Ayhia Katar
[SIZE=11pt]Races: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force sensitive - all Fenrial are force sensitive and have the ability to use force powers to some degree.[/SIZE]
Empathetic - They also have an ability to share and understand emotions and feelings of each other also to limit degree other races. But due to their risk of change strong emotion can be felt and cause problems for them.
[SIZE=11pt]Heightened Senses: Their hearing, smell, eyesight and taste are better than the majority of other species allowing for better hunting instincts, but it is also able to be used against them as sensitive ears can pick up ultrasonic frequencies. Unfortunately with anything that hypersensitive their senses can be used against them,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The change: while not all see it as a bad thing the change as a bad thing the overall result of a full change remove all traces of sentience from the individual that undergoes it and there's no way back from a full change.. The change is caused by all manner of things including emotions, pain and the force. Emotion is one of the biggest issues all emotion causes the change, most are just minor changes that are easy to revert from. Negative emotion on the other hand cause the Fenrial to change rapidly. This change also has a tencendey to impede impulse control and often leads to rash decisions. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Emotionally suppressed - Due to risk of the Change all Fenrial tend to come off as emotionally distant or odd to other races, either being almost completely devoid of it or only showing specific emotions. This can make people uncomfortable [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The Fenrial are fierce and disciplined warriors whom are often skilled in both martial and ranged weapons. How ever the three fractions all go about their own military differently. The Herstia have a high level of discipline amongst the ranks though the Herstia’s own form of martial arts. They like to use force imbued weapons like swords, spears, polearms, bows and crossbows. While to many these weapons seem primitive to the current level of technology the galaxy is at but in the hands of these honorable warriors it makes them a deadly force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Eftrial fight with brute force and guerilla tactics to fight, although many see them as savage and brutal when opposing them. Many weapons they use often seem to be makeshift or rather blunt weapons. Though those who have allowed themselves to partially change prefer to fight bare hands due to the increased length and sharpness to the claws.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Finally the Ankri. Due the their inability to let go of technology they have improved upon weapons of war. They much prefer to use weapons like slugthrowers due to the resources been on world and easy to make. Those of the upper ranking use more current technology sonic weapons and disruptors. To the other two clans these are more superior in might.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]art's -[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]While the Fenrial themselves show little emotion themselves they do show them in other ways. Art is one of these avenues. Fenrial take pride in everything they do no matter which of the three tribes you experience, though each ones art styles vary vastly all of them will bring awe. The Herstia favor in tapestry and woven colours fabrics to make beautiful pieces of art. The most common to be seen is the clan's emblem that can be seen hung from most homes. As for their homes they use stone, dark wood and clay, that often tower to three floors or large single floored homes. Most homes tend to have a tall wall around it's perimeter and large gates. Although in the more built up areas the homes are close together. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Eftrial often depend on the resources of nature to create art. They use cursed flowers to make dye and carve wooden statues. Their homes are often built around tall trees and large cave systems. Each home is built into the environment that merges in a way it could be considered beautiful. The homes also tend to have patterns engraved into the walls with grate care. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Lastly the Ankri prefer art in a more free and active form of art. They pride themselves in more animated and lifelike art. This expands onto mostly entertainment. … … [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Science and technology -[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The Fenrial has been brought up in the age where technological and scientific advances are achieved everyday. So the basic knowledge is passed along among their childhood in education. The Fenrial also involve themselves in the developments on Lanahandria[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]. Many big projects that could better the society tend to be funded by the government to not only help but inspire.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Historical Information:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Fenrial Spices do not have much of a history beyond their own world. They were first discovered shortly before the Sith wars begun by a rogue group of sith that tracked the Fenrial ships. With their armies they managed to invade only a small portion of the world before being pushed back until their defeat. Although not without loss themselves. A large city of Fenrial was kidnapped and experimented on only to discover that they all turned into beasts that resembled little of what they were….[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]After the what the Fenrial called the Dark incursion was defeated, The Fenrial retreated completely from the galaxy, to the point that they were thought to be extinct. For a long time the Fenrial kept themselves isolated from the galaxy, in fear of what they might do or what might be done to them. It was not until the clone wars did the Fenrial step back onto the Galactic stage, when a separatist ship landed on Lanahandria with intent to drain the fertile planet of resources. A mistake they paid for dearly as they rediscovered the Fenrial by way of blade and gun. