Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Festival of Lights

Chroma Zed

Sophia had been Viceroy for several years now of a little planet on the outskirts of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was one of the lesser known planets and often overlooked as it didn't serve as a base for the military or government. There were not any major exports from the planet or imports. Chroma Zed was a peaceful planet with no real problems to speak of and if there issues Sophia liked to keep it in house.

Before the planet was liberated it had been under the control of a warlord whom had used and abused it. The people had been slaves and made to serve him while the beauty around them fell to shambles. The trees, flowers and all the wildlife withered away and died. It had taken much planning and hard labor to get the planet back into shape. It didn't happen in a day or a year even but over time Sophia watched all the hard work she put in began to pay off as the planet began to flourish once again.

When Sophia was younger she always saw herself in the Navy forever and rising to the position of High Admiral one day. She still had her hands within the Navy and always would but now her dreams of the future were different. She wished for a better Chroma Zed and to clean up the more shadier parts of the planet. Never did she think she would find herself in such a political position but now she couldn't think of going anywhere else or doing anything else.

The meetings and political mess was something she could do without but she knew it was a necessary evil to see changes actually take place. Her favorite thing to do was to visit the different districts of the planet and meet with the citizens. They at times she found had the best of ideas on how to better their home. Sophia was well aware that she didn't know it all and she didn't try to know it all. She was here to serve them not the other way around.

Today Sophia was headed to Kai Kai which was located nearby one of the many beautiful waterfalls of the planet. She was visiting the part which was within the mountain itself which for her was a first. She had been to the district itself to meet with the leader but hadn't had the chance to just visit like she did now. There were of course still a few meetings but mainly she was here to meet with the citizens and immerse herself in the culture now that everything was shaping up. Sophia honestly hadn't had the time to do that until now and was admittedly going a little stir crazy. This she was looking forward to. She needed to have a little fun after all that had been going on.

Due to what happened in her personal life Sophia had buried her face in her work and barely took any time out for herself. This visit while mainly made for work related purposes was in taking place during a festival which would force Sophia to get out there and have some fun.

The whole area inside and outside of the mountain had been decorated in bright colors, blues, purples, greens for the celebration that was to take place. The street vendors were even all set up selling various trinkets or food. It was beginning to smell really good even with the party just getting started. There was too be music and dancing as well throughout the whole day. The party was just getting started.
[member="Sophia Walsh"]

"No no I clean." Ikki stood there in her best syntatex outfit as she cleaned after some of the guests... Just because she was here to enjoy herself didn't mean the petite atrisian couldn't tidy up. Make sure Sophia was taken care of after everything. Her duties demanded it after all and she made sure the gloves with mono-filament spools were hidden away and her launcher for safe keeping. Some protection but walking about unnoticed she brushed herself off. "Misses Walsh your guests are quite messy." She kept a look on her face and offered a smile though to it all straightening her headpiece.
A festival he could go to and call it work? This whole working for the CIS thing was a thing of beauty and he did not pass on the chance to get to know a culture a little bit better. Dressed in an expensive, brightly colored outfit, Aldo fit into the crowd quite nicely. The energy in the air was amazing and he immediately joined the festivities with a smile on his face. His blaster was tucked snugly in his boot as he danced around with various people, drinking wine that the locals kept calling the best wine in the galaxy, but really it did not even come close to some of the wines he had tasted in his day. Corellia, now that place had some good wine, and darn good whiskey as well.

Before long he was feeling tipsy, though it was not the best, that did not stop him from drinking more and more of it. He knew better than to get too drunk, though, so he got to a good level and he began to slow down so that he did not lose his wits. He was still the new guy within Spynet so he did not want to get terminated so quickly, and he had a feeling that they did not just fire people, what with that extensive background check he had gone through. They seemed to enjoy the idea of getting a "prince" within their ranks. He was not sure if they knew that his father hated him, but hey, they did not ask so he did not tell.

As he danced through the crowds, tried various foods, he realized he was having an excellent time but it was already much later than he had initially thought. Checking his watch, he groaned, it was getting time for him to get to his "duties" which included infiltrating the leaders of the planet and getting information. Maybe infiltrating wasn't the best word.... he was disguised as an intern who was essentially the leaders errand boy. None the less he would be around him enough to maybe hear something if they were planning anything. It all seemed so.... worthless. Why were they concerning themselves with this planet in the first place?

Then, out of the corner of his eye, a stunning woman caught his eye. She had dark hair, piercing green eyes that looked as if they had seen things far beyond the norm for a woman of her age, and a look like she had not had a moments rest in many a day. She intrigued him, but at the same time, she looked familiar. Not familiar in the sense that they had met, more like, he had seen her picture somewhere or someone had warned him not to talk to her for some reason. Either way, he ignored that notion, she was far to beautiful for him to not speak to.

Then he remembered where he had seen here, the briefing before he had come to the planet, Sophia Walsh was a Viceroy. Hm, maybe she would not know him, after all he was working within the spynet division and they were supposed to be secretive. Oh well, he had made his decision, he was going to at least speak to her. "I did not think the Viceroy would be gracing us with her presence this evening!" He had to raise his voice to speak over the commotion of the festival. "Would you like to try the "finest" wine in all the galaxy?" He smirked, emphasizing finest wine, letting it be known that he spoke sarcastically but all in good fun. Lifting the bottle up, he handed it in her direction, offering her the half full bottle of red wine. He made no mention of his position within CIS, if she asked, he would tell.

[member="Sophia Walsh"]

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