nod or wink might do the trick. It wasn't long before the auctioneer's paddle hit the podium with a shout of, 'sold!'

There were murmurs of excitement before the next item was presented -- a painting of the famed Lake Country of Naboo. Seva canted her head to the side as she considered the auction lot. Well, it certainly was a pretty piece. She glanced to the side at Vince for his reaction. Though, she had a feeling that he would be drawn to different items, based on his comments about the battlefield.

"So," she said, leaning towards him. "What sort of things are you looking for tonight?"
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

Had the Prince been with his squad in a less formal setting, he might have made a bid on the item himself. At least after gleaning some insight as to how auctions worked and how it synergized with the purpose of this particular one. But then, he was not there with the squad. He was not even there as a warrior, but as an ambassador. The grip on the paddle was soon released

His eyes were drawn form her once more as the gavel hit the podium. They then studied the movements that followed. Nothing dramatic appeared to be going on. One woman a few tables to the right had a disgruntled expression marking her face. Meanwhile a smug smirk clad the lips of the Gran bidder by the table right next to theirs.

Then came the second article for the night. A palace in more aspects than one. As she leaned close, he did too, apparently eager to hear what she had to say. A soft smile shone through his eyes "We are not entirely sure. Paintings from foreign planets are risky. They are better suited as gifts from our counterparts on those planets. If I see something which could decorate the Coruscant Embassy, that could be interesting. Aside from that - well - we are keen on the practical."

Tag: Vince Vince

It seemed that the Crown Prince had a good idea of the type of items he was looking for at the auction. Though she didn't know him well, she knew he would do well as an ambassador. He was likable and had broken through Seva's rather guarded facade. "Practical," she echoed, lips curving into a dainty smile.

"None of the items on my list are practical,"
she said, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug. "Rings, necklaces, jewels... anything that sparkles, really."

Price wasn't an obstacle, of course. Seva could easily have shopped the high-end gallery stores for jewelry, but it was far more satisfying to say that she'd won the item. Bragging was rude, but sometimes, it was necessary in Seva's world. Though, she had a feeling the young man next to her was far too good-hearted to brag.

"The painting is nice," she said, glancing towards the stage one more time. A few white paddles went up to indicate bids -- it wasn't a wild bidding war, but it seemed to have a steady showing of interest. "Though, I could just as easily go to lake country and see it for myself."
Feeling Charitable
Talking to Seva Geroux Seva Geroux

A curious look was sent her way upon hearing her mention how she was not looking for anything practical. But he would let the matter slip for the time being. Instead, he simply listened to what she had to say.

His brows rose when she praised the painting. "Well, if you do want it, then this is your chance." the comment fell just as the auctioneer started his count-down - interrupted by a last minute bid which was quickly overtaken by the previous leader. Once more, the count-down started. From his seat, Vince watched in contentment.

Before too long, the painting would be sold and taken to the backroom for packaging. A pause would follow for the new item to be presented. Meanwhile, Vince turned to Seva "Why not?" he looked to her curiously and eventually clarified "Why not something practical?"

As the question was being asked, the next item was brought out onto the display. It was presented as an ancient - but still functioning - Jedi artefact. It was a Remote used to train blaster deflection; similar devices still saw use among Jedi today - this one likely stood out by how old it was and likely with its plethora of stored programmes. As if adding to what he said earlier, he nodded to it with an encouraging "That one could be fun, right?"

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