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]As the enemy left the Fenrial launched their own war fleet, which had lied dormant for many years, and joined the war on the side of the republic. Unforntally the war ended little more than 5 month later with order 66 being used. At first the Fenrial tried to assist the Jedi, even managing to save a few, before turning tail and vanishing. But before they withdrew once again they had one more mission, their involvement in the war so far had been mostly covert with only contact with the Jedi so far. When the Jedi temple came under attack by Darth Vader, the Fenrial acted quickly. A strike team inserted into the temple with the mission of removing all data pertaining to their race. During the mission the saved three archive tending Jedi, whom then helped the Fenrial remove the data in question, Albeit with some coercion. When the Squad pulled out they offered to shelter the Jedi they had rescued and they accepted after realizing that it was that [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Intent: A new player race as well as a plot device to further ORC and Ranger unit storylines[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]How to properly source your images[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Canon: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Name: Fenrial[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Designation: Sentient[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Homeworld: Lanahandria[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Language: Basic, Lupillious[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Average Lifespan; 180 for males 195 for females[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Estimated Population:Planetary [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Description: A race of tall, pale skinned people with canine ears and a tail.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Breathe: type 1 + type 2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Average height of adults: 1.80 for males 1.75 for females[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Average length of adults N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Skin color: White to black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Hair color[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: White to black[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Distinctions: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Have Canine traits[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Humanoid Appearance[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Flexible Tail[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Elongated ears[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Change: the change is something that occurs to the Fenrial with the presence of emotion, the more emotion the more you change. Now while the change is not viewed as a wholly bad thing, there is a point where it becomes so. All emotions cause the change but negative ones cause it to happen much more rapidly, and while a Fenrial will slowly revert back to completely normal over time there is a point of no return. That point is called going feral, going feral is when a Fenrial loses themselves completely to the beast within, becoming nothing more than a mindless monster whom only cares about base instincts. This level of change is permanent, or at least thought to be permanent as none have ever come back from that level of change. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Races: [/SIZE]
- [SIZE=11pt]Herstia: Dwelling mostly in the highlands of Lanahandria, the Herstia are a group that have dedicated themselves to control of their emotions and self. They wish to maintain the purity of their race and strive to prevent the change as much as possible. They tend to come off as cold and calculating but will never go back on their word, Honor is something the value immensely. The Herstia also have the most force users on the planet, mainly cause they train in the use of the force from a young age.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ankri: The Technofolk of the planes, while most of their breatren have abstained the use of tech the Ankri have not. They keep developing as a race and have kept up with the rest of the galaxy for the most part, though like the rest of their people have not ventured back out into the galaxy. The Ankri are the middle ground not really seeing either side as right or wrong but just another way to live. The Ankri don't tend to have very many skilled force users as most of the people from the Ankri rely on tech. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eftrial; Also known as the wildlings and living in the lush and dangerous forests, the Eftrial are the most tribal of the three with many sub factions within the group as a whole. They are the group that embrace emotion the most, learning to use it in a positive way. It is very common to see partial changes among them and it is quite acceptable as well. They also tend to be very warlike and leaders are determined by martial combat. While the Eftrail are the most combative they tend to have very weak forces users with power that are at best makeshift and forced.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Ferals: Fenrial that have lost themselves or given into to their wild nature and have become little more than animals. They no longer resemble their counterparts having turned into wolf like beast that stand like men. (Think werewolves)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Strengths: [2 minimum][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force sensitive - all Fenrial are force sensitive and have the ability to use force powers to some degree.[/SIZE]
Empathetic - They also have an ability to share and understand emotions and feelings of each other also to limit degree other races. But due to their risk of change strong emotion can be felt and cause problems for them.
