The Darkness feeds me
Tyranus paced around the outside training area now cleared of last weeks training session of beasts. Tyranus wore his black tanktop with white bandages wrapping around part of the middle and upper part of his torso. This was to protect and help heal his wounds from last week although they were doing a slow job at it. Silver chains clipped and clacked as they his against his armored outer thighs. His lightsabers were now clean of his red blood and now were a bright silver as the were once they were created.
Tyranus paced around the outside training area now cleared of last weeks training session of beasts. Tyranus wore his black tanktop with white bandages wrapping around part of the middle and upper part of his torso. This was to protect and help heal his wounds from last week although they were doing a slow job at it. Silver chains clipped and clacked as they his against his armored outer thighs. His lightsabers were now clean of his red blood and now were a bright silver as the were once they were created.