Ferrin Los
Togorian Jedi - Aspiring Guardian

NAME: Ferrin Los
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Togorian
AGE: 23
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Togorian
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 197 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Orange-Blond Mane
FUR COLOR: Ferrin is clad in sandy-toned fur with black accents.
- Physical Power: Ferrin is a Togorian and like the majority of his species he is able to easily overpower smaller races in the galaxy. His form is strong and rugged, capable and dealing terrible blows and withstanding much the same.
- Intelligence: The Togorian is incredibly intelligent for his race. Quickly noticed by Master Jir'aal, he was taught the basics of mechanics, mathematics, and computing.
- Feline Senses: He's a giant cat. He has a great sense of smell and hearing.
- Size and Stature: While his large frame certainly helps him boast intelligence, Ferrin struggles with agility. While easily capable to perform the Soresu style with the application of efficient movement, he will likely struggle with acrobatic saber arts.
- Feral Instinct: Once more, a trait of the Togorians, Ferrin carries many of their instinctual behaviors. When wounded he will fly into a rage. He fosters strong attachment rather quickly in a pride mentality.
- Carnivore: He's a carnivore. His diet is limited to meat alone, this could make a survival situation on a desolate world a nightmare.
- Weak in the Force: Ferrin, despite being a Jedi, is not a particularly powerful user of the mystic force. Beyond a canny ability for Force Heal and Precognition, he struggles to levy any real strength into his Force Powers.
- Soresu Duelist - Expert - Ferrin is an prodigy of the Soresu form. His uncanny intelligence and natural brawn make him an ideal candidate for the defensive form. Maximizing his movements, efficiently using his body, and levying his natural intelligence makes him a dangerous defensive combatant.
- Mechanic - Expert - Ferrin exhibits an deep aptitude to tinker, build, and understand mechanical gear. He has a strange, almost innate, understanding of machinery and electronics that was furthered touched upon by his master.
- Medicine - Intermediate - Ferrin is well-versed with first-aid and battle-field medical procedure. The concept of surgery, however, is at best tenuous.
Ferrin is, simply put, big. His body is built like a gnarled oak with thick branches extending in the four directions of his limbs. His torso, being similarly proportioned to his form, makes him an imposing figure indeed. Covering his body is moderately thick sandy blond fur. Smooth to the touch, it's accented by black stripes that run bilateral on his chest to the corners of his viridian eyes.
In respects to his people, he'd be moderately handsome in the face. His muzzle is broad and well-shaped. His facial fur is even and unblemished, and his features are relatively circular and noble. His felinoid eyes are colored a deep forest green, shining brightly in low lights.
Togoria: Ferrin was born on the world of Togoria just before the strife that has since consumed the world. He never knew a life without Sith Warriors razing homesteads, slave camps, and the all-to-realistic fear that one would not make it to the next day.
Togoria: Ferrin was born on the world of Togoria just before the strife that has since consumed the world. He never knew a life without Sith Warriors razing homesteads, slave camps, and the all-to-realistic fear that one would not make it to the next day.
He spent his early days in one of these many camps, toiling with a pick-hammer to extract the world's meagre resources for their maniacal overlords. Right before pubescence, however, the Force seemed to favor him. A Human Jedi, Jir'aal, broke into the camp in a flurry. In a lightning attack, he single handedly liberated it's occupants. Ferrin was the last to leave with the Jedi as the master sensed a deal of potential within him.
Ferrin spent the next stage of his life in one of intense training. Moving from hideout to hideout with a small resistance force, Master Jir'aal taught his new Padawan the ways of the Force. Ferrin struggled at first. His brazen attitude and intelligence played against him as he tried to outsmart his mentor, rather than learn from him. It wasn't until Ferrin constructed his first lightsaber and began to master the arts of Soresu that he realized his calling.
Coming to the conclusion that Jedi could be warriors and protectors of the weak, he vowed to become a Guardian, to be powerful, and then protect his people. What he lacked in raw aptitude with the mystical arts, he made up for in sheer determination with a saber at his side. It wasn't long before he was sneaking away and undergoing his missions, exasperating his master to no end.
Eventually, however, the occupation came to an end. The world was left a blasted wasteland and Jir'aal felt his duty was finished. Jir'aal knighted Ferrin on the world, despite the lack of a proper council. The elderly master remained, his vigil ended. Ferrin, on the otherhand couldn't stay still, and smuggled himself off-world. One day he would return and lead his people.