[SIZE=11pt]Heightened Senses: Their hearing, smell, eyesight and taste are better than the majority of other species allowing for better hunting instincts, but it is also able to be used against them as sensitive ears can pick up ultrasonic frequencies. Unfortunately with anything that hypersensitive their senses can be used against them,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weaknesses: [2 minimum][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The change: while not all see it as a bad thing the change as a bad thing the overall result of a full change remove all traces of sentience from the individual that undergoes it and there's no way back from a full change.. The change is caused by all manner of things including emotions, pain and the force. Emotion is one of the biggest issues all emotion causes the change, most are just minor changes that are easy to revert from. Negative emotion on the other hand cause the Fenrial to change rapidly. This change also has a tencendey to impede impulse control and often leads to rash decisions. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Emotionally suppressed - Due to risk of the Change all Fenrial tend to come off as emotionally distant or odd to other races, either being almost completely devoid of it or only showing specific emotions. This can make people uncomfortable [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Diet: Omnivore (leans more towards Herbivore) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Communication: Spoken, body language[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Technology level: Space age[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Religion/Beliefs: The fenrail believe that they are the children of the twin gods Emria and Horim. They believe that they were created to bring joy and companionship to the two lonely gods and that they were free of the change. But on day a favorite of the god horim turned away from him and he grew jealous and cursed them with the change. Not knowing that his sister Emria would also be affected she turned with the cursed and left him even more alone as the Fenrial ran from his sister in terror. To save his people he cast her and himself into the sky and became the suns [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]General behavior: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The Fenrial are fierce and disciplined warriors whom are often skilled in both martial and ranged weapons. How ever the three fractions all go about their own military differently. The Herstia have a high level of discipline amongst the ranks though the Herstia’s own form of martial arts. They like to use force imbued weapons like swords, spears, polearms, bows and crossbows. While to many these weapons seem primitive to the current level of technology the galaxy is at but in the hands of these honorable warriors it makes them a deadly force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Eftrial fight with brute force and guerilla tactics to fight, although many see them as savage and brutal when opposing them. Many weapons they use often seem to be makeshift or rather blunt weapons. Though those who have allowed themselves to partially change prefer to fight bare hands due to the increased length and sharpness to the claws.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Finally the Ankri. Due the their inability to let go of technology they have improved upon weapons of war. They much prefer to use weapons like slugthrowers due to the resources been on world and easy to make. Those of the upper ranking use more current technology sonic weapons and disruptors. To the other two clans these are more superior in might.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]art's -[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]While the Fenrial themselves show little emotion themselves they do show them in other ways. Art is one of these avenues. Fenrial take pride in everything they do no matter which of the three tribes you experience, though each ones art styles vary vastly all of them will bring awe. The Herstia favor in tapestry and woven colours fabrics to make beautiful pieces of art. The most common to be seen is the clan's emblem that can be seen hung from most homes. As for their homes they use stone, dark wood and clay, that often tower to three floors or large single floored homes. Most homes tend to have a tall wall around it's perimeter and large gates. Although in the more built up areas the homes are close together. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Eftrial often depend on the resources of nature to create art. They use cursed flowers to make dye and carve wooden statues. Their homes are often built around tall trees and large cave systems. Each home is built into the environment that merges in a way it could be considered beautiful. The homes also tend to have patterns engraved into the walls with grate care. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Lastly the Ankri prefer art in a more free and active form of art. They pride themselves in more animated and lifelike art. This expands onto mostly entertainment. … … [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Science and technology -[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]The Fenrial has been brought up in the age where technological and scientific advances are achieved everyday. So the basic knowledge is passed along among their childhood in education. The Fenrial also involve themselves in the developments on Lanahandria[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]. Many big projects that could better the society tend to be funded by the government to not only help but inspire.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Historical Information:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Fenrial Spices do not have much of a history beyond their own world. They were first discovered shortly before the Sith wars begun by a rogue group of sith that tracked the Fenrial ships. With their armies they managed to invade only a small portion of the world before being pushed back until their defeat. Although not without loss themselves. A large city of Fenrial was kidnapped and experimented on only to discover that they all turned into beasts that resembled little of what they were….[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]After the what the Fenrial called the Dark incursion was defeated, The Fenrial retreated completely from the galaxy, to the point that they were thought to be extinct. For a long time the Fenrial kept themselves isolated from the galaxy, in fear of what they might do or what might be done to them. It was not until the clone wars did the Fenrial step back onto the Galactic stage, when a separatist ship landed on Lanahandria with intent to drain the fertile planet of resources. A mistake they paid for dearly as they rediscovered the Fenrial by way of blade and gun. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]As the enemy left the Fenrial launched their own war fleet, which had lied dormant for many years, and joined the war on the side of the republic. Unforntally the war ended little more than 5 month later with order 66 being used. At first the Fenrial tried to assist the Jedi, even managing to save a few, before turning tail and vanishing. But before they withdrew once again they had one more mission, their involvement in the war so far had been mostly covert with only contact with the Jedi so far. When the Jedi temple came under attack by Darth Vader, the Fenrial acted quickly. A strike team inserted into the temple with the mission of removing all data pertaining to their race. During the mission the saved three archive tending Jedi, whom then helped the Fenrial remove the data in question, Albeit with some coercion. When the Squad pulled out they offered to shelter the Jedi they had rescued and they accepted after realizing that it was that [/SIZE]