Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Feydrik Munin


NAME: Feydrik Munin

FACTION: Mandalorian

RANK: Warrior, Munin Clan


AGE: 29

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 187lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Shaved head.

SKIN: White.


- Expert hand to hand combatant, vicious combatant. Feydrik is a violent, capable man.

- Disciplined and hard-working, Feydrik's years of training have paid off and made him mentally resilient and physically fit, and has no problem going toe-to-toe with even stronger species such as Trandoshans.

- Feydrik is prideful, and easily angered over small, trivial things that he doesn't want to deal with.

- Feydrik struggles with reading, due to his dyslexia.


Physically imposing due to a physique that has been honed in by years of brutal training, combat, and competition, Feydrik always has the appearance of someone aggressively leaning forward, even when not physically doing so. His eyes are a sharp blue, and constantly, or nearly always, narrowed.


Feydrik was born to backwater parents on a backwater world, and as a youth, to supplement his love of wrestling, worked as a construction worker. Years of training and fights paid off, and Feydrik was an up-and-coming fighter in the Outer Rim and Inner Rim in some circles, known for his brutal takedowns on his opponents. Further into adulthood, Feydrik was approached by a passing Mandalorian, who remarked that if he wanted to live a truly disciplined and challenging life, to give up professional fighting and pursue a more worthy cause.

Taking the oath, Feydrik abandoned his old life and pursuit of selfish titles, and instead, sought glory for his new culture, his new people, and his new clan. Feydrik seeks to prove himself, much like he did in many rings and arenas.



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