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Feline on Feline Violence...Sorta (Mrrew)

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Base Camp:

Lucien sat restlessly with his back against the trunk of a rather large tree. Absently etching runic spirals in the dirt with a stick, he pondered the immense freedoms he had just been given. It had been the first time in six years since he had left the smuggler's moon and he dreaded having to return. He hoped the expedition would prove to be lengthy. Snagging a Nexu or two would be no quarrel at all. but to capture a black furred Nexu could prove otherwise. They were exotic among the rest, and for that reason Mitts's had to have one. Hell, he desired to have one so bad the greedy Rodian shelled out the credits to hire the authority in the matter.

Lucien was unsure when to expect [member="Mrrew"], but he didn't mind. He could look up and see the sky, close his eyes and feel the breeze. He didn't know who the man he was awaiting for was, but he could take all of the time in the world.

Mitts's was nice enough to provide Lucien with a camping package. The camping package being a large wool blanket and a couple of labeless cans. Needless to say, it hadn't taken the hunter long to set up camp.
A sleek freighter pierced the atmosphere of Cholganna, a bit late, as Mrrew's comlink had malfunctioned. Nontheless, he was still arriving. Very quickly after the ship entered the lower atmosphere of the planet it began to spiral towards the camp, piloted gracefully by Mrrew's skilled astrodroid. Mrrew was getting himself ready in the armory. He'd never hunted a Nexu- but he'd always admired them. Catching a black one...? That would be hard. But he already had a plan for that, it wasn't cause to worry. The Togorian turned from his personal armory after a moment, wearing his normal bandoleir and gunbelt, his blaster pistol and sword hanging from the belt, and his Chiru rifle in his hands. This would be a fun hunt.

The Togorian had no idea who this [member="Lucien Atika"] was that he was sent to meet, but his employer paid well. That's what mattered. A few mintutes after landing, the freighter's ramp burst open, letting out a hiss of escaping air as the atmosphere of the ship adapted to Cholganna's. A moemnt after the ramp slid to the ground, Mrrew stepped down it, sniffing the air a few times before he turned to the little camp. He was certainly looking forward to this hunt.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
The sounds of a descending ship pierced the silence that had wrapped tightly around Lucien as he dozed. Assuming the ship to be that of none other than Mr.[member="Mrrew"], Lucien found his way to his feet and began to stretch the stiffness from his bones. Lucien couldn't help but feel excited. He had fought a nexu on Nar Shaddaa, but he imagined a much different battle should the creature have home filed advantage. With out any doubt, Lucien was out of his element. The grass beneath his feet and the sweet scent of the trees was far different than the cold steel walkways and smog of his home.

'I should of been born a nexu' He thought to himself.

Turning his head to the sky, he followed past the roars of the engines in time to see the ship duck down a few hundred from the camp just beyond a tuft of trees. With a bittersweet sigh caused by anticipation and slight remorse of his passing meditation, Lucien began off towards the ship expecting to meet this Mr. Mrrew.
(Sorry for the late reply, computer died, yada yada, replying when I can, etc etc.)

Mrrew blinked down to the slave boy as he came within the Togorian's sight, frowning slightly. Hm. This was the 'professional hunter' that this 'Mitts' man sent? He certainly looked like he could hold his own- there were a few visible scars- but he seemed... Something. He seemed horribly out of his element. Mrrew briefly wondered if he'd been born on Corusaunt, or one of the other horrible worlds where there's no wildlife, just buildings and polluoutin in all directions. He quickly pushed away that thought. There was no wway someone born on a horrible world like that would be able to hunt the monsters his Guild faces daily.

The Togorian stepped off the ramp of his freighter before it closed itself automatically, and nodded at [member="Lucien Atika"].

"Are you ready?"

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
(All's well man, I ain't going anywhere)

Lucien peered blankly at the humongous @Mrrew

Mrrew said:
"Are you ready?"

The words floated for a moment unanswered as Lucien stood frozen. Quickly, however, the boy recovered and gave a reassuring nod. "Absolutely!" Lucien patted at the vibrosword hanging off of his hip. "Ever hunted them before? Nexu I mean." Truly Lucien was not expecting Mr. Mrrew to be a Togorian, but the boy had seen stranger beings. More than anything else he was simply amazed by the equally majestic as it was exotic furred mass of muscle.
(I got a new computer, so i'll be responding more to this once it gets set up. :) )

Mrrew smiled slightly at the young hunter. He may be out of his element, and he may or may not be very good at this... But he was eager. Which meant if he was out of his element, he was probably willing ot learn fast enough not to get eaten. It did bother the Togorian, however, that he brought a vibro-blade to this rather then a rifle... Was he planning on sword fighting the Nexu? Blades were all well and good, he'd brought his own, they were fantastic if you're disarmed.... But when fighting monsters, they should be a last resort. It's always best to fight from a distance if what you're fighting can gore you, gut you, and eat you within ten seconds. Nontheless, Mrrew didn't comment on that, reather he awnsered [member="Lucien Atika"]'s question.

