Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Feya Havlock

Feya Havlock


NAME: Feya Havlock
FRACTION: None yet.
RANK: Bounty Hunter
AGE: 20
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.62 m
WEIGHT: 55 kg
EYES: Honey brown
HAIR: chocolate brown
SKIN: fair skin



-Excellent with a blaster
-A extremely fast learner
-Amazing with all weaponry
-Can repair droids

-Not a confident pilot

-fear of heights
-Lacks empathy



Feya Havlock was born to Sadne and Marcus Havlock on the planet Naboo. The Havlock family were well known for being extremely wealthy and had been for generations. Marcus had managed to keep the credits in the family to provide his wife and child with everything they ever wanted. Feya never had to go without anything as a little girl, and was given the very best of everything. Although she was surrounded by high society and riches her parents made sure she understood how lucky she was to be in her position. Marcus also dedicated a lot of his time teaching his daughter how to protect herself. She learnt how to shoot as soon as she was old enough to wrap her little hands around a blaster. Feya continued to practice her aim for more time than she did her hair. She soon sparked an interest in different styles of hand to hand combat, and studied them with awe and enthusiasm.

As the years pressed on it was obvious Feya had a talent for fighting, which was something her father liked to drag about at dinner parties. She had grown into a beautiful yet dangerous young woman and was the apple of many young men's eye. Nearing Feya's sixteenth birthday her perfect little world crumbled. Traveling home one night from a late opening ceremony Feya's parents were killed for the bounties on their head by notorious gun for hire Garvis Yoon. Left orphaned and bitter Feya decided she had nothing on Naboo, so taking her best blaster and all the money her parents left her she fled the planet to hunt down the man who took her parents from her.

Although Feya didn't know it at first, she was not the only one hunting down Garvis Yoon. A Hutt crime lord also wanted him dead, and was offering a high price for his head. After a year of relentless hunting and chasing, paying for information and a place to stay, Feya's money began to run out. Having been used to living in such lavishing conditions, the young woman would only settle for the best, and her funds were running low. As she continued to track the murder of her family, Feya took part in killing a few other bounties for quick credits. At first she felt guilty for seducing men to their deaths, trading kisses for a blaster shot in the chest...the pretty girl from Naboo began to not feel a thing.

When Feya was seventeen, her persistence had paid off. After months and months of handing in bounties and murdering rivals, she finally found Gravis drunk in a cantina on Nar Shaddaa. After luring the murderer out of the building with promises of a night alone...she beat him in an alleyway to the point of near death, before shooting him down. At long last, she had her revenge. Proudly she traveled to the Hutt crime lord's palace and dumped the head of Gravis Yoon in front of him and demanded her reward. Along this journey for vengeance Feya had earned herself a reputation of being one of the most ruthless killers in the galaxy.




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