Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden

The Fel invasion of Kalee will be starting shortly and this will serve as the OOC for it. This invasion will be happening at the same time as the Republic invasion of Mon Calamari (which should be starting later today). All the information both sides will need can be found in the spoiler below.
he site of the next invasion against the Sith Empire is the Sector Capital of Kalee and the domain of Krag, the corresponding Sith Lord. Since Krag's subjugation of Kalee, the planet has become one large death camp where the locals have been forced into slavery by the Graug Hordes. As Krag's writer, allow me to give you an in depth look at what we will be dealing with. I would highly recommend reading the first post of this thread for the best understanding of what the planet will look like.
The Kaleesh are forced into death labor and the Graug have even gone as far as to create breeding camps where selected Kaleesh woman and men are forced to mate and when the act is done, the men are sent to death labor while the women stay to give birth. Graug tunnels are built throughout the crust of the planet and these are no small tunnels, they are large enough to build palaces in and fit millions of troops into. Krag's palace is located in one of these tunnels and it is safe to say that there is an overwhelming presence of both Graug Warriors and Imperial Stormtroopers. This planet is basically a fortress world and the bulk of the troopers are located in the tunnels that are highly resistant to orbital bombardment.
Objectives For Fel
1. Secure the space around the planet and set up a blockade to keep Sith reinforcements from landing.
2. Destroy "Krag's Arena" with a manual explosive device, causing a domino effect resulting in a collapse of major Graug tunnels
3. Recapture the Kaleesh capital of Kaleela which has become nothing more but housing for slaves who live in ruins of their former capital.
4. Combat Sith in PvP