"A Nexu? No. I imagine they're not to much harder to take down then a Hssiss. They pounce on you from the trees, though, don't let one get overhead."

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
[member="Mrrew"] ((Glad you are back on the grid :p))

Lucien noticed the reluctant gaze made towards his dull and weathered blade. With a reassuring smile he chimed, "She's met a few Nexu don't worry." Lucien told the truth, but their natural habitat was far different then the stone floored arenas he considered to be the home floor advantage. One on one and tow to toe he had absolute confidence, but trees would play an uncalculated factor in his war plans. Lucien felt a little disgusted with himself for appearing under-prepared to Mrrew, and for not having a prepared strategy to present. He had been daydreaming for hours beneath the trees, but had put forth no effort towards the preparation. Some hunter he must of seemed.

He would work twice as hard to prove himself in execution
(More late repliues. Argh!)

The Togorian raised the rims of whisker-like hairs above his eyes that served as his eyebrows. So he's taken down Nexus? Prehaps he underestimated [member="Lucien Atika"]. Still, he seemed horribly out of his element. Mrrew shrugged.

"Assuming you don't want a rifle, you're going to be the bait. If you're as good with that sword as you say you are, you should be able to hold back a Nexu long enough without it ripping out your throat that I can get a tranq in it from a distance. Watch out for the furry octopi. They're known to eat Nexu."

And Mrrew started towards the woods.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
'Furry octopi?' Lucien mumbled softly. Anything that swallowed Nexu was deserving of worry. The bait part bothered him far less. And as for the rifle, the boy was too prideful to admit he wouldn't know what to do with it. He gave a confirming nod as [member="Mrrew"] turned away before joining him at his side as they trudged off into the vegetation. His heart was already beating with excitement due to the adventure lying before him. The bluntness in which the Togorian was not unusual to Lucien, but there was an aura that surrounded the great cat that Lucien could not help but bask in. It was inspiring and Lucien had a suspicion that Mrrew was more than a hunter. Maybe he was something big in the Republic, or maybe even the Sith. Either way, already he had been nicer than most Lucien had associated with...
Mrrew smiled as the boy fell in line behind him. He didn't know if he was a good hunter, or even decent with that sword, but he was at least a good human. And that was saying something. He dosen't much like humans. As soon as the Togorian stepped into the forest, he moved differntly. His unshoed paws moved quieter, seeming to almost walk above the ground rather then on it, with the miniscule amount of noise it made. His ears swiveled constantly on his head, twitching at the slightest sound. Mrrew held his Chiru rifle high, ready to shoot at a moment's notice. He was hunting.

Now, to find evidence of a Nexu..
[member="Lucien Atika"]

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
[member="Mrrew"]'s presentation changed the moment the duo broke the tree line. Instantly the Togorian allowed the predator to take over, and silently sped deeper into the trees. Lucien struggled to keep up and even more so to do so quietly. Lucien had drew the blade and allowed it to rest against his hunched back as he crept behind the larger figure. He considered disposing of the tattered shoes on his feet. Perhaps that would make him move quietly like Mrrew. Despite how worn and poorly kept his clothing was kept his shoes were most certainly the worst. It only caused the the silver slave tracker around his ankle to stand out ever more dominantly silently flashing to it's own rhythm.

Deeper and deeper into the jungle they wandered...
The Togorian continued to move swiftly through the underbrush of the forests of Cholganna, keeping alert and ready for the sound of any predators. He could hear [member="Lucien Atika"] marching on behind him, rather noisily through the fallen leaves and brush. Suuddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Mrrew stopped, and stared down to the forest floor around his feet. A large brown chunk sat broken over the carpet of fallen leaves. As far as Mrrew knew, Nexus were the only large species on the planet other then the tree-dwelling octopi. And he was fairly certain this wasn't from an octopus.

The Togorian spun around to Lucien, nodding.

"Bait time."

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien's heart leapt to his throat and he felt his face growing red. Hiding his nervousness with as big a smile as he could muster, he gave a nod aof affirmation. "Where do ya want me?" The boy asked [member="Mrrew"] as he tightened the grip on his sword. Peering beyond the great Togorian he awaited orders. Despite his cold gaze, Lucien couldn't see whatever it was that had peeked the interests of Mrrew. Nonetheless, he anxiously awaited the Togorian's command. Besides, he needn't see the mark to be bait!
Mrrew smiled slightly at [member="Lucien Atika"]'s eagerness. He just hoped that he wouldn't get eaten alive by a Nexu. Hopefully his sword skills were as good as he said. The Togorian dropped a hand to his waist, and pulled out a long and jagged, but clean, knife, before handing it to Lucien.

