Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Festival of N'thall

Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Today seemed to be rather unusual.
Valery had requested Iris to join her onboard the shuttle but without explaining anything about where they were going, or why. Normally, their plans were detailed out so Iris had time to prepare and get ready for whatever came next in her training. But today that seemed to not matter to Valery. She waited on the shuttle and had the engines powered up already. So when Iris entered, she was greeted with a smile and Valery would gesture for her to sit down.
"Glad you're here, Iris." Valery began.
The second the girl sat down, she had her course plotted and took off from Ossus. The two Jedi entered the vacuum of space soon after and began their hyperspace jump to the destination of today's adventure: Voss.
"Today we're going to do something a little different," Valery said as she allowed auto-pilot to take over.
"I'm taking you to Voss to see and participate in the harvest festival of N'thall. I think you'll enjoy it because the people of Voss are rather spiritual in some ways, and their style of art is quite lovely. But we're not there just for pleasure. I want you to go through a small trial of sorts that helps you learn more about yourself. It's not the easiest thing, but it ties nicely into some core beliefs of the Jedi."
"But before we go out there, have you heard about Voss before? And what it's like?"


"No, I can't say I have." Iris smiled softly, shrugging her shoulders to Valery Noble Valery Noble as she sat down in the shuttle. A trial, huh? While the Padawan wasn't too sure what she thought about another trial, she wasn't against going to see this new world. It wasn't a long trip to the planet, but when the arrived, it immediately hit her.

Voss was Different.

She wasn't sure how else to word it. The colors around weren't like most other worlds. Even the tree on Tython wasn't like how this world was. The inhabitants, they knew the Force in a way that changed the colors to harmony. It was a place she could see clearly. Reality, the colors, she didn't have to fight through to see both. Iris practically had her nose to the glass as they descended onto the world, wonderment and joy obvious in how she carried herself.

The concept of a trial was forgotten. All that was left was the idea of the festival and what she'd actually see when they made it there.

Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery smiled as Iris glued herself to the glass to look out into the world they were landing on. She didn't know much about Voss yet but Valery knew better than to bombard Iris with a ton of history and information about the planet, and how its people follow the guidance of the Mystics. With Iris' unique way of seeing the world around her, she'd figure things out naturally.
"See those bonfires?" Valery asked as a small village came into view.
"We're heading to that village. The people who live there are quite welcoming, and even outsiders can join in on their dances and rituals as long as they behave." Or at least, they were that welcoming thousands of years ago. But some things never really change, right?
"The bonfires play a role in your trial but you'll find out more later."
The two then landed close to the village and began to move through Voss' beautiful terrain. They seemed to be near a vast forest, split in half by a river that had the village built around it. But as they moved, Iris would perhaps pick up on something darker as well.
From not too far away, the Voss Nightmare Lands were calling out to her. But Valery seemed to ignore the call completely, and instead guided Iris into the town, where festivities had begun already. Children were running around playing, people were dancing and tons of market stands were selling hand-crafted items and art pieces.
"See anything you like?"


Bonfires, people, children playing, art. Iris was in a world of her own, watching everything with wide eyes and a big, childish grin. It was a beautiful place, for sure. Even the darkness of the nearby nightmare lands couldn't put a damper on this. Her gaze shifted, watching those jungles for a few moments. It was.. Calling for her? She tilted her head for a moment, watching the dim colors. What was there that wanted her?

"I think I like all of it. Everything is so.. Bright." Iris turned her gaze back towards Valery Noble Valery Noble , smiling faintly. "Thank you for bringing me."

Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"Of course," Valery said with a chuckle. "It's important for you to see more of the Galaxy. But during our stay here, only remember that the Voss are a bit... suspicious of outsiders. Don't give them a reason to get angered." She smiled after this. Valery didn't think Iris would stir up any problems with the natives, but it was good to be aware of possible tension.
"Now, let's first knock out the trial. Then as a bit of a reward, you can join in on the activities or look around at all the art."
She smirked and began to guide her Padawan away from the town, and to the forest close to the Nightmare lands she had felt calling earlier. With each step they took towards it, the call got stronger, tempting the soul more to venture inside.
"Following what I said about the people of this village and their spirituality, this trial is about understanding yourself better. As Jedi, we look to improve ourselves constantly so we can better help others. But to improve, you must first recognize your flaws, your fears, and your weaknesses." she said as the two began to walk through the Forest. The part untouched by the Dark Side would feel vibrant in the Force to Iris, a stark contrast to the Nightmare lands.
"This trial is about recognizing those things, and overcoming them."
She stopped in the middle of the forest and turned to her Padawan. Valery then reached for a small knife and offered it to Iris.
"I want you to think about your fears or your weaknesses. Try to find at least three and carve them into a piece of a tree trunk. Keep it short and to the point." she explained.
"Once you're done, I will explain more."


