Father of Titans

- Intent: Create a personal sword for Tyra
- Image Source: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrafice
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A

- Manufacturer: Tyra
- Affiliation: Tyra
- Market Status: Closed market
- Model: Personal sword of Tyra. Named Fellhammer
- Modularity: No.
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Netherworld Force Shard
- Crucible Steel Taken from the weapons in the Field of Blades.
- Human bone scales/grip held together by Steel pins.
- Hide wrapping from Iron Demon.
- Classification: Carolingian/Ulfbert Sword
- Size: Average, 43in/110cm
- Weight: Extremely Heavy, ~1,500 lbs/680kgs
- Force/Magick Imbued sword.
- Innately reacts to the usage of altering the weapon's "Inertia"
- Nigh-improbably odds of destroying the weapon. Extremely durable due to Force connection
- Its a sword, so it's sharp, and "never dulls."
- Workhorse sword. Good for stabbing, slashing, Half-swording, wielding with two hands. Typical sword stuff.
- User is able to specifically alter the weapon's Inertia through the force. Providing the ability to be immovable, or be so easy to swing, it takes no effort. Users imagination on anything further.
- Massive impacts, and rather easy to cleave through materials with its mass taken into account.
- Of course, Force Nullification.
- Not the longest reach. Other melee weapons could likely put the user at a disadvantage requiring to be much more closer to the enemy than others.
- The weapon is unnaturally heavy. Kindred Sith Swords gain increased mass due to the process of forging. So does this, but to an extreme degree. Requiring the use of Inertia/Telekinesis to operate.
- No less-than-lethal options with this weapon. Getting smacked with a rod of metal weighing over half a ton is probably gonna kill someone.

Tyra, plays life by keeping her cards close to the chest. She shares not her life before, nor what she did there, or how she got here. To her, all that matters is continuing to survive. Continuing to fight, and to battle. Her early life, was spent in the Netherworld. A unique case in which she knows not of any worlds, or dimensions before. Only attempting to live, breathe, and survive in a literal hellscape. The many battles, and influxes of beings entering, and leaving the Netherworld, aided her escape from such. It is from here, she brings with her, Fellhammer.
A straight sword, broad face, and a rather plain design, excluding the pommel's shape and ornamentation. Forging the blade from fallen warriors in the Field of Blades, combing through to find suitable relics of eons of wars, provided a good start to create a Crucible Steel. An amalgamation of steels, irons, and other metals into one. Creating a bloom from which a long, and tedious process of forging the weapon, folding it in upon itself, and bringing to length. Full tang leading to the addition of two wolf heads facing one another. Snarling eternally. The handle is comprised of two scales, or bones, that have been affixed through the tang with pins, and finally wrapped with hide from an Iron Demon that had been felled by Tyra some time before. While initial looks would have shown a clean and immaculate blade, it now bares scratches, and battle damage. Scarring the weapon as a testament to its ability to not be destroyed by other weaponry.
However, it is unsure if during the process of forging, that the sword was so steeped in the aura of the Netherworld, or was incorrectly forged through the force, the weapon is extremely heavy. Weighing well over the weight of possible strength feats of Near-human species. While wookies, or other such beings are rather strong, it would still be extremely heavy for them to wield without difficulty. Yet, Tyra, has created a solution for the weapon.
Altering it through the force, the wielder can change the inertia of the weapon. Allowing the weapon to be wielded as deftly as a rapier, or to be quite possibly, impossible to pick up by pure strength alone. In testing, Tyra is able to directly affect the weapon through the force. And whomever holds it, could also. However, outside forces attempting to wrench the weapon while in the direct hand of the wielder, won't be able to do so.
This effect, provides the wielder to swing a sword, that would be impossible to do so naturally, that can hit with an immense force.
Weapons for eons have been coined as a "Force Multiplier." in this case, it did.