"Blood attracts predators."

After that, Mrrew gestured into the forest ahead, in the direction they were walking, and raised his Chiru rifle.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien, confused by [member="Mrrew"]'s intentions, peered towards the knife for a moment. Quickly the Togorian's plan registered with Lucien and he grabbed the knife from Mrrew's hands. Lucien removed his tattered shirt to reveal his scarred body. Unflinching, Lucien cut an incision across his chest causing thick crimson blood to form. Wiping the knife on the tattered shirt he handed it inversely back over to Mrrew. Droplets danced down his stomach as he crept ahead. He was perfect bait as he truly had yet to spot the mark. The grip on his blade was loose to heighten a reflex response to an attack that was inevitable.

Peering back only once to receive an approving nod from the Togorian, Lucien pressed further into the thick vegetation. The target was to be captured opposed to killed, but Lucien half hoped Mrrew would fail to acquire a shot. In the case, he would be able to prove himself to the great hunter. The dangers of such an event failed to even cross his mind...
Mrrew once again raised the rims of whiskers that served as his eyebrows to see the mass of scars across [member="Lucien Atika"]'s chest, and was even more suprised to see that he willingly made a rather large cut across his chest. Interesting. The Togorian didn't speak, however, as he took the knife, and raised his Chiru rifle once more in the direction Lucien was running.

Mrrew stayed close enough behind Lucien to keep him in sight, but far enough away that a Nexu may not see him. The perfect distance for a shot. This boy may or may not be the hunter 'Mitts' said he was, but he was certianly brave... running ahead to be bait when a Nexu was almost sure to maul him. Hmm. Prehaps he should hire him.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Insuring to make a ruckus, Lucien darted from tree trunk to tree trunk pressing in the direction [member="Mrrew"] had beckoned. The sound over head broke his concentration. The sound he knew from the arena. He didn't look up. Instead, Lucien tucked and rolled close to the trunk of the nearest tree as the a great furred mass leapt from a low branch. The low growl, however, had been localized, and belonged to multiple Nexu. Lucien called back to Mrrew.

"Watch yourself!"

As he fell away from the beast he swung with his momentum catching the beast across the jaw. His hands were met with satisfying resistance as the dulled sword cleaved the soft points of the Nexu's mouth. Lucien took no time to find his feet. Using the tree to his advantage, Lucien posted defensively facing the wounded Nexu. There was no way this was the Nexu Mrrew had spotted, and it was unlikely the pack consisted only of the two...
....Oh, feth. There's more then one. Mrrew frowned deeply, and quickly adjusted his aim towards the wounded Nexu near [member="Lucien Atika"], moments before a third of the pack leaped from the trees, attempting to tackle the Togorian. Luckily, he was quick. Mrrew moved to the side with agility, the Nexu's claws missing by a few inches. "Poodoo!"" The Nexu quickly turned, growlingng,just as the Togorian raised his Chiru rifle once more. A dart flew from the end of the rifle, sinking into the Nexu's shoulder just as it leaped at Mrrew. The smarttranq was amazingly quick, as it was designed to be, and Mrrew was tackled to the ground by an unconcious Nexu. But there were still others, and Mrrew was pinned under the huge beast.

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
The shrill characteristic growl of the third Nexu caught Lucien's attention briefly. Out of his periphery he witnessed [member="Mrrew"] be swallowed by the vast Nexu's body. His own target, noticing his distracted prey lunged high towards the boy's throat. Lucien instinctively fell into a roll, but as he did he buried the the tip of his blade into the wounded Nexu's under belly. As he rolled beneath the pounce, the blade ruggedly tore through the beast's belly. As he rose to his feet, the Nexu had spilled onto the dead leaves although Lucien wore a fair amount of his kill.


Darting towards the Togorian, the boy failed to notice the two Nexu that had been attracted by his metallic smelling blood. Before he could reach the Togorian he found himself cut off by one of the beasts. His dodge was late as a fierce claw pierced deep into his shoulder knocking him prone.


He had been careless.
A Togorian's strength rivaled a Wookiee's, and Mrrew was quick to shove the sedated Nexu off of him. Only in time to see one of the others slash it's sharp claws into his hunting partner's shoulder. Poodoo. Mrrew didn't waste time getting up, it would only attract the attention of the other Nexu, he simply snatched the Chiru rifle off the ground where it lay, and quickly rose to a knee. The other Nexu turned, standing between Mrrew and [member="Lucien Atika"], and released another shrill growl. A small sharp dart flung through the air from the barrel of his rifle silenced it quickly, but it took a few precious seconds to load another couple darts....

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