Warry of outsiders? Her gaze shifted to the people around them. All partying, all celebrating. They didn't seem to care about the pair of Jedi walking in their midst. Though, she didn't focus on it long. Instead, she followed after Valery Noble Valery Noble , into the woods, the clearing where the light remained. Her eyes focused on the light within the darkness. But.. Weaknesses she knew? Her fears?

".. What if I'm not sure what they are? I only know one." Which she carved into the tree. Uncertainty.

Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"It's not about quantity, but honesty," Valery answered.
Valery then watched the girl as she carved the first thing into the tree, and offered a gentle smile. The woman then walked over and carefully cut the piece out of the tree, but she didn't explain or show why quite yet.
"Look deep down and carve those things you feel hold you back. It can be small, it can be a deep fear. It can even be just something that you feel confident in overcoming soon. As long as you feel it can hold you back." She explained before she began piercing a small hole in the piece of wood in her hand.
"If it ends up being one thing, that's fine. If there are five things, that's fine too."


Oh. The amount didn't matter. Iris looked plenty relieved before her gaze turned curiously towards what Valery Noble Valery Noble was doing. Cutting out the piece? Was she making a charm? No, that didn't matter. The Padawan's gaze again turned towards the tree as she thought deeply on just what else her weaknesses could be. Uncertainty for sure, but wasn't that the source of all of what could be said was her weaknesses?

There were more she would of put up before. More that she'd worked on. Gotten better about. Paying attention to the world around her. Not using the Force as a crutch. Her lips thinned for a moment before she wrote something else. Rather than a word, she left a name. Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri .

Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery watched quietly and much like the first word she carved into the tree, she would also remove the next one. Again, she pierced a small hole into the piece of wood and then produced a piece of string. After a little magic, she showed the two pieces of wood tied up together into a simple bracelet or necklace of sorts.
"The idea behind the trial is simple." Valery began.
"Weaknesses, flaws, fears — they are heavy burdens for a Jedi to carry in their duties. While you can't escape them, it's important to be mindful of them and to set the goal that you always improve yourself. So you're always reflecting on your current self."
"With the trial, you carve them into a piece of wood and physically carry them with you until you've conquered them. Once you have, it's tradition to return to this festival, and burn the piece of wood in one of the bonfires."
Valery smiled and offered the item to her Padawan.
"I don't expect you to always be wearing this around your wrist or neck, but keep it somewhere and remember what you've written down. It once helped me overcome some of my most crippling fears. I hope it can help you, too."
She stepped towards her Padawan and patted her on the shoulder.
"Now, why don't we go join the celebrations, hm?"


Wait, that was what they were doing?

Iris blinked slowly, glancing to the charms, then to herself. Then back to the charms. It made sense, carry around the weaknesses until a time she could say she overcame them. Uncertainty. She truly did want to overcome that. Be the kind of Jedi that Valery Noble Valery Noble was, so sure in her actions. Inspiring. It was the other charm she kept staring at. How was she going to conquer Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri ?

She frowned a little, but took up the charms anyway. Tucking them away in her belt. She'd figure it out at some point.


Location: Voss
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
After completing the first part of the trial, the two Jedi moved back to the village where festivities were still very much ongoing. It was now roughly evening on Voss, which meant the large bonfires were quite a sight to behold, and even more people had gathered around them. Some to burn a charm or two, others to simply dance and enjoy local food together.
"Do you want to go for a dance?" Valery asked as they walked into the village.
A few kids were jumping around, being wild, and dancing to no particular rhythm despite the music that was being played. Some were encouraging others to join them, Iris included. The fact they were outsiders hardly seemed to matter right now.
"We can also go through the market and look at some art first. Or perhaps you can make something. Expressing yourself through art is part of the festival. Music and dance are common, but painting has used a well."
Valery gestured for the market nearby, where tons of hand-crafted items were not only being sold, but also being made. The creation of art was very much an ongoing thing at the festival of N'thall.

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