Fenn Kre'An

(IMG Credit: Wookiepedia, random Bothan.)
NAME: Fenn Kren'An
FACTION: Imperial Remnant (Or whichever has stepped into its place)
RANK: Pilot/Gunner
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 166lbs
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Chestnut brown
SKIN: Tan fur; leathery skin beneath.
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+)Walker Pilot: Fenn pilots an AT-ST walker, and is capable of both driving or gunnery duties, depending on who he's working with. He's very familiar with the scout walker's armament and general balance, leading him to be one of the better-skilled operators of the twin-legged beasts. Fenn + walker = danger to anyone on the wrong end of it.
(+) Keen Engineer: Aside of piloting the AT-ST walker Fenn is so used to using, he takes active part in repairs and maintenance efforts as well; having a natural knack for mechanics and inner workings of engines, furthered through formal education through university, and later relentless study of field manuals and tech sheets pertaining to the AT-ST's internal workings. This ensures familiarity with the vehicle; there's often little work done that he's not aware of in some way upon it.
(+) Quick Reflexes: Fenn's got some fast reaction time versus external stimuli; something that serves him well as a walker pilot, able to swiftly assess and respond to changing conditions and surprises as necessary. Fenn's one of the few who can, and has, successfully bring his walker out of a stumble if he's got time to do it, and if it's a lost cause, he's gonna be quick to know when to brace for impact.
(+) Claws/Dirty Fighting: It's one thing to get a fist in the face, it's quite another to have said face nearly ripped off. Fenn's fingers end in sharp claws, capable of some mean cuts if he's desperate in a fistfight which, if he's brawling hand to hand, is most times. If it means walking away alive, he'll scratch the hell out of you, throw dust in your eyes, hit you in the groin, you name it; honor and fair fights are for fools and the dead.
(+/-) Bi-Lingual: Fenn can speak galactic basic and Bothese fluently, and has some understanding of Huttese as well, meaning he's likely going to be good at handling himself in conversations in these languages, but it also means he'll know if someone drops a Huttese curse in his direction thinking the Bothan doesn't know it. Ignorance is bliss, sometimes.
(+/-) Sensitive hearing: Bothans have got some pretty sharp hearing, given their long, tapered ears. Fenn can pick out sound very well, and has a good ear for knowing where said sound is coming from, but it's a two edged sword; too many sources at once can disorient him, loud noise is gratingly painful, and sonic-based weapons are a very real nightmare to him.
(+/-) Fur: Fur! It's fantastic for the cold; Fenn could go without clothes and still have some modest protection from exposure against the colder temperatures, but spirits help him if it's hot. Needless to say, Fenn likes his surroundings slightly cooler than hotter; a beach is nice, a desert is torturous.
(-) Fragile: Fenn's not a soldier; he can fire a sidearm pistol fairly passably but he's not foot infantry. Separate him from his walker and engage in hand to hand, it won't take much to knock Fenn out. Bothans are not big people. As such, Fenn is lightweight and small, and whilst that serves well for speed, he lacks comparative strength and mass; he can be outpowered and manhandled by larger combatants if it comes to it.
(-) Callous: It takes a special sort of person to turn an AT-ST's main guns, capable of pounding large holes in thick armor plating and emplacements, on groups of light infantry, but Fenn can do it unblinking, justifying it as fair response in conflict and, frankly, a service to put down someone stupid enough to attack a vehicle with small arms. Inflicting death doesn't bother Fenn, he's got several inches of durasteel and some thick mental walls to protect him physically and mentally from what he does. Given he's wanting to move up to the larger AT-AT behemoths, he's clearly not changing his ways anytime soon, either.
(-) Hot-headed: Fenn is prone to outburst, like many Bothans, and is by no means a stranger to fights, taking little provocation to get flared up and defensive. Call him fuzzball just once and you'll probably get a hydro-spanner thrown your way for your trouble. He's got one hell of a foul mouth, too. As such, it's very easy to lure Fenn into a situation he cannot easily get himself out of simply by playing to his short fuse.
(-)Bothan Way: Again, like most of his fuzzy brothers and sisters, Fenn observes the Bothan Way; what's good for Bothawui and its people is paramount. Unfortunately, Fenn's stubborn attitude makes him view his solution to that desire as the only correct one; seeing the Bothans' historical involvement in rebellion movements as foolishly provoking larger, more powerful factions, such as the old Empire. This partway explains his political alignment running counter to his fellows; Fenn feels a return of Imperial power would better serve Bothawui rather than instability, and that service to the Empire would better demonstrate Bothan skill, intelligence and ingenuity to the human-centric group, as opposed to stubbornly defying them.
Fenn is small, stocky and scruffy; almost a caricature of Bothans as a whole. From his head to his toes, he's covered in a light tan coat of thin fur, protecting his body from the elements somewhat, whilst the top of his head, jawline, the underside of his forearms and his spine are lined with thicker, downier chestnut fur. Like all Bothans, Fenn has a very animal-esque appearance; a muzzled face ending in a black nose not unlike a dog, complete with claws at the end of his fingers and toes, flesh-padded palms and soles, as well as a 'mane' running down the length of the nape of his neck.
Against a human, Fenn appears shorter than average, and certainly lighter; whilst he is squat and stocky, certainly a physically solid example of a bothan, he won't be towering over anybody easily. Whilst on duty, Fenn dresses in the expected uniform, but off duty, he's rather casual, preferring looser and more comfortable clothes, or warmer weather clothes in standard climates to help bleed off any excess temperatures. It's not uncommon to see him in a singlet and shorts working over his walker during downtime, for example.
(I'll map this out in full detail when ideas don't jam. I am open for critique and potential ideas for how to make this guy fit; essentially he's come from a simple and pretty unremarkable background. Graduates school with decent marks, enough to get him into an engineering degree that he takes on with full effort and graduates middle-of-class. University brought political learnings (politics so central to Bothan life) and Fenn finds himself wholly supporting not the republic,etc, but the Imperial remnant and their ideals. I'm open as to how he actually gets to where he is now, too, behind the yoke of a walker. I'd imagine it could possibly be out of necessity than choice.)
Fenn's AT-ST Scout Walker, "Cavalier". Fenn doesn't have a personal starship, however; he goes where he is assigned to go, usually stationed aboard larger capital ships or patrol drop-vessels.
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