Lucien Atika
Beast Hunter's Guild
Base Camp:
Lucien sat restlessly with his back against the trunk of a rather large tree. Absently etching runic spirals in the dirt with a stick, he pondered the immense freedoms he had just been given. It had been the first time in six years since he had left the smuggler's moon and he dreaded having to return. He hoped the expedition would prove to be lengthy. Snagging a Nexu or two would be no quarrel at all. but to capture a black furred Nexu could prove otherwise. They were exotic among the rest, and for that reason Mitts's had to have one. Hell, he desired to have one so bad the greedy Rodian shelled out the credits to hire the authority in the matter.
Lucien was unsure when to expect [member="Mrrew"], but he didn't mind. He could look up and see the sky, close his eyes and feel the breeze. He didn't know who the man he was awaiting for was, but he could take all of the time in the world.
Mitts's was nice enough to provide Lucien with a camping package. The camping package being a large wool blanket and a couple of labeless cans. Needless to say, it hadn't taken the hunter long to set up camp.
Base Camp:
Lucien sat restlessly with his back against the trunk of a rather large tree. Absently etching runic spirals in the dirt with a stick, he pondered the immense freedoms he had just been given. It had been the first time in six years since he had left the smuggler's moon and he dreaded having to return. He hoped the expedition would prove to be lengthy. Snagging a Nexu or two would be no quarrel at all. but to capture a black furred Nexu could prove otherwise. They were exotic among the rest, and for that reason Mitts's had to have one. Hell, he desired to have one so bad the greedy Rodian shelled out the credits to hire the authority in the matter.
Lucien was unsure when to expect [member="Mrrew"], but he didn't mind. He could look up and see the sky, close his eyes and feel the breeze. He didn't know who the man he was awaiting for was, but he could take all of the time in the world.
Mitts's was nice enough to provide Lucien with a camping package. The camping package being a large wool blanket and a couple of labeless cans. Needless to say, it hadn't taken the hunter long to